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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Mike Carlton

My bold

Yes, she once had a dud boyfriend, until she dropped him like a hot brick. Show me a woman her age who hasn't. Even the

sanctimonious but risibly ineffectual Julie Bishop might have to plead guilty to that heinous offence.

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One of your mob Peter Hartcher writes an adult summery of the week

This is the telling bit

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Wollongong local labor council thrown out due to corruption.
Nsw state labor corruption.
Fed labor corruption.
There is a long list of people happy to turn a blind eye to it or try and play it down.
Abbott wanting to give the unions the once through isnt a bad idea.
Gillards character is dodgy, her actions have proven that to be true.
It's nice to see that Gillard still inspires confidence in IFocus, Mike Carlton, and Laurie Oakes.

Oakes said; "No impropriety has been pinned on the PM."

None so blind as a rusted-on lunar leftie.
Typical spray from Mr Carlton who is known for his hatred of the conservative side of politics.

The reporting on the AWU matter has been led by Hedley Thomas for The Australian.
I went looking for what journalistic awards had been won by Carlton and Thomas respectively.
Nothing I could find for Mr Carlton. Mr Thomas's name, however, brings up the following:

I know which of the two I'd regard as the more thorough and proven investigative journalist.

What a nasty

And I wish she didn't wear pink - she is an embarrassment and insult to decent women, imo.

And I agree with Bolt that she is using the "sexism" thing as a weapon. Also the most smear and inuendo isn't coming from the opposition - she is spitting out plenty all on her own.

It is evidence of how Gillard uses sexism as both an accusation and a weapon. She screams “sexism” at Abbott, hoping to be excused as a woman the scrutiny and criticism any Prime Minister should face.

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Agree, sails, not a very nice person at all. She isnt coping too well with her past being rehashed, is she?
Those loud sarcastic laughs say it all.

As for that pink outfit, does not suit her at all.
Feminine? pffft.
Agree, sails, not a very nice person at all. She isnt coping too well with her past being rehashed, is she?
Those loud sarcastic laughs say it all.

As for that pink outfit, does not suit her at all.
Feminine? pffft.

Agree, notice how she reacts when backed into a corner ? Like the weasel she is.
Very nasty piece of work is Gillard, probably backstabbed throughout her life to get worked though BUT the Karma train is coming
Well that would explain his stance, wouldn't it.
Like I said, IMO this is going to go feral as the unions close ranks.
Abbott has taken on a major fight here, it will be a defining moment in Australian politics, if it plays out.
Ms Gillard has said she cannot remember whether $5000 was deposited into her bank account.
She says she has checked with the bank and they do not have records going back that far.

This seems at odds with Hedley Thomas's contention in "The Weekend Australian", where he discusses a potential judicial inquiry, as follows:
Banking records first obtained when the AWU's national leadership called for a royal commission into this scandal in 1996 remain readily available.

I suppose the difference might be that the banking records were obtained back then and kept in some file on the AWU since. It needs clarification imo.
What a nasty
A very dangerous place to stand is between Julia Gillard and power. That's where Kevin Rudd found himself and where Tony Abbott currently finds himself.

The conclusion I've reached is that she is obsessed by power and prepared to sacrifice anything in her quest to both obtain and maintain power. It's a fundemantal character flaw that I think is a large contributer to Labor's policy failures. Amongst it all, she has maintained her prime-ministership and the power trip that provides her.

The question is the cost, to both the Labor movement and the the country as a whole while Labor remains in office under her leadership. This is certainly something she does not care about.

It's a character flaw and Labor has had a recent history of elevating flawed characters to leaders. Mark Latham is essentially little more than a thug and a bully and Labor's own assessment on Kevin Rudd speaks for itself.

Tony Abbott and the Coalition won't win with trench warfare if the playing field is not level. Rather than just shooting, the Coalition need to level the playing field by targeting her character weaknesses and not her strengths. Even though there have been stumblesw along the way, the past week in Parliament may be a sign that the Coalition have realised the above.
Ms Gillard has said she cannot remember whether $5000 was deposited into her bank account.
She won't catagorically deny it which in itself raises suspicisions. One does not remember every transaction, but if something has been done that is naughty, one is more inclined to remember.

Her defence is simple. Produce the hard evidence. This is fine in an enquiry or a court of law, but there, people are complelled to answer questions. She's avoiding them in the hope that in the court of public opinion, she will survive. Personally, she can only lose by coming clean and she will defend herself in the above manner to her last political breath.

Labor faces a difficult choice. She is ultimately poison to the party, but her power is such that there is little they can do about it at the present time, whether they want to or not. If all else was to fail, I would hope there's are a growing number of politicians on the Labor side hoping for a shallow election defeat, enough to facilitate her removal as leader but not send the party to electoral oblivion. If Labor can't see and ultimately act on the monster it has nurtured, then it has well and truely lost its way.
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