Re: DMA - Dynasty Metals
Malcolm Carson B.Sc Geol. (Econs), M.Sc. (Resource Management)
Mr Carson has over 35 years experience in all aspects of the resources sector
ranging from field exploration geologist to investment banking (project finance,
royalty finance, corporate finance and treasury), state public service, mining
equipment manufacture and hire, asset acquisition, corporate restructuring and
business development. He has worked principally with gold, copper, coal and
iron ore resource projects.
Mr Carson is currently the Chief Geologist, Exploration and Project Manager of
Cudeco Limited (ASX Code: CDU) – responsible for the project management,
resource definition and development of Cudeco’s Rocklands Copper Project.
Cudeco is one of Australia’s most successful exploration companies.
Malcolm Carson B.Sc Geol. (Econs), M.Sc. (Resource Management)
Mr Carson has over 35 years experience in all aspects of the resources sector
ranging from field exploration geologist to investment banking (project finance,
royalty finance, corporate finance and treasury), state public service, mining
equipment manufacture and hire, asset acquisition, corporate restructuring and
business development. He has worked principally with gold, copper, coal and
iron ore resource projects.
Mr Carson is currently the Chief Geologist, Exploration and Project Manager of
Cudeco Limited (ASX Code: CDU) – responsible for the project management,
resource definition and development of Cudeco’s Rocklands Copper Project.
Cudeco is one of Australia’s most successful exploration companies.