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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Gillard is a Obama puppet, If we have a housing collapse here or a collapse in the mining sector due to China slowdown(the two things that i think are most likely here) i cannot for one minute imagine how she could handle the situation.

I assume she would print money and bail everything out and nationalise all the industry's since she's a fabian society member.

We need to identify those that can be helped who are being pulled down by those who cannot. (I do not mean lopping off.) In my days at work I saw very many people with huge potential who were just dragged down. My family in this work still see it.

Yes loved Orwell's take, particularly the "...but some are more equal than others." in fact have quoted the full line a number of times on ASF over the years.
The PM can content herself that it's at least not as bad as this in NSW:


Friday, October 29, 2010

The Keneally government is the most unpopular Labor government ever, the latest Newspoll shows.

Labor's primary support in NSW has sunk to 23 per cent of voters, the poll reported in The Australian newspaper said.

The only lower figure ever recorded was the 22 per cent in 1989 for the Nationals under Mike Ahern in Queensland after the Fitzgerald inquiry into police corruption.

The NSW coalition has twice Labor's support at 46 per cent. The Greens are on 17 per cent, Newspoll has found

Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell has opened up a clear lead on Kristina Keneally as preferred premier, by 42 per cent to 35 per cent, the largest lead any NSW opposition leader has enjoyed.

Labor's primary support in the state is down two points from the July/August Newspoll.

In two-party-preferred terms, the coalition leads Labor by 63 to 37 per cent. The only larger split ever recorded was federal Labor's lead over the coalition at the height of Kevin Rudd's popularity early in 2008.

Half of NSW voters are dissatisfied with Ms Keneally, while her satisfaction rating is steady on 38 per cent.

Mr O'Farrell's satisfaction rating has risen five points to 48 per cent, while his dissatisfaction rating is also steady, on 32 per cent.

The poll was conducted over two months for The Australian.
He he, yes must have worn himself out. I guess he'll be back when he's ready.

Yes, Logique, I am suffering post-election withdrawal symptoms in a political vacuum. On another note, it is interesting to see that the Howard haters after three years of withdrawal have now taken on a new lease on life.

Hockey is a fool.


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I would expect Queensland and Victoria to change governments as well - both are stale governments, although Vic Labour has a chance of forming minority government. Ballieu's ministers seem intent on giving everyone else a free kick, even yesterday attacking the Greens on largely Federal issues and missing the mark on their state policies.
Have a kerosene bath and a lie down it's 2010 for god sake!

Well todster, judging by the adverse comments on Andrew Bolts blog, I would say you would be in the minority. Perhaps you should take a cold shower to cool off from the heat being applied to your beloved Prime Minister.
Well todster, judging by the adverse comments on Andrew Bolts blog, I would say you would be in the minority. Perhaps you should take a cold shower to cool off from the heat being applied to your beloved Prime Minister.

Mate the only people that read that garbage are Your family and the 10 other Lib voting sheep on here baaaaabaaaa
That's a pretty 'out there' comment by Andrew Bolt, but I'm finding it hard to disagree with him.

On "PM" this evening I listened to Ms Gillard describing her meeting with the Malaysian Deputy PM (the PM apparently being afflicted with chicken pox of all things), and she just sounded strained and frankly just not up to the situation.

Her personal relationship is her own affair, but I agree that taking him along on international forays, where she is herself less than at ease, just further detracts from her international standing.

I'd be interested to know what ASF members think about how much of the public discomfort about Mr Mathieson has to do with him not being married to the Prime Minister, and how much simply to do with him not seeming to be, um, the right sort of bloke?

i.e. if she were still in a relationship with the well qualified and competent Craig Emerson, would there be this groundswell of feeling against her partner?
Mate the only people that read that garbage are Your family and the 10 other Lib voting sheep on here baaaaabaaaa

Perhaps you could explain why Liberal voters (and there are a few more than ten ) are sheep, and Labor voters aren't?

Then perhaps you could explain why the level of your debating skills haven't progressed since kindergarten.
Perhaps you could explain why Liberal voters (and there are a few more than ten ) are sheep, and Labor voters aren't?

Then perhaps you could explain why the level of your debating skills haven't progressed since kindergarten.

I think the second part of your questions explains the first.
Mention sheep after the rugby and you always get a bite.
Perhaps you could explain why Liberal voters (and there are a few more than ten ) are sheep, and Labor voters aren't?

Then perhaps you could explain why the level of your debating skills haven't progressed since kindergarten.

Haha - maybe labor voters are the goats that are separated from the sheep. Goats eat everything in sight and butt when they are annoyed. Sounds about right...

I am sure Todster posts to stir with his one liners...
I'd be interested to know what ASF members think about how much of the public discomfort about Mr Mathieson has to do with him not being married to the Prime Minister, and how much simply to do with him not seeming to be, um, the right sort of bloke?

A lot of people were unhappy with his ties to property development!

Yes Julia, perhaps it would be an improvement as some like Craig would be more familiar with general proceedings and protocol on the world stage. Could it also be the relatively short term relationships that give rise to the question of commitment or even lack of stability?

When we think of the more recent PMs on both sides, they have had their wives of many years who most likely grew into their roles prior to their husbands being elected as PM. Hawke felt it would spoil his chances of re-election if he divorced Hazel while in the job, so he obviously felt it was of importance.

In this day and age, I doubt there is actually any right or wrong in it, but it will come down to perception of what might or might not be expected of someone in the top job.

Her personal relationship is her own affair, but I agree that taking him along on international forays, where she is herself less than at ease, just further detracts from her international standing.

I don't have an issue with him accompanying her if she needs someone to unload on when she gets back to her hotel at night. That's what friends are for and if it makes her less stressed then all the better.

If he attending formal functions makes things awkward, perhaps he should just stay away from those events, as would be the case if she were single and not in a de facto relationship.

However I think it is a decision for her to make. If they believe their relationship is akin to marriage, then it would be wrong for us to deem it otherwise, just because some legalities haven't been completed.
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