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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

I'm sure she's sick of it, as we all are, there's no where fror her to go, she can see it through to the end but she may not have the ticker for that now the result is already a fait compli...........
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

I'm sure she's sick of it, as we all are, there's no where fror her to go, she can see it through to the end but she may not have the ticker for that now the result is already a fait compli...........

If she has had enough, then she knows a lot more than does the public.(which she should)
Has it all become unmanageable?
Maybe the Budget is the breaker. Or have the independents turned?
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

She is dead in the water. As Richo said;

"This all amounts to a double bunger for our hapless prime minister. Maybe she could survive one of the Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper scandals, but not both. They ensure that she is permanently engulfed in a bad smell. That odour permeates through her every utterance and every policy announcement. It would appear that no amount of perfumed spray will kill the stench."
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

gg, it must be immensely satisfying to you that your stirring can conjure up so much response.
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

Well as good investors all, it will not make a farthing of a difference to the Dow or the US dollar overnight.

Got physical pm
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

Apperiantly they are going to scrap the NBN too.

Quick start a thread...oh yeah you did that like 12 months ago didn't you.


Oh here's a news flash...Tony Abbott wins the leadership ballot by 1 vote...Slippery Pete's vote.

Perhaps we can get the 2 threads merged.?
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

As I mentioned on another thread GG is a combination of bob jelly, walter mitty and willy loman.
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

Oh here's a news flash...Tony Abbott wins the leadership ballot by 1 vote...Slippery Pete's vote.

Congratulations. You are the only Slipper supporter game enough to put his hand up.:hide:
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

Funny that. Richo has been dead in the water for years. His run has finished, the clock has run down and he should retire to the watering hole of his choice and pull his head in. It seems the only people that can't see he has little or no current relevence are him and channel 7. They keep trotting him out and paying him for his two bobs worth of drivel.

As for "the stench of scandal", Johny Howard survived 14 years with the stench of scandal, I'm sure J Gillard can serve out the remainder of her term (subject of course to the proverbial bus and any subsequent bi-election)
Re: Julia Gillard Resignation

My contacts related to me last night that the embarrassing world wide youtube performance by little Billy Shorten was a smokescreen for a move from Shorten and Smith on the leadership of the ALP.

It appears Peter van Onselen agrees.

From the
A publication not known to sensationalise or politicise the news.

Re: Julia Gillard Resignation
News - The Daily Telegraph April 29, 2012 10:05AM
MP Craig Thomson resigns from Labor party to run as an independent

Gillard on Q&A

Soft questions from a soft audience, Tony Jones has been the only one to have a far.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

Even the comments the foot of the screen are pathetic boot licking, grovelling rubbish.

This is just a showcase for Gillard to shore up support.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

This is just a showcase for Gillard to shore up support.

If she wants more support she needs to get off TV.
Let her Senior ministers have a go.
She is trying to put on a front, "Julia can fix it".
The voters did not elect her, Labor MP's did.
Let the MP's have a go.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

Well that was a bloody waste of time.

A Gillard giggle fest of pandering weak questions.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

This little conspiratorial performance between Gillard and the ABC will ensure she fronts up to the electorate at the 2013 election.

Re: Gillard on Q & A

I posit the notion that it is impossible for any media entity, no matter how grovelling, biased etc, to do the P.M. a favour by giving her air-time, no matter how obsequious the interviewer or audience.

Gillard is such a empty-headed fake, that the only service that can be done her is to present her less.

I watched for about 5 minutes, suppressed the urge to throw up, and switched off.
Re: Gillard on Q & A

She is a good actor and should apply for a job in Hollywood.

When talking about the $23 tonne carbon dioxide tax, I was hoping someone would ask her why are we sending 10% of the takings to the United Nations Climate Change Committee of which K.Rudd is a member.
Re: Gillard on Q & A


You lasted longer than I did.
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