Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Do you have a Dell XPS laptop?

2 October 2006
Hi everyone. Im looking into buying a Dell XPS laptop, but after reading users reviews on the DELL site, im a bit half hearted about it all.
So, does anyone out there have one of these machines? If so what do you think of it, any problems, does it have Keys falling the keyboard etc....?
I have an XPS1710, a couple of years old now, but no complaints and no problems. It's a high end machine, designed for gaming, bit if it can run the latest games it can run anything I throw at it and you can have a lot of applications open without any real noticeable slowdown. Plus a 17" screen means heaps of screen real estate for my GIS programs.
Hi everyone. Im looking into buying a Dell XPS laptop, but after reading users reviews on the DELL site, im a bit half hearted about it all.
So, does anyone out there have one of these machines? If so what do you think of it, any problems, does it have Keys falling the keyboard etc....?

My boss has one, and he just replaced the mobo. Something to do with the Nvidia graphics card, it think it cooked the mobo. He said to be careful and install a new driver for the card. It was replaced on warranty, but if not for that it would be about 500 US for the mobo.

Other than that he always spoke very highly of it. Said it was very fast and handled lots of apps at once. He's also an IT grad and is very fussy about his machines.

As a trading PC its a bit overdone in my view, and as stated its a gaming PC.

You can get speed and good memory from less expensive Dell's. I use Dell for all of our PC needs, we have two lap tops and one desk top.

I have a Dell XPS M1210 that I brought off a friend about a year ago. I have no complaints about it and have never had a problem with it. It can handle any game and any program I want to run on it.
I've got a XPS M1330 that I've had nearly a year and love it - but apparently some do have an issue with the MOBO due to the graphics processor.

I had a M1210 before that which is a good solid machine. My daughter still uses that as her Uni computer. My son has the M1530 which really is a desktop replacement and he speaks highly of that.

Over many years I have owned quite a few Dell laptops and they all have been reliable. I have a had a couple of warranty calls but all have been done smoothly.
Yup, I have an M1330 too. I've had it about a year and it's been really good. Very fast stable etc.

I'd recommend getting the bigger battery. I did and the battery lasts for hours when you are on the road (if you dim the screen a little).
I have a Dell XPS M1710.

So far 3 Graphics cards have failed, the motherboard has been replaced, dvd replaced plus keyboard and a couple other smaller things.

Dell informs me that the 7950 GTX NVidia cards are faulty and awaiting their replacement.

The positive from my machines problems is that Dell have agreed to replace my notebook and upgrade it the latest M1730 all under warranty.

I have used the XPS as a replacement desktop for gaming and the markets. The first year was trouble free, then the above problems occurred.

If you purchase the XPS be sure to include the warranty.
A friend of mine has an XPS laptop (not sure which model), one of the keys fell off after only a couple of months.
Many thanks to all of the above that have put in comments. much appreciated all, and thanks for your time and effort...:):):)