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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Re: Gillard on Q & A

I think Gillard handled her composure very well last night, and no doubt she is displaying another look.
There was a blonde lady in a black skivvy who said she was from the middle class and asked why Labor always hurts that class. She said the working class she represents gets minimal compensation from any of the schemes that Julia made reference too. Gillard answered that she must be looking at the wrong sites.
This was the question of the night!! From my perspective.
If that women is correct, I hope it gets exposure for that class(its a big class). Personally I think that Labor is handing out one lot of compo. to cover more that one tax or cost.(say 3)
Anyway that's it from me.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

Gillard is such a empty-headed fake, that the only service that can be done her is to present her less.

I watched for about 5 minutes, suppressed the urge to throw up, and switched off.

I had my finger on the trigger to change stations, however watched it out. She did not bash Abbott(which I predicted she would). her "minders" are grooming her up to stay as leader.
However she rambles when she answers, and after a number of question was attempting to tie them all together.
If her minders get her to shorten her answers, she may get a lift in the polls.
i.e. she is, exercising, boxing and yoga, knitting, etc. etc. There is no doubt she is chasing a new image, but hopefully the public will see through it.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

I decided to give it five tweets, as they ran across the bottom of the screen. They were all of the adoring '..Julia you are such a role model to my kids..' type.

So I upped stumps and flicked over to Hamish Macbeth, another fiction, but at least entertaining.
Re: Gillard on Q & A


You lasted longer than I did.

Yes, I lasted about 15 secs...

It was more than likely going to be another giggling gertie performance where any difficult questions would be skirted around and not answered. :bad:
Re: Gillard on Q & A

Unless she fixes the carbon tax by abandoning it until the people have had a chance to vote on it, fix our border security and stop the wasteful spending - those things for a start, she can come across as the sweetest little giggling knitting granny in the world and still get booted out at the next election. imo.

Voters do not like to be dudded and have long memories.

I decided to give it five tweets, as they ran across the bottom of the screen. They were all of the adoring '..Julia you are such a role model to my kids..' type...

What role model? She lies. If that's what these people want as role models for their kids, it's not the Australia I know.
Re: Gillard on Q & A - soft audience.....

And if the environment is so important, why wind back the Solar Rebate?

Where will the carbon tax be spent?
Specifically, on what renewable projects?

So far the only one l've heard about is the commercial solar farm in Nyngan (?) for $300 million.
Where is the rest of the tax going to be spent? Oh yeah, it won't, it'll be used for other areas of short fall which have nothing to do with reducing CO2/Environmental benefits.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

Gillard has her media handling down pat, no matter what question they raise she responds with a slight variation on the answers she is programmed to use, she laughs to disarm critics and talks slowly and at length so people just stop listening BUT she never gets caught out.

Bring back Michael Willessee
Re: Gillard on Q & A

You people don't know how to use Julia, the wife and I have her photo on this back of the toilet door, this has saved us a fortune on laxatives.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

I'm afraid I didn't even attempt to watch it - straight to Hamish Macbeth and the shinty match for me!

(I did watch 4 Corners though about the EU, very interesting).
Re: Gillard on Q & A

Well that was a bloody waste of time.

A Gillard giggle fest of pandering weak questions.
The ABC Radio report on it described the questions as "mostly tough".

I only saw the last ten minutes or so, but actually thought she handled herself quite well.
Perhaps she improved towards the end.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

Gillards performance was solid and sure footed by any measure and looked like a PM.

I am hardly a Gillard fan but she handled the night well I thought.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

Gillards performance was solid and sure footed by any measure and looked like a PM.

I am hardly a Gillard fan but she handled the night well I thought.

Well, now it's time to handle border security and actually get something right.

And, stall the carbon tax until the people have voted.

Then she might earn a little respect...maybe.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

I'm suprised people arent throwing eggs at her when she's in public.

Restaurants in Meblourne are closing, businesses going broke, EVERYONE I talk to is having difficulty.

Yet she and Swan laugh their heads off telling us how good it is and anyone who says otherwise is being negative.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

People don't want to throw eggs at her. They just want to throw her out of office.

I doubt we'll get the chance. Labor will throw her overboard first.
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