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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

IFocus, I would not place too much credence in Barrie Cassidy as he is a typical Julia Gillard brown nose.
Poor Barrie Cassidy faces the prospect of mourning the slow and tortuous death of Gillard Labor for almost another 12 months.

The looming budget outcome may well prove the mercy rule for him.
I totally understand how you feel. I also absolutely detest this government.

That isn't a good reason to toss objectivity away and imagine that the polls are somehow politically influenced.
Don't you think there are Labor supporters out there who - just as you are an ardent Liberal supporter - are prepared to support the government despite all their stuff ups?

Having worked for Australia's largest market research company some years ago, I'm very conscious of the rigorous attention to methodology to ensure the sampling and questions are without bias.
These companies exist purely on their reputation for integrity: they are not going to jeopardise that.
If there were anything odd going on, don't you think the 'losing' political party would be all over them with accusations of bias?
On the contrary. I have never, ever heard any politician from any side question the integrity of the major polling companies.

If you think about it, most of us associate with others who have a similar philosophy both generally and politically.
I had some friends here today and we indulged in a mutual session of agreement of how much we wanted the government gone. We pretty naturally are attracted to reinforcement of our existing views and are resistant to considering an alternative.

Maybe consider that rusted on Labor supporters behave in exactly the same way as rusted on Liberal supporters, endorsing the government despite all its stuff ups. These people would have been as upset about the Howard government as you are about Gillard's reign, and would also naturally gravitate in their daily lives to others who share their political philosophy.
I don't run into too many Labor supporters either, can't actually think of more than a couple, but I attribute that to my choice of company.

And this is about the polls in general diverging from the real results in the last few weeks in the last two state elections.
I can't comment on that. I only take notice of Federal and Queensland polls.
Perhaps people changed their minds on polling day. No idea.

poll of poll on the Insiders (wont see that on Bolt info-iiberal-mercial) worth a look
Very interesting. Those simple graphics make very clear what has been happening.
Largely it seems the Libs built support on the back of Tony Abbott's campaign against the carbon tax which was immensely successful. But people are now perceiving the reality of the tax to be less of an impost on their lives than Mr Abbott had suggested. Thus, pretty reasonably, Mr Abbott's credibility has seen a downturn.
The government's ridiculous accusations of misogyny have probably also had an effect on some swinging voters.

(This is, of course, leaving aside the Prime Minister's current hypocritical suggestion that she is going to save all Australians $250 p.a. on their power bills. Well, Ms Gillard, just remove the damn tax instead of insisting what you call 'gold plating' be discontinued, something that will likely result in black outs on hot days.)

IFocus, I would not place too much credence in Barrie Cassidy as he is a typical Julia Gillard brown nose.

Noco, the analysis in the excerpt posted by IFocus wasn't of Barrie Cassidy's confection. It was a graphically presented analysis of the year's polls which anyone of a mind to do so could check for accuracy.
if the Labor internal poll is credible, it appears the Queensland swinging voters are on the move. But why would they release this research?:dunno:
It occurred to me after hearing about the London nurse who committed suicide yesterday that in spite of whatever mental problems she already had there will always be a hint of blame attached to the 2 radio hosts who did the prank. Even though nobody could have predicted that something like this would happen, nevertheless it was a reckless thing to do as they had no idea what effect it might have on vulnerable people.

When Family Radio host Harold Camping predicted the Rapture would occur sometime last year, many of his followers who believed such nonsense ended up penniless after giving all their possessions away and I think there was even one lady who committed suicide, believing she was undeserving and would be left behind to face the horrible fate awaiting those who were not chosen.

So did Gillard and her advisors think through the possible consequences of her Tripple J prank last week when she confirmed that the Mayan calendar predictions were correct and that the end of the world will happen this month? Of course one would have to be stupid not to know that it was a farce, but there are many stupid people out there and it reached a worldwide audience through YouTube. There are also many smart people out there who are always looking for ways to make a quick buck.

So are we going to see lots of vexatious lawsuits and perhaps even a few genuine ones blaming Gillard for some detrimental consequence that resulted from them believing or pretending to believe what she said. Are we, the Australian people, going to have to foot the bill to settle these claims as that may be a cheaper option than fighting them in court (as was one of the cases brought on by Slipper's accuser). After all, it isn't Gillard's money and we know how reckless she can be with other people's money.
I had the same thought myself bellenuit re Gillards 'end of the world' speech in the light of the nurse's suicide. I also heard a lady ring into ABC radio last week practically in tears about global warming and it occured to me that if people get so worked up about this and someone (heaven forbid) were to commit suicide would the likes of Tim Flannery and Al Gore be held to blame?

Gillard should know that you only p1ssfart around with stuff like that when things are going very well, if at all. Her primary job, as the title of the thread suggests, is to inspire confidence. Doing this crap, even though it's plainly in jest, will cause an association between *bad news* and *her on screen*. This association will enter the collective unconscious and push national confidence to new lows, and that will be reflected in the numbers......later on. What a fr1ggin idiot, seriously. She has no idea.
Can you imagine John Howard or any other PM doing that ?

It demeans the office of Prime Minister, but then, she's found many ways to do that.
Can you imagine John Howard or any other PM doing that ?

It demeans the office of Prime Minister, but then, she's found many ways to do that.

She should have got Emerson to do it.

"End of the world on my TV screen"

"End of the world on my TV screen"

"End of the world on my TV screen"

"Shocking me right out of my brain"

Both of them are dills.
Some of the comments following Michael Smith's remarks are interesting, e.g.

Unfortunately I don't think any of our politicians inspire confidence.

I am sick of the whole AWU issue. Either Dr No has to provide some damning evidence to the police, or please start debating on the issues that are important to the country We're facing a mining investment cliff next year, and unless the banks can con first home buyers to pay over inflated prices for new property there's not going to be another engine of growth till the AUD drops off its Reserve status perch.

After experiencing the NBN at my parents house I will say at least Labor have a coherent and beneficial strategy for providing a 21st century telecomms network to all of the country. I still don't know what the LNP are going to do. Even MT can't make up his mind if he has a fully costed or not policy, but he can build it quicker and cheaper, even though he says you need to do a BCA.

These days I'm reminded of Brewsters Millions and Vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE. That's pretty much how I feel now
IEither Dr No has to provide some damning evidence to the police, or please start debating on the issues that are important to the country

I think having a crook as PM is important enough, where there's smoke there's fire and Gillard is looking very guilty, you cant associate with the types she has without being involved.
And Dr No as you put it is just one of a majority of Australians that say "no" to corruption and incompetance.

The rest of your post is interesting, I wonder what's in store for the economy next year.

I'll tell you something if the "experts" don't know the whole thing is a guessing game.
Sydboy, Dr No wouldn't have to be so negative if this government were competent, handling taxpayer funds prudently (including strong border control) and passing good economic policy.

I suppose on the same basis you would also call police prosecutors negative?

Once again, it is labor trying to make any down turn in the economy Abbott's fault for "talking it down" rather than placing the blame on their own economically damaging policies, spending sprees and incompetence.

Over $250 billion in debt (after inheriting $20 billion in savings just five years ago) and they want to blame it on something Abbott says. Get real!

This Dr No and Noalition nonsense is absolutely pot, kettle, black stuff.
I am sick of the whole AWU issue. Either Dr No has to provide some damning evidence to the police, or please start debating on the issues that are important to the country

If asking for an enquiry, to look into union officials and politicians conspiring to defraud union members, is negative, then I think you could count most Australians as negative.

Is it negative to want a corruption-free government? There is no issue more urgent than this.
Some of the comments following Michael Smith's remarks are interesting, e.g.

And this,
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