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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

I think Gillard should go to Brisbane get into a truck and drive to NSW's, we need more stunts.
You can't help but see the funny side. One does have to have a sense of humour.

It might have been funny if one could get past the awful drone. I lasted a few seconds hit pause and then read the comments on Michael Smith page - that's where I found the msn poll - much more interesting than listening to Gillard drone on...yet again.

Here's the latest poll results:

Does Gillard's spoof video make you like her more?
YES - 13,022
NO -- 64,247
Would have much preferred if she spent her time properly answering questions put to her in parliament then wasting time on this sideshow.
Every time I was watching a report on the passing of that wonderful lady Elisabeth Murdoch it was utterly ruined by Gillard droning on about it
I really wish she could just get her face and voice off TV she is simply an irritant and I think her poll results will show that next time we get a report

I wouldn't hold your breath on that one, MrBurns! The opinion polls are no longer getting it close to the real election results. NT and ACT showed the libs to be very much stronger result than predicted.

Have the polling companies been told to get a particular result? Have phone calls been made there too? Questions that need answers, however, I suspect like questions about slush funds, these questions would also be stonewalled.

I suppose I am a mysognist for even What childish stupidity. Whoever voted for such a pathetic government which resorts to name calling, smear and inuendo?
Have the polling companies been told to get a particular result? Have phone calls been made there too?
That's pretty insulting toward independent polling companies, isn't it?
A couple of months ago, can't now remember on which thread, I responded to a similar allegation by contacting the CEO of Newspoll, Martin O'Shannessy, and posted the clarifying email he sent me after our conversation.
You should find it and read it.

Maybe consider also that Newspoll is only published in "The Australian". Are they really likely to be associated with an organisation that is biddable by the government? I don't think so.

Maybe also consider that some polls simply do reflect present voter feeling, however unpalatable and incredible that might be.

Well I wonder WHO they are polling, I've never met anyone who's been approached, I sometimes wonder if they poll in Canberra too much.
Well I wonder WHO they are polling, I've never met anyone who's been approached, I sometimes wonder if they poll in Canberra too much.
Well, I've been polled at least twice and then I think another time about state politics and other stuff.

Don't you think it's even remotely possible that respondents actually might not all share your absolute conviction that only the Libs can run the country?

Sails, here is the earlier mentioned thread re Martin O'Shannessy's comments. I thought you'd have seen it at the time. O\'Shannessy#post735788

I said I've never met anyone who's been asked, you're the first.

In answer to your question, I believe the polling shows a disproprtionate amount of voters who would still vote for Labor under the circumstances, and as was previously stated the election will probably bear that out.
Furthermore I simply don't believe the numbers quoted showing Gillard as preferred PM or even near it.
Julia, I simply asked a couple of questions. You can take a deep breath now and settle down as I did not accuse them of anything to cause you to defend them so profoundly.

It's not the results that have made me question them. It's the fact that some polls were predicting a close result in the NT and a comfortable win for labor in the ACT as per the media and yet the actual results showed how much they got that wrong.

When one casually joins those dots, it raises questions. I am not accusing polling companies, but I am questioning why they got it so wrong in the last two state elections. Polling companies need to get it close to maintain credibility - so what happened in the last two state elections?
Julia, I simply asked a couple of questions. You can take a deep breath now and settle down as I did not accuse them of anything to cause you to defend them so profoundly.
What you said was
Have the polling companies been told to get a particular result? Have phone calls been made there too?

The implication is pretty obviously that the polling companies are subject to political influence.
I objected, simply because I don't think it's fair or right to cast such aspersions on independent businesses without any basis.

It's not the results that have made me question them.
Well, I don't recall your questioning them in the slightest when the Libs were looking better in the polls.

No Julia - I voiced my questions. I did not accuse. Don't try and make something out of it that isn't.

You did not answer the basis of my questioning - why were the polls so far out for NT and ACT elections? Again they had labor more in front than they were in reality.

No, I didn't question them because they lined up with what was happening in other state elections.

Stop making assertions about me and my reason for questioning. I see a consistent divergence between actual elections and the polls in general.

End of this conversation with you. I have trouble understanding your constant attack mode and the crazy personal assertions you come up with. I think the ignore button is the answer.
Julia, while you accuse me of not complaining when the libs were more in front, neither did I complain about the polls favouring labor in 2007. Sentiment was clearly against the libs and the polls confirmed it. This is not about what I want...

This is about the polls in general that are diverging from perceived strong sentiment which is frustrated and fed up with this government. I don't think I have heard anyone actually like listening to Gillard and many, if not most, mute their TVs or change channels if she comes on. I have read of some having soft toys handy to throw at her when on TV in utter frustration.

And this is about the polls in general diverging from the real results in the last few weeks in the last two state elections.

Something is not adding up. No assertions, just questions.
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