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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Good to see "The Australian" has Hedley Thomas on this. If anyone will ferret out and follow up, he will.
The wolves are circling, question time wil be prime time viewing
Julia Gillard's union slush fund

After Julia Gillard's stealthy move on the media last week, is the fire still smoldering underneath.

No specifics, but the SMH's Paul Daley seems to think so,

It would be interesting to know what he's referring too there.

My bolds.
Re: Julia Gillard's union slush fund

There is one thing for sure doc, she hasn't become this nasty overnight and there has to be a reason why everyone in the labor party is $hit scared of her.
Re: Julia Gillard's union slush fund

Andrew Bolt has dug up a copy of a cheque for ~$68k supposedly drawn on accounts attached to said slush fund.

According to Andrew bolt,

Gillard was at the auction and knew the house was for Blewett and that her boyfriend would live in it.

There's also this, again from the SMH,
Re: Julia Gillard's union slush fund

The problem is with labor, it goes back to the biblical saying "let he has not sinned, throw the first stone" so then it becomes the survival of the nastiest.
This is where all the crying and grovelling and falling in behind the leader comes to the fore. It will be interesting to see how they polish up a #urd.IMO.
I may be completely wrong in my assuption, but I don't think you can polish a #urd.LOL Maybe So_Cynical and IFocus can run classes.
Re: Julia Gillard's union slush fund

Gillard lies so easily it is difficult to know when she is telling the truth, if ever!

I don't know if the rest of the party are scared of her, I think it is more that no one else wants to hold the reins when the ALP are facing a right off at the next election. After the election there will be many new contenders.

Sadly in the meantime, this wonderful country of ours continues to have the many opportunities the resources boom could have provided, being squandered.

History will not be kind to this Gov't and Gillard in particular!
Re: Julia Gillard's union slush fund

shes been done in by her own handwriting... these are the type of people that spring up in politics from the union crowd

Michael Smith's blog will be well worth following. She cost him his job. Revenge will be sweet. I live for the day when Gillard will be exposed and we can all exact revenge for all the damage this mendacious and malicious woman has done to this country.
I watched Miss Gillard on TV a couple of nights ago during her visit to Laos and I must say I was very unimpressed with her attire when she stepped down from the Air Force jet.

She was dressed in a drab black pants suit that looked like it was fresh out of Vinnies.

Sorry but it did not inspire confidence in me one iota.

I compared her with other female world leaders attire and I think she should get a new fashion designer.

Maybe the $17,000 from the AWU slush fund has ran out.
I think I'm one of the few people who has no problem with her clothes at all, I think she dresses quite well and appropriately. The only thing I did notice that on this trip she was wearing flat shoes, possibly to avoid the another fall like the one in India.
I'd suggest that Julia Gillard cut Bruce Wilson loose, but beyond that turned a blind eye.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in parliament next week.
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