Don't go there TS.
Selling the japs the iron????? If it wasn't for Curtin you would probably be half jap and so would I. Bringing back the AIF from the middle east against the advice of Churchill & Roosevelt. The Limited Conscription Act?
In Australia's greatest time of crisis, Menzies made no decisions!!!
Remember the Brisbane line proposed by Churchill.
Actually come to think of it!!! You probably wouldn't own a pearl farm!!
The difference my dear friend is Rudd was elected by the people as leader of the Labor Party at the time and promising the world and delivering little.. Turnbull was in opposition and leaning too far to Labor on an ETS; another big Labor tax.
Geez ladies and gentlemen of ASF do we have to go back to Menzies.
This thread is about Gillard and what she has done or not done and whether she inspires voters.
If you think she can do the job, please tell us how!
If you don't think she can do the job, please tell us why!
If you want to go back on history, please start another thread.
Geez ladies and gentlemen of ASF do we have to go back to Menzies.
This thread is about Gillard and what she has done or not done and whether she inspires voters.
If you think she can do the job, please tell us how!
If you don't think she can do the job, please tell us why!
If you want to go back on history, please start another thread.
LOL ...Menzies had nothing to do with the selling of the iron ore. He was the Attorney-General and Minister of Industry at the time and was merely performing his duties to break the strike. Strikers had refused to load a cargo of pig-iron for Japan, a nation they correctly branded as an aggressor in China and predicted as an enemy of Australia. In the heat of contemporary and subsequent disparagement of Menzies it was not noted that the proposed export was a one-off and very limited contract, that Menzies went to great lengths to negotiate with the unions concerned, and that there was clear internal union disagreement on the issues at stake.
So you believe no decisions were made during his 17 year reign? LOLOL .. the Australian voting public must have liked him for doing nothing then !
In the spirit of Keating. She will be much more straight and inspiring than
Kevin Rudd.
Rudd was not elected at all, the election was lost in the main by Howard's love affair with GWB and the fight against terrorism in mostly the wrong places. As well on the same sword fell Blair in the UK.
Rudd in fact emulated many of Howard's traits, aloof, manic for press and to stand by the man of the us of a. Starts to wear thin when you are cutting back on food to ensure the mortgage repayments.
Was this the reply ?In the spirit of Keating. She will be much more straight and inspiring than
Kevin Rudd.
Why stop there ? Why not blame Menzies for creating the Liberal Party? He also was PM during the Great Depression. All his fault. Don't forget the wharfie dispute either. His fault as well.
Cold war
Power without glory - Frank Hardy
Lets hope the spirit of Keating is dead and buried otherwise we might become a 'BANANA REPULIC' and have a recession we had to have.
Frank Hardy? That old Stalinist. You really are a dinosaur.
Actually the very reason Abbott wont be prime minister is because he is nothing like Menzies
That's not quite right, Macquack. The government failed to put sufficient safeguards in place or do proper checks on installers. The programme was just made to be rorted, and that's of course what happened.Apparently, Calliope was a fly on the wall at all the gang of four meetings.
The insulation program was definitely wastefull, but "dodgy mal-practices" only relate to the private contractors installing the insulation, not the government.
That's true, and it's to her credit that she has acknowledged her share of blame.Rubbish, the gang of four were party to all Rudd's bad decisions, and Gillard has not backed away from the BER or roof insulation wasteful and dodgy mal-practices..
Probably right, but my guess is that the other deciding factor in his execution was that the government realised the miners had them over a barrel and that the tax would have to so modified as to bear only a passing resemblance to the original. Kevin Rudd couldn't be seen to make yet another major backflip without exposing the Party to utter ridicule, thus cementing Abbott's increasing confidence, so Rudd was tossed out with the idea that Julia would come along with her smiles and charm, and her (genuine, I think) conciliatory approach and be able to persuade voters that she didn't really, truly, absolutely go along with the tax, she was just pretending, and what she really wanted was the new modified version.Rudd had to go, not because of his bad decisions, but because Gillard, acting on instructions from her factional masters, betrayed him. His sin was that he didn't suck up to a faction.
She may well be. Too early to know yet. She will at least give the impression of being straight.In the spirit of Keating. She will be much more straight and inspiring than
Kevin Rudd.
Rudd was not elected at all, the election was lost in the main by Howard's love affair with GWB and the fight against terrorism in mostly the wrong places. As well on the same sword fell Blair in the UK.
Rudd in fact emulated many of Howard's traits, aloof, manic for press and to stand by the man of the us of a. Starts to wear thin when you are cutting back on food to ensure the mortgage repayments.
I think you're both right. The Howard government was tired, or at least perceived as such, and Work Choices really finished them off. It was the last straw for the people who had been so dismayed about Howard's enthusiasm to involve us in wars that were none of our business.That's bull**** explod.
Howard lost because people like my cousins got sick of being called after a 9am to 5pm day and being told by their employer to return to work at 7pm at the family dinner table on the threat of being dismissed. FAIR GO
Let's hope the Liberal Party policy of allowing borrowing, borrowing, borrowing and borrowing for the average private citizen isn't pounced on by foreign or monopoly based interests.For the good of our country and it's citizenry.
So you believe no decisions were made during his 17 year reign? LOLOL .. the Australian voting public must have liked him for doing nothing then !
LOLOL ........ Ummmmm that is the Labor policy? Spend up BIG on the National credit card then let the Libs pay it off .... AGAIN.
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