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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

31 January 2007
Following the political assination of Kevin Rudd I thought would be appropriate to replace the Rudd thread.
How can anyone be inspired by comrade Gillard when she flys to Brisbane in the Government jet to fund raise for the Labor Party. She was to have flown back to Brisbane today but thought better of it after the criticism she received from the press.
What a nerve this Prime Minister has in exceeding her privaliges!
She certainly inspires confidence that the Unions are now running the country. Greg Combet once famously said the the unions used to run the country and they should be again. Under Gillard they will get their wish.

Please tell who were the other Prime Ministers that did not do that.

Noco is a good pen name as all of your posts seem to knocko

Must be related to that Abbot fellow, all he does is knock and to win elections you need to open the door with something constructive. You may not like it but her history suggests she is constructive, but be pleased if you are able to correct that.

Perhaps you should tell all you know to back up your statement of other Prime Ministers and what they did in exceeding their privaliges and don't forget the past Labor Prime Ministers.

History tells us how you like to make personal attacks on ASF members; something Joe Blow has warned you about. If you can't debate a thread without personal attacks and intimidation, then you should stay away.

Gillards history tells us how she mismanaged the BER scheme and wasted billions of tax payers money. You know the working families she so fondly talks about.

I beleive Abbott is not that stupid to announce Coalition policies untill after Gillard annouces hers. Remember 'ME TO KEVIN' who copied many of Howards inititives before the 2007 election.

Relax Explod just another flame thread along with all the others.
She has to pretend to believe in an ETS to get Bob Brown on side. His preferences are going to count.


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Perhaps you should tell all you know to back up your statement of other Prime Ministers and what they did in exceeding their privaliges and don't forget the past Labor Prime Ministers.

Noco, dont' avoid the question with deflection, you made the assertion.

History tells us how you like to make personal attacks on ASF members; something Joe Blow has warned you about. If you can't debate a thread without personal attacks and intimidation, then you should stay away.

Yes it can be tough in the ruck, but unlike some have not been rubbed out. Mistakes are also good learning experiences ole pal.

Gillards history tells us how she mismanaged the BER scheme and wasted billions of tax payers money. You know the working families she so fondly talks about.

It has become plain that unless it was blessed by Krudd, policy or action did not see the light of day, and is why he had to go. It is early days for Gillard yet.

I beleive Abbott is not that stupid to announce Coalition policies untill after Gillard annouces hers. Remember 'ME TO KEVIN' who copied many of Howards inititives before the 2007 election.

Well he started to today, particularly on education, so perhaps on your take he is stupid. And if Labor is so bad you would think it easy to come up with superior policy.

The other day you spoke of deficits, when Keating took over from Hawke the deficit was 16 billion, when he lost the election in 95 (I think without looking it up) the deficit was 7 billion. There had been a bad (world) recession in that period so Keating was doing a pretty fair job of getting things back on track. And due to the economic policies in place from the Keating era, Costello had a pretty easy run. As well the markets and business (world wide) picked up considerably till the dip around 2001, the dotcom bubble.
It has become plain that unless it was blessed by Krudd, policy or action did not see the light of day, and is why he had to go. It is early days for Gillard yet.

Rubbish, the gang of four were party to all Rudd's bad decisions, and Gillard has not backed away from the BER or roof insulation wasteful and dodgy mal-practices..

Rudd had to go, not because of his bad decisions, but because Gillard, acting on instructions from her factional masters, betrayed him. His sin was that he didn't suck up to a faction.

It is obvious that no matter how nasty Labor leaders are, you will still love them. It is surprising that you are able to switch your love from Rudd to Gillard so easily.

Abbott announced his policy only on those subjects that had been neglected by Labor over the past 3 years in particular, mental health. Any new policies will most likely be announced closer to the election which no doubt is not far away.
Abbott announced his policy only on those subjects that had been neglected by Labor over the past 3 years in particular, mental health. Any new policies will most likely be announced closer to the election which no doubt is not far away.

And what did Howard neglect?
The greatest private household debt in the history of Australia and it's still rising noco. Only seconded by the worst unemployment and inflation when Howard was Treasurer under Fraser. As Keating would put it Howard left us with "a morabund industrial graveyard."

Of course Howard and Costello paid off all of Labors record debt. Well done! But hung it out on every Australians hills hoist!!!!! While production and jobs were sent offshore!

Blame Gillard! LOL

Bloody one-eyed idealogue pffftttt!
Rubbish, the gang of four were party to all Rudd's bad decisions, and Gillard has not backed away from the BER or roof insulation wasteful and dodgy mal-practices.

Apparently, Calliope was a fly on the wall at all the gang of four meetings.

The insulation program was definitely wastefull, but "dodgy mal-practices" only relate to the private contractors installing the insulation, not the government.

Rudd had to go, not because of his bad decisions, but because Gillard, acting on instructions from her factional masters, betrayed him. His sin was that he didn't suck up to a faction.
Gillard had the numbers. What is the difference between this situation and what happened to Turnbull?

Well said Macquack.

Only if Turnbull Gold-man sux banker and Rudd UN boss wannabe had the chance of a private interlude.
Gillard had the numbers. What is the difference between this situation and what happened to Turnbull?

If you really don't know, then anything I could say will not change your political biases.

Bloody one-eyed idealogue pffftttt!

I guess that sums up you and Macquack, Gumby
Blame Gillard! LOL

Bloody one-eyed idealogue pffftttt!

Apparently the Liberal Party most recently requested from a Chinese sweat shop a large order of, you guessed it, budgie smugglers. Each member of society voting for the Liberal Party this coming election will receive one free (of GST).

On the left we have the standard budgie smugglers while on the right we have the more adventurous elephant smugglers modelled by yours truly. They come in a variety of colours including pink for the ladies.


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Why stop there ? Why not blame Menzies for creating the Liberal Party? He also was PM during the Great Depression. All his fault. Don't forget the wharfie dispute either. His fault as well.
Why stop there ? Why not blame Menzies for creating the Liberal Party? He also was PM during the Great Depression. All his fault. Don't forget the wharfie dispute either. His fault as well.

Don't go there TS.
Selling the japs the iron????? If it wasn't for Curtin you would probably be half jap and so would I. Bringing back the AIF from the middle east against the advice of Churchill & Roosevelt. The Limited Conscription Act?

In Australia's greatest time of crisis, Menzies made no decisions!!!

Remember the Brisbane line proposed by Churchill.

Actually come to think of it!!! You probably wouldn't own a pearl farm!!

The difference my dear friend is Rudd was elected by the people as leader of the Labor Party at the time and promising the world and delivering little.. Turnbull was in opposition and leaning too far to Labor on an ETS; another big Labor tax.
The difference my dear friend is Rudd was elected by the people as leader of the Labor Party at the time and promising the world and delivering little.. Turnbull was in opposition and leaning too far to Labor on an ETS; another big Labor tax.

Oops sorry! Australia is not a republic!
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