Debt collectors keep ringing me about ANOTHER PERSONS debts
As these calls, are diverted to my business mobile, and often hang up, its a real nuisance.
This has been going on since we moved and got a new number.
I have previously advised callers the persons no longer have this phone num.
That didnt work
They wont disclose any detail due to "privacy"
After receiving several calls recently, I got angry and abused them....but that didnt work either
So i decided on a change of caller asked me if I was Brianna XXXXXXX...I said "Yes I am and
I want to pay my debts"
Some developments, this is not an uncommon problem apparently
I managed to stop some callers by the impersonation method, and in the process gained much info from their manager.
Unfortunately, my "nemesis" must have been a real fraudster, as others are chasing him apparently.
As changing the phone number is not an option, it seems my best/only method is a "scripted impersonation" routine, as they are dammed uncooperative.
Once I falsely confirm I am said individual, they ask for DOB!
I have a bit of a routine now to deflect them enough that they skip that part and reveal from whom they are calling
Once I have that info, I can commence to deal with this harassment via a defined procedure
the operative expresses outrage that I have committed " a criminal offence" of impersonation
I mock them with the facts that this is only an offence under limited circumstances;
ie (police, doctor, judicial officer) ,fraud for financial benefit, defamation or copyright
(otherwise, if you came up to me on the street, and I said I was Frank Sinatra, that would be a crime)
Is it illegal to swear at people over the phone?...I dont think so? (when it is a debt collector falsely harassing me as previously outlined)...with consideration of what would be offensive to a debt collector, and reasonable defence
The next part of my script goes something like this..."dont tell me what to do, you co%#$*%^ing SOB "
They say "dont swear please"...I respond.."did you not listen to what I just said..dont tell me what to SOB co%^$&^*er "
and so on.... I have found simply alternating those two words has an unsettling affect on almost any individual after a very short time:badsmile:
naturally every second word begins with an F...I explain to them that now that I no longer have to wear a suit and tie, I enjoy expressing myself freely