poll of poll on the Insiders (wont see that on Bolt info-iiberal-mercial) worth a look
Poor Barrie Cassidy faces the prospect of mourning the slow and tortuous death of Gillard Labor for almost another 12 months.IFocus, I would not place too much credence in Barrie Cassidy as he is a typical Julia Gillard brown nose.
I totally understand how you feel. I also absolutely detest this government.Julia, while you accuse me of not complaining when the libs were more in front, neither did I complain about the polls favouring labor in 2007. Sentiment was clearly against the libs and the polls confirmed it. This is not about what I want...
This is about the polls in general that are diverging from perceived strong sentiment which is frustrated and fed up with this government. I don't think I have heard anyone actually like listening to Gillard and many, if not most, mute their TVs or change channels if she comes on. I have read of some having soft toys handy to throw at her when on TV in utter frustration.
I can't comment on that. I only take notice of Federal and Queensland polls.And this is about the polls in general diverging from the real results in the last few weeks in the last two state elections.
Very interesting. Those simple graphics make very clear what has been happening.poll of poll on the Insiders (wont see that on Bolt info-iiberal-mercial) worth a look
IFocus, I would not place too much credence in Barrie Cassidy as he is a typical Julia Gillard brown nose.
internal Labor Party research that showed the government's primary vote had slipped back to 33 per cent and it faced a catastrophic result in western Sydney. The poll showed Labor would pick up two seats in Queensland, and possibly one each in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. But it would lose three in Tasmania and up to 10 in NSW
I had the same thought myself bellenuit re Gillards 'end of the world' speech in the light of the nurse's suicide. I also heard a lady ring into ABC radio last week practically in tears about global warming and it occured to me that if people get so worked up about this and someone (heaven forbid) were to commit suicide would the likes of Tim Flannery and Al Gore be held to blame?
Can you imagine John Howard or any other PM doing that ?Her primary job, as the title of the thread suggests, is to inspire confidence. Doing this crap, even though it's plainly in jest, will cause an association between *bad news* and *her on screen*. This association will enter the collective unconscious and push national confidence to new lows, and that will be reflected in the numbers......later on. What a fr1ggin idiot, seriously. She has no idea.
Can you imagine John Howard or any other PM doing that ?
It demeans the office of Prime Minister, but then, she's found many ways to do that.
I'm not full of formal qualifications or degrees, I have a few life experiences. I find all this legal stuff boring and tedious to follow.
All I have heard from Wilson, was the parrot parody interview with abc. He doesn't strike me as the sort of bloke who has the patience or intellect to dream up this whole scam taking government money. He seems more likely to grab some muscle, and storm the beach head (or rig) . I believe the whole scheme was the idea of someone far more intellectual, patient, and devious. Was there anybody like that within his social circle?
IEither Dr No has to provide some damning evidence to the police, or please start debating on the issues that are important to the country
I am sick of the whole AWU issue. Either Dr No has to provide some damning evidence to the police, or please start debating on the issues that are important to the country
Some of the comments following Michael Smith's remarks are interesting, e.g.
I made a comment elsewhere that Fairfax has come to this party because it does not want to miss out on what will turn out to be the biggest political story to ever hit this country.
I have just done a google search for Nick Styant-Browne and what did I find:
Mark Baker of Fairfax was best man at Nick Styant-Browne's wedding. If this is true, and Vexnews is not noted for its veracity, it would go a long way to explaining why Fairfax is now getting interested in this story.
In my previous post I concluded that Mark Baker had probably seen the full transcript of the Gillard exit interview. If this report is true, then that conclusion is probably right on the button. The redacted portions of that interview must be as explosive as 25 sticks of power gel. I wonder if there are any readers here that can confirm that story.
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