Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Deja Vu

'deja vu' is actually your brain short circuiting and replaying an event basically a microsecond after it has actually happened, thus one thinking they've seen this happen before.

Medically, it happens to everyone. However if it's happening on a very frequent basis then your brain is experiencing many electrical short circuits.

I'm no doctor, nor am I trying to scare you. If it was happening to me frequently, I'd be making an appt with a gp.

That's along the lines of what I heard(that long ago I can't remember where). The difference being that the brain sometimes short circuits and sends the current information to the long term memory instead of the short term memory, hence we have a feeling we've witnessed the current events at some undefined time in the past.

This thread goes back to 2010. Since then I've heard two or three explanations along the lines of what's suggested by gordon and macca above in medical or science programs on the ABC.