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CTP - Central Petroleum

$10? sp now is only 15c? well. ask her how she got that idea from??

CTP has huge potential in the large tenements (largest in Aus) it holds in the red center. highly unexplored. the numbers put up is huge, and it's still very much a speculative play. many risks involved still.

they should be drilling soon and it maybe the cause of alot of anticipation into this stock atm. they have not as yet release details about the drill, JV, approvals. the list of jv partners are encouraging with big name British gas there who bought up the PXA's farm in agreement with CTP earlier.

like phallen, i would wanna see the company focus more in the helium play at hands, helium a scarce resources have increasing demand due to the technological advances. the last well Margee 1 turn up He concentration of around 6% (off my head) and its the top 1% He conc naturally occuring in world. commercially viable ones are like less than a percent? however we wont see the play being explored in this 1st phase of the drilling program starting sept or oct.

for this sp to rise substantially they will have to prove up the reserves. they can drill but until they do find a substantial amount there, market cap wouldnt rise that much.

all said, it's still an interesting specie company. weigh ur risk and do ur research.

A friend has these and thinks they will go to $10 within a year or so. Do others hold this view or is she dreaming
If you get real close you will hear her snoring :

Well it cracked the holy 14.5c today to close at 15c with buyers to sellers(and units) around 3:1 next stop 16c. Drilling schedule out soon should create more interest. Regardless of what they hit the sp should rise in anticipation so has the potential in the short term to make holders some fast money prior to any results. My plan for this one is to cash in soon and be free carried through to the results.

Disc holding @ 11c
Just seeing MEO crack 80c today makes me think gee wiz gotta back those companies with great PR teams and pie in the sky targets like MEO, BUY and CTP

CTP could become the next MEO if the market takes what they say seriously and I think it will in the coming weeks for the following reason

CTP is no longer alone in the area, another major Falcon Oil and Gas has now proved up between 40TCF-90TCF of CSG to the North of CTP setting this NT area up as a potentially huge hydrocarbon/CSG play much like the East Coast of Australia

They are now with Petro Hunter

In the process of farming this area out

Should they attract a major player or even the Chinese CTP's acreage will become much much much more valuable

are you holding YT?

i almost missed the chance with MEO - lost 400% before i bought in, but its almost made it up for me - its going REALLY well at the moment.

i think its more vision backed by a proven board than pie in the sky... i could be wrong but its what put KAR up to $10 and i'm happy to hold and see what happens... if the rumours are true... or even if they run up the SP... i'll be happy
yeah I bought some around 8c about a month or 2 ago waiting for a bunch of catalysts

and now Falcon Oil farmout (I think this will have an impact on the value of the area and hence CTP)
Yes, agree YT & SWM.

Given time, CTP will fly along. The path it takes might be interesting. If we get a big oil drilling prospect first up (ie. Johnstone), then should see a traditional BESBS play operating. If we see more development with CSG first, I suspect that it will rise but probably a little harder to predict how the market shall react.
Either way, the longer term prognosis suggests a SP rise will occur in the next 6 months.

Happily holding CTP
CTP getting some interest this afternoon..
Off the hook...

Drill results or something must be coming out ..

Go Baby Go
yeah I bought some around 8c about a month or 2 ago waiting for a bunch of catalysts

and now Falcon Oil farmout (I think this will have an impact on the value of the area and hence CTP)

I think its because drilling program is about to commence, couldn't find anything about Falcon Oil farming out or anything

Anyway Im not complaining
did a quick scan and couldnty find anything of merit.

left for lunch, came back and BOOM - up 35% and climbing - on no news - i justhope they havent awoken the sleeping giant because i want more shares!!!!!!!!!!!
AS pointed out in MEL thread, CTP was rated a HIGHLY spec buy in todays ASCI. Seems that there must be some active traders getting this newsletter (me being one of them). Will be interesting to see how far this pushes up - interesting how media affects trading ala MOG's initial jump yesterday and then pushing on today after reports of the 350% jump.

well thats good/bad... both

i thought it might have been something more interesting like directors or employees or their family and friends... indicating something was "up"

any quotes from the newsletter?

where can i find a copy?
TRADING HALT - pending announcement pre open Friday

BOOM - Good News Please

If someone has the recommendation can you post the gist of it !?!?
and now its in a trading halt!

very very interesting.... obviously word leaked prior to CTP putting in the request to the ASX...

can't wait for the announcement to come out! (bought these @ 12c back in '07 and more during the recent dip ~10c)

Yes CTPers, did seem a big move today. Guess we will know Friday?
Punters all seem to be eagerly awaiting some news on the drilling front. Have been happy to hold and watch as the SP tracks northward in anticipation.
From this SP base, a drilling program that is up to expectations now should see this track higher still.

Largely virgin territory, heaps of cash in hand, a drilling program soon to be announced - there is a lot to like about CTP

This stock also allows one to play it as a traditional BESBS (Buy Early Sell Before Spud) or a longer term hold. Love these types...

Happily holding CTP at 9c ave
TRADING HALT - pending announcement pre open Friday

BOOM - Good News Please

If someone has the recommendation can you post the gist of it !?!?

Hey adobee, in reality it wasn't anything that hasn't been posted right here in this thread. Basically that CTP has gangloads of permits racked up in NTs most prospective O&G basin and that if even a small fraction of what might be there IS there, then CTP will be valued WELL above what it is now.

Australian small cap investors (ASI) put a recom buy on CTP and MEL today. The email came out at 1232.

Appears to be coincidental.

ASI in recent months recom BOW, LNG and MEO all for 300-odd percent gains
Australian small cap investors (ASI)

Whats there website I have googled it and come up with daily reckoning ?
? ?? ? ? cheers

In all, Red Sky Energy will commit via farm-in to becoming a minimum 10% stakeholder in 27 of Central Petroleum’s energy focused permits around the Red Centre. This will require Red Sky Energy to fund up to 20% of the first three conventional wells in each of the 29 permits, as well as 20% of the first A$3 million of seismic costs incurred for each permit. Red Sky will also pay to Central Petroleum A$5 million as a series of reserve premiums, for each increment of one trillion cubic feet of gas (TCFG) or oil equivalent (167 mmboe) that may be identified in proved, probable and possible reserves (3P) in each permit.
good AND bad news... i was hoping i would be able to rip some capital out of my other shares before the spotlight was turned onto this one
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