Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Digital TV Reception quality

Thx for the replies, added my rusty tech quals to "flush out" so to speak, more detailed responses such as So_Cyn:)

will try upgraded cable next, aerial guys want over $1k for sat, they sure dont miss you atm!

That seemed a little pricy so i had a bit of a look.

I found a suitable (HD) sat box (UEC DSD4121 VAST Certified HD Satellite receiver) that is ready for the new VAST satellite service...price $279

VAST satellite service..VAST is also available to those living outside the TV1 Licence area who are in a TV blackspot and have been granted special permission for Optus Aurora. To check your eligibility visit and click on the Satellite Decoder online Registration button on the top right corner.

A dish and standard cable run should be no more than $300 tops, if you can find the local sat Pay TV guy.


I found a full VAST kit for $535 - Dish, LNB, Mount, cable and receiver, Sat finder, compass and wall plate.
Have you checked the antenna?
Some old antennas don't work well enough on digital. Also, depending on the area your mum lives in, the digital signal may be broadcast from a different location.
We called the Antennaman and got all our problems fixed for under $200 bucks.

Is her Antenna set-up 30 years old? Ribbon cable run and wall socket? a strong signal is required and sometimes that means a new Antenna and cable run.

Households that can just plug DTV into the old system and have everything work fine 99.5% of the time should be considered lucky and in the minority.

I think your both right. Probably and old antenna/set-up with not a strong digital coverage.

I'll consider getting the antenna checked out.