Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum - Business Analysis and Value Investing Software

21 April 2014
Hello guys,

Introducing my contribution to the world of investing :D

Before getting to the sales pitch, can I make an offer so Joe and Pixel can't refuse?

ASF Members Offer

If you message me I'll create an account free for you the first month. If I really like you I'll leave it on for a year. If you've been nice to me I'll leave it on until you feel bad about not paying me.

Otherwise you could sign up and there's a 30-Day money back guarantee.

I did offer a few members free access at the beta stage but I think all sort of red flags pop up when I did that. And those were the nice(r) members; can't imagine how the more "honest" people will find free offers from me would be :D

That and it proves somewhat imposing and awkward given the situation. So ask and thou shall receive.


What is DangInvestor?

A web-based application investors can use to analyse any business they're interested in.

Analyse and value small private businesses or large public corporations listed on any exchange in the world.

Where are the data from?

Investor enter the data themselves. There are no data feed.

Why are there no data feed?

We find the data available inadequate, sometime outdated and very expensive for the few bits that are useful.
Those few useful bits are freely available from any broker's research platform or google/yahoo finance portals.

Those basic data are good for screening and a quick overview of the financial performance and position. Beyond such use we do not believe any investor ought to make investment decisions based upon them.

No matter how a software company slice and dice it, those data are basic and everyone "knows" them. To act contrary to the market but act with insight and deep understanding require thorough studies - something we believe this application will be able to help with.

That and reliance on third parties does not suit our master plan for world domination :cautious:

How is it that your software is so awesome, I have to pay for it, and you're not rich?
Not rich, yet. Pay for the subscriptions and that'll change in a hurry :xyxthumbs

Serious though, it is a tool designed to help investor in their research and analysis, it is not a robot or black box secret algorithm telling you what to buy or sell; and it cannot predict what the market will do.

While DangInvestor does provide calculators and dashboards, automate the key performance indicators and chart the financial ratios; provide guides and tips at every step to help interpret them; have user-based comments and ratings for every company - taking the pain out of building your own spreadsheet after years of research... Like most tools this software helps but does not do the thinking or the final decision for you.

You'd need to do your own research and hopefully this tool organised the approach and take away the mechanical and laborious parts. But thinking and hard work are still essential ingredients.

So what good is it?
It's almost a decade since I graduated from Business School and since deciding to abandon the humanities for ElDorado have been reading fairly widely about the different approaches to investing in the stock market.

Have found what we call the "fundamental" approach - that of analysing the business itself - to make the most sense to me. There are countless books on the subject, most are useful as introduction but very few provide practical examples and application on the actual real-life investing process.

Of the ones that does - those of Graham and Dodd; or the academic textbooks and their case studies... It is one thing to know and learn how investing ought to be done, it is not an easy task to put it into practice - particularly if business analysis is not your day job.

The structure and various tools and guides within DangInvestor are mere assistant in the process; with the software being a database hosted on the cloud, your research and effort are securely stored and available from anywhere to you for later review and updates as opportunity arises.

The Way

This is a software that sets out the steps I believe an investor, as a business analyst, should consider when making investment decisions.

This then implies that it is THE WAY of investing. While that might prove laughable, if I believe another approach are just as sensible or more practical or more profitable, I wouldn't have built and follow this approach.

So it needs proof then :cautious:

If it's alright with Joe and the moderators, I will start to analyse companies and open them up for discussion on this forum.

Plan to do probably one company per fortnight. Some will be current others will be more historical - studying those that have failed and go bankrupt; those that Buffett had bought and did well from; those current market darlings and a few ugly ducklings.

This exercise of course serve my interest in promoting the application but I believe it also help investors looking to see if a certain approach applied consistently could be useful for them in their investing. Or at least it will provide some good laughs at, ahem, my expense... so all good :D

Case Studies

Will discuss individual companies under their own threads and update the link here.

This thread would be where we'd discuss the features and bugs or otherwise users and members may have (play nice and keep your honesty to a minimum please)

First up will be Capilano Honey Ltd; Follow by maybe WalMart and Woolworths; then a couple of companies that have bankrupted to see if we could have identified them before the cliff.



A special Thank You to TPI for his feedback at the beta stage. It set me back a couple months to implement the shortfall he see but system is much better for it. You can check out his blog at
Looks awesome luutzu.

I wouldn't mind playing around with it if you gave a subscription.

Thanks for the opportunity KTP. Will PM you with logins.

Have you bought GMM? Hope you haven't.
I'll try to organise some thought on it this evening. In many ways GMM is a perfect example of what business investing is and how any financial figure needs its context. Thanks for that.
Can you do GMM please?

I'd like to see how it goes with micro caps.


hi G,

Have put GMM through the system and done some analysis of GMM.

Took liberty to create yourself a free account you can use to download a copy of GMM and do further research and analysis on DangInvestor if you'd like.

While any subscriber can download GMM's research, each will be a unique copy that are independent once downloaded.


Will post the findings on ASF under GMM tomorrow for discussion.

Congratulations luutzu. Wishing you all the best.

Thanks Faramir.
Will create a free account you can play around with whenever you're free.

Just remember that first year is free, after that... you know how it goes right? haha
Discussion on MMA Offshore Ltd. here:

Started buying MRM around 2nd November 2015 for 45 cents, then more at 40 cents before the bottom fell and hit 21.5 cents on 14th November. May buy some bigger chunks next week after the general meeting as i suspect the market will double down on the same bad news they've just heard earlier this week. Who knows.

Valuation of MRM was quite straight forward and everyone could have done it in 5 seconds flat. The main issue, one where the coming months might see me falling flat on my face and send me to CentreLink is whether or not MRM could pay its debt, could fetch a good price on its vessels "rationalisation" process; whether the bank will call up Jeff and ask for his head before things turn around.

MRM's price performance over the past few months is why, in my humble opinion, value investing is much more difficult than it look. Why fund managers and analysts would rather go with the general market sentiment and concensus forecasts rather than risk doing all the hard digging that may in time prove them correct but then they'd be fired or look real foolish until they're right, or until they're handed the folder.

To be greedy when others are fearful, fearful etc... MRM right now is a great example, or at least to me anyway... And is why an investor need to thoroughly understand the business and its financial statements in great detail; why they'd need a tool, ahem :D... that will force them to go through the annual reports, enter the financial data and look at the notes, then systematically analyse the company and use the one set of metric to study and value its enterprise.

A tool that would store and centralise your in-depth research, automate the key measures and explain its significance to you... then archive your thought and comments for when condition change and Mr Market present the opportunity at a great price with minimal revision. [if this fail, I could probably get a job editing any mainstream media and put ads in with content - product placement? :D]