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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Julia Gilliard’s first interview………..

TV: “Congratulations Prime Minister. Before we start, as we stand here on Thursday afternoon, do you accept that tomorrow will be Friday?”

PM: “We have always supported the standard structure of the calendar and acknowledge that the public expect a regular system that provides the rhythm necessary for everyday planning and life structures. We feel very strongly about this.”

TV: “So you do agree that tomorrow is Friday?”

PM: “It isn’t important whether it is Friday or Monday. What is important is that unexpected changes don’t interfere with the normal expectations of the public - and this government has a solid record in supporting those expectations.”

TV: “But as today is Thursday, surely you can confirm that tomorrow is Friday?”

PM: “Everything is relative and whether the next day is Wednesday or Sunday is dependent on where you stand at the time. We have never challenged the current system and have the full support of the unions on this. Most intelligent people agree that changes are not required.”

TV: “Well then, what day is tomorrow?”

PM: “Tomorrow is the next day in our plan to further develop our marvelous country in many areas. We plan to continue providing better health care, reduced debt, reduced unemployment, controlled immigration and to be a world leader in controlling global warming.”

TV: “Returning to the question, can you not confirm that Friday is tomorrow?”

PM: “Friday is always around. It has been around many times before and will be around again many more times. Which is why we need - as a responsible government - to plan and organise for the future. Not just for tomorrow, but for our children and their children.

TV: “Prime Minister, the viewers are waiting for your answer on what day you think tomorrow is?”

PM: “We are dealing with bigger issues here. The Friday, Saturday, Sunday thing is not important or relevant to the scheme of things. They need to understand the critical issues and focus on the matters of concern, such as the condition of our nation and how we can continue to develop it so that all may reap the benefit.”

TV: “I’m sorry, we seem to have lost the point here again. Are you saying that it isn’t Friday tomorrow?”

PM: “The reality is that it is not important what day it is. What is important is how we handle the situation - and my government is handling it with solid policies evolved from the mandate the people gave us.”

TV: “But we just want to know if you agree that it will be Friday tomorrow?”

PM: “Let’s remain focused here. It is the nation that is important and we stand fast and rock steady in our dedication to the job in hand. In closing, let me say this one more time – we are fully committed to the task and have commissioned a report that willnable us to develop the plans for the future. Thank you.”

TV: “Prime Minister?????????????...”
"I'm not ashamed to say I regard Bob Hawke as my role model," said Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

God help us.

Gillard's role model is an adulterous, fornicating, reckless, boastful booze hound.
In response, I would like to give you a A+ for being a professional whinger.

Thanks for the compliment, but I fear you are too generous.

Professional whinging is what Left wing nuts like David Marr and Ramona Koval do when paid by the ABC to bleat about boat people overboard, Nauru, Christmas Island, xenophobic Australians, and heartless conservative politicians who aren't prepared to sting the electorate for providing boat people with $80pp/night motel accommodation, personal trainers, trips to Gold Coast theme parks, mobile phones, computers, and internet access.

Funny how Marr and Koval are silent when Indian students are being ripped off by dodgey colleges and bashed in Melbourne on the watch of the highly shocked and indignated minister for education, employment, and work place relations who is determined to get to the bottom of it, yours truly Julia.
Thanks, Julia. A perceptive article by Gittins for the most part, but I think he is a bit pollyanna about the national debt, forgetting the relentless growth under the ALP spend-athon.
Both sides will express their determination to get the budget into surplus as soon as possible and eliminate our (tiny) public debt post haste, while accusing the other of profligacy.
My local radio station crossed breathlessly yesterday to a Gillard press conference. The announcement was...drum roll...the ALP intends to subsidize school uniforms.

Here again we see their great vision for the nation. Moving Forward Together. In our subsidized school uniforms.

Someone else obviously had a different view to the contents of that discussion going to the grave.

The question is who and why ?

Laurie Oaks almost wiped the self-satisfied smirk off Gillard's face. For a while she stumbled going forward. Oakes is finding it hard to come to terms with Rudd's betrayal. If he is not careful he could get a visit in the small hours of the morning.
Thanks, Julia. A perceptive article by Gittins for the most part, but I think he is a bit pollyanna about the national debt, forgetting the relentless growth under the ALP spend-athon.
I agree about the debt, especially since even with several interest rate rises they haven't withdrawn what remains of the stimulus.

My local radio station crossed breathlessly yesterday to a Gillard press conference. The announcement was...drum roll...the ALP intends to subsidize school uniforms.
Wow, yes, I'm still breathless about this.

Here again we see their great vision for the nation. Moving Forward Together. In our subsidized school uniforms.
Prediction: we will be extremely tired of hearing the phrase "Moving Forward Together" long before the election campaign is over.

Someone else obviously had a different view to the contents of that discussion going to the grave.

The question is who and why ?
My guess is that this is the first step in Kevin's Revenge. The only other person in that discussion was John Faulkner and I don't believe he would be leaking anything.

Laurie Oakes would not have brought it up had he not had the direct information from someone who could be quite clear about what did happen.
Oakes is no one's fool.
Interesting, too, that he's at least showing some objectivity about the government.

Laurie Oaks almost wiped the self-satisfied smirk off Gillard's face. For a while she stumbled going forward. Oakes is finding it hard to come to terms with Rudd's betrayal. If he is not careful he could get a visit in the small hours of the morning.
I heard the radio version of the episode. Ms Gillard sounded decidedly unsure of herself momentarily.
Her self righteous protestation that she would never betray the confidence of what took place that night sounds all very fine. If it transpired as Mr Oakes has suggested, then she is hardly likely to land herself in it by agreeing that it was so. Much easier to hide under the cloak of maintaining confidentiality.

It's an ominous sign of the mischief Kev may well make if he becomes a Minister in the new Gillard government.
It all seem's so shakespareian. K.Rudd playing Mr nice guy....
"Julia I'll give you the leadership... lets just see how things poll"
"Yes darling I think thats for the best"
she confers with brutus...the senate says "take the power now"
oh our heroine is on a pecipitace (bad spaelling)

I'm sure we give these people too much credence the cliche's are absurb
Napolean was a midget meglomaniac...but at least he liked science
A ranga female ...God knows what she has to prove
but it will be profound

yeah yeah I know Germany has a female ranga priminster/president...but they have a sado masochistic bent that goes back ages...
All I'm saying is we all picked on Ranga's at school....dont let them get all karma on us
Red is Gillard's favorite colour. There will always be blood on her hands. In the not too distant future some of the blood on the floor may be hers. One thing is for certain. Rudd will get his revenge. He is a man who never forgets or forgives.

The Labor power brokers are busily plotting how they can neutralise him.


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The sour grapes and exagerated rubbish on this thread amazes me.

Rudd lost the confidence of the people, the parliament, the government and the ALP; he was a dead duck.

Why would Gillard wait and be nice if the end result was going to be the same anyway. Rudd, pusy footy "lets wait for the Polls". Struth lets get real.

Costello hung out for years on an indicated promise from Howard and look where that got him. I betcha a heap of you spouting now wished that he had had the numbers and the gumption to topple lil ole Johnny some reasonalbe time before that last Federal election.

And if we go back in history there have been many such spills of leadership. Thats just political life, its the real big stuff, not for whimps.

Gillard just happened to be in the right place at the right time and now she is batting. No doubt she will be bowled or caught at some time in the future but those are the facts and we need to get over the trivialities and move on.

I have very confidence due to the support she seems to have that she will bat for sometime and who knows may even get a few runs for the team.

But by hook, crook, foul or good means she will also get bowled out one day too.
I think it was the precision and the expeditiousness that the encumbent PM was toppled that startled the proletariat. The animosity between Deputy and Leaders has been well documented in previous takeover bids and is usually a long smoldering behind closed doors contest whilst numbers are gathered.

I think the same thing happened to Turnbull but that did not count as he was in opposition at the time.
Have to agree with this - seamless political leadership transformations are not really a commonplace event in Australian politics. Turnbull was knifed when his position on the ETS put him at odds with the party, Rudd was knifed because his lack of consultation with the caucus meant he had to shoulder the bulk of responsibility for the multitude of mistakes made since late 07.

As much as I think Costello would have made a good PM, Gillard at least had the intestinal fortitude to stand up and take the leadership when it was hers for the taking - arguably months later than she could have taken it anyway.
The sour grapes and exagerated rubbish on this thread amazes me.

Never mind, you will get over it. Just continue to follow the party line. You are very adaptable. It used to upset you when it was Rudd who was rubbished on the confidence threads.

Ms Gillard wants you to look forward. It is appropriate that that you regard Rudd's assassination as a "triviality".

Not sure about that ole Pal, Bob Brown is my idol in parliament and has been for years. It was just that Rudd (the ALP) was bettter from a social/philosophic angle than the Libs.

And the tone of the thread would indicate others are having a much harder time than this black duck.

The whole thread in my view is a waste of effort and so, as you wish, will move on along as I am over it.

Still reckon she is inspirational compared to the long past.
PM Gillard has so far managed to U-Turn on many hasty decisions without copping any sort of blame or being perceived as a backflip. The media is still cautious on this teflon coated, fanta pants, atheist of a PM we have been thrust upon by the faceless men of the Labor Party. Bring on the election.


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A bigger issue is whether a political party in power feels it can paint over its mistakes by changing leaders. This is not a recipe for good government.
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