Re: CSS - Clean Seas Tuna
G'day Sdajii,
First off, thanks for the sledging, you certainly got my attention.
When I first opened this I thought – can’t this dude read - then much to my embarrassment I found I had NOT sent my comments (posted below) as I thought I had. Please be gentle with me, this is the first time I have made a mistake in my 62 years! - Thank god I was quick enough to delete my hasty response in reference to you washing your mouth out with soap for even suggesting I was “onside” or “a member of” this mob of bushwhackers.
Updates -
In regards to Sashimi, regardless of who is who or who works for who, my motto is honesty in all things.... It does none of us any good to believe in false info…. I am not sledging Sashimi either, just getting the facts right.
Sdajii – following are my missed comments I thought I had posted yesterday, sorry for the confusion but I trust that if you read it you may / may not forgive my first attempt to join an online forum.
G’day all, (12 April 2010)
“OK”, that’s enough…..Juicy Lucy, just how much can a man take!
I may be a bit long winded in my initial contact with y’all but without “fish” there is no CSS, let alone returns to investors.
All my references to issues on day one with the release of the prospectus are still relevant today.
I have a passion for aquaculture - particularly the propagation with the possibility of re-seeding the wild.
As the global boffins are stating the world will be out of fish by 2040, (as a life long fisherman and after seeing the decline in so many fisheries first hand I agree with them) and the present controversy of the Northern Blue Fin tuna (NBT), and many other species I have naturally gravitated to CLEAN SEAS TUNA LIMITED (CSS) as an exercise in learning the ropes of “Investing” & try to sort the truth from the BS.
As I have waded through the “DYOR” phase I am mortified to find I know diddly squat on the facts of investing, compared to what I thought I knew!
Believe me, when stepping from “fishing” to “investing” I have just about worn out the web acronyms page.
Silly me, I must be an absolute whacker because I thought a publicly listed company was required to be transparent and honest with its investors.
I understand that; “ASX is obliged to monitor conduct in relation to the markets and facilities it operates, to supervise the market and ensure compliance with its rules, and to refer to ASIC any suspected breaches of the law.”
Therefore; if any breaches are noticed, ASX is to then notify ASIC
It seems I totally misunderstood the obligations/authority of ASX/ASIC as stated above, because when I follow (for example) the CSS path I find ASX/ASIC appear to be in hiding and/or in denial. I just do not understand when ASX asked when all the fish died if the matter was “material” and CSS just gave the blunt answer ”NO”…..sssooo!?!?!?!?!? What does ASX/ASIC do with this type of fob off? Just lie down and cringe!?!?!
Starting at the beginning with the “Clean Seas Tuna Limited Prospectus October 2005”…….there is the letter from the chairman which states in part “believe that over the next three years this should lead to the establishment of an exciting and long term commercially viable SBT business”…..
The importance here is the wording - ”the next three years” & “commercially viable SBT business”…..which starts the bells ringing – probably more to the point would be “for whom the bell tolls” I read this on the day it was released and knew is was a bit of a furphy, knowing the history of Kinki Uni (Japan) and the history Achotines Laboratory in ref to the YFT...... yet here was a local bloke boasting he would get it up and have a “commercially viable SBT business” within 3 years!.go figure!?!?!?!?!
So the commercially viable SBT business” should have been viable in 2008…......we all know that water temperature is critical to tuna, so why try to grow tuna from an egg in waters unsuited to the fish, the prospectus clearly states the natural breeding (spawning) grounds for SBT are the warm tropical waters and the only known spawning grounds for SBT are located in the Indian Ocean, between the north west coast of Australia and Indonesia.
Today (1500hrs - 12 April 2010) the Sea Surface Temperature is falling at a steady rate, as it does in any normal year, with today’s temperature being 21.7 ºC in the area of Arno Bay ……..
“(Page 32 CSS Prospectus) 5.10 Production Of SBT Fingerlings _ Observation of spawning SBT in their natural habitat in the Indian Ocean off Western Australia indicates a need for an ambient spawning temperature in excess of 25C. However, the average maximum summer water temperature is less than 25c at Arno Bay”
I understand the difference between “spawning” and “fingerlings” and I also know what happens when (particularly) fingerlings are subject to temperature differences, in this case the fingerlings will in all probability go into thermal shock and croak it.
So, CSS already knew the temperature required for the survival of tuna fingerlings is in excess of 25 ºC yet have the impudence to produce the latest (CLEAN SEAS TUNA LIMITED announcements 31/03/2010 - Tuna spawning update March 2010) that states the “company remains confidant it will be able to put fingerlings into sea cages before the ocean temperatures become too cold”!?!?!?!!?
Who’s plucking this duck!
If you click on West Point (Tip of Eyre Peninsular) the temperature is 16.6 ºC……trust me, this water (temperature) goes north during winter….making a beeline for Arno Bay.
So, CSS has not yet kept a fish alive to date…… will need to spawn more tuna…….grow the tuna to a size that make it possible to transfer to the open water cages (CSS prospectus states “By day 50, SBT fingerlings of approximately 7-10 grams should be ready for transfer to sea cages for growout”) so that’s 50 days from the announcement on 31/03/2010 which takes the transfer to ~ 20th May 2010, whereby I just know the water is going to be a great deal colder than the minimum of the 25 ºC needed for the fingerlings to survive.
One would think CSS would have competent helmsmen at the wheel and be intelligent enough to make the very serious decisions required to safe guard, not only the big, but also the mum & dad investors. So who is driving this particular rubber ducky?
Why try to mislead the investors by stating they (CSS) remain confidant they would be able to put fingerlings into sea cages at this time of the year. Still, in all fairness CSS did not say the fingerlings would survive the transfer; just that CSS would put the fingerlings in a cage!….. well that takes care of the fish.
Sponsorship. Or better known as “creative accounting”. Hard to call this one an investment opportunity.
I obviously have a very poor Excel program (probably has a fishy virus) because no matter what I do I just cannot make it show a profit with values supplied by CSS. And why on earth in the beginning would CSS pay a fixed price for a product to the grower when it leaves CSS at the mercy of the fish market, which is / has / and always will be fickle.
Can any one tell me that as an investor in any listed company am I allowed access to the company books to check on where/how/who/why my investment is spent. I do not mean the bulk end of year report – the “creative accounting”. I am referring to the real hard cash figures, AKA “the truth”
And is there any avenue that reveals the identity of those making decisions on behalf of CSS.
Can anyone tell me if there has ever been a dividend payed back to investors?
CSS has/had thousands of metric tonnes of Mulloway and King Fish……… why is this company going broke?
Where can I go to find the exact $/ ¢ paid to CSS by government.
Who, in Govt, is responsible to keep check of the money on behalf of the taxpayers ………fact is we (taxpayers) are the donors / sponsors for this mob.
There is nothing worse that when a venture of this type fails, because which bank and what investors are going to support future projects when bungling dodgy brothers make these ventures seem so risky.
The Port Lincoln Times and ABC radio have both given the news that CSS has closed down one of it’s processing establishments with the loss of ~23 jobs………….if this is not “material” type information I would like to know what the definition of material s because there is no announcement on the ASX www page for this CSS event.
I really am getting the feeling ASX/ASIC should perhaps upgrade their rules and use Breaker Morants’ “Rule 303”.
Anyway, I hope to have comms with any/all of you re this investing bit.
All opinions are mine. DYOR
Amazing, another recently-joined ASF member pops straight into the CSS thread to defend CSS... I wonder who "bluewater" works for...
Look at that for a first post. Could "bluewater" be any more blatant if he tried? Is anyone being fooled?
You're probably going to get a better response if you just do it openly, "bluewater".
G'day Sdajii,
First off, thanks for the sledging, you certainly got my attention.
When I first opened this I thought – can’t this dude read - then much to my embarrassment I found I had NOT sent my comments (posted below) as I thought I had. Please be gentle with me, this is the first time I have made a mistake in my 62 years! - Thank god I was quick enough to delete my hasty response in reference to you washing your mouth out with soap for even suggesting I was “onside” or “a member of” this mob of bushwhackers.
Updates -
In regards to Sashimi, regardless of who is who or who works for who, my motto is honesty in all things.... It does none of us any good to believe in false info…. I am not sledging Sashimi either, just getting the facts right.
Sdajii – following are my missed comments I thought I had posted yesterday, sorry for the confusion but I trust that if you read it you may / may not forgive my first attempt to join an online forum.
G’day all, (12 April 2010)
“OK”, that’s enough…..Juicy Lucy, just how much can a man take!
I may be a bit long winded in my initial contact with y’all but without “fish” there is no CSS, let alone returns to investors.
All my references to issues on day one with the release of the prospectus are still relevant today.
I have a passion for aquaculture - particularly the propagation with the possibility of re-seeding the wild.
As the global boffins are stating the world will be out of fish by 2040, (as a life long fisherman and after seeing the decline in so many fisheries first hand I agree with them) and the present controversy of the Northern Blue Fin tuna (NBT), and many other species I have naturally gravitated to CLEAN SEAS TUNA LIMITED (CSS) as an exercise in learning the ropes of “Investing” & try to sort the truth from the BS.
As I have waded through the “DYOR” phase I am mortified to find I know diddly squat on the facts of investing, compared to what I thought I knew!
Believe me, when stepping from “fishing” to “investing” I have just about worn out the web acronyms page.
Silly me, I must be an absolute whacker because I thought a publicly listed company was required to be transparent and honest with its investors.
I understand that; “ASX is obliged to monitor conduct in relation to the markets and facilities it operates, to supervise the market and ensure compliance with its rules, and to refer to ASIC any suspected breaches of the law.”
Therefore; if any breaches are noticed, ASX is to then notify ASIC
It seems I totally misunderstood the obligations/authority of ASX/ASIC as stated above, because when I follow (for example) the CSS path I find ASX/ASIC appear to be in hiding and/or in denial. I just do not understand when ASX asked when all the fish died if the matter was “material” and CSS just gave the blunt answer ”NO”…..sssooo!?!?!?!?!? What does ASX/ASIC do with this type of fob off? Just lie down and cringe!?!?!
Starting at the beginning with the “Clean Seas Tuna Limited Prospectus October 2005”…….there is the letter from the chairman which states in part “believe that over the next three years this should lead to the establishment of an exciting and long term commercially viable SBT business”…..
The importance here is the wording - ”the next three years” & “commercially viable SBT business”…..which starts the bells ringing – probably more to the point would be “for whom the bell tolls” I read this on the day it was released and knew is was a bit of a furphy, knowing the history of Kinki Uni (Japan) and the history Achotines Laboratory in ref to the YFT...... yet here was a local bloke boasting he would get it up and have a “commercially viable SBT business” within 3 years!.go figure!?!?!?!?!
So the commercially viable SBT business” should have been viable in 2008…......we all know that water temperature is critical to tuna, so why try to grow tuna from an egg in waters unsuited to the fish, the prospectus clearly states the natural breeding (spawning) grounds for SBT are the warm tropical waters and the only known spawning grounds for SBT are located in the Indian Ocean, between the north west coast of Australia and Indonesia.
Today (1500hrs - 12 April 2010) the Sea Surface Temperature is falling at a steady rate, as it does in any normal year, with today’s temperature being 21.7 ºC in the area of Arno Bay ……..
“(Page 32 CSS Prospectus) 5.10 Production Of SBT Fingerlings _ Observation of spawning SBT in their natural habitat in the Indian Ocean off Western Australia indicates a need for an ambient spawning temperature in excess of 25C. However, the average maximum summer water temperature is less than 25c at Arno Bay”
I understand the difference between “spawning” and “fingerlings” and I also know what happens when (particularly) fingerlings are subject to temperature differences, in this case the fingerlings will in all probability go into thermal shock and croak it.
So, CSS already knew the temperature required for the survival of tuna fingerlings is in excess of 25 ºC yet have the impudence to produce the latest (CLEAN SEAS TUNA LIMITED announcements 31/03/2010 - Tuna spawning update March 2010) that states the “company remains confidant it will be able to put fingerlings into sea cages before the ocean temperatures become too cold”!?!?!?!!?
Who’s plucking this duck!
If you click on West Point (Tip of Eyre Peninsular) the temperature is 16.6 ºC……trust me, this water (temperature) goes north during winter….making a beeline for Arno Bay.
So, CSS has not yet kept a fish alive to date…… will need to spawn more tuna…….grow the tuna to a size that make it possible to transfer to the open water cages (CSS prospectus states “By day 50, SBT fingerlings of approximately 7-10 grams should be ready for transfer to sea cages for growout”) so that’s 50 days from the announcement on 31/03/2010 which takes the transfer to ~ 20th May 2010, whereby I just know the water is going to be a great deal colder than the minimum of the 25 ºC needed for the fingerlings to survive.
One would think CSS would have competent helmsmen at the wheel and be intelligent enough to make the very serious decisions required to safe guard, not only the big, but also the mum & dad investors. So who is driving this particular rubber ducky?
Why try to mislead the investors by stating they (CSS) remain confidant they would be able to put fingerlings into sea cages at this time of the year. Still, in all fairness CSS did not say the fingerlings would survive the transfer; just that CSS would put the fingerlings in a cage!….. well that takes care of the fish.
Sponsorship. Or better known as “creative accounting”. Hard to call this one an investment opportunity.
I obviously have a very poor Excel program (probably has a fishy virus) because no matter what I do I just cannot make it show a profit with values supplied by CSS. And why on earth in the beginning would CSS pay a fixed price for a product to the grower when it leaves CSS at the mercy of the fish market, which is / has / and always will be fickle.
Can any one tell me that as an investor in any listed company am I allowed access to the company books to check on where/how/who/why my investment is spent. I do not mean the bulk end of year report – the “creative accounting”. I am referring to the real hard cash figures, AKA “the truth”
And is there any avenue that reveals the identity of those making decisions on behalf of CSS.
Can anyone tell me if there has ever been a dividend payed back to investors?
CSS has/had thousands of metric tonnes of Mulloway and King Fish……… why is this company going broke?
Where can I go to find the exact $/ ¢ paid to CSS by government.
Who, in Govt, is responsible to keep check of the money on behalf of the taxpayers ………fact is we (taxpayers) are the donors / sponsors for this mob.
There is nothing worse that when a venture of this type fails, because which bank and what investors are going to support future projects when bungling dodgy brothers make these ventures seem so risky.
The Port Lincoln Times and ABC radio have both given the news that CSS has closed down one of it’s processing establishments with the loss of ~23 jobs………….if this is not “material” type information I would like to know what the definition of material s because there is no announcement on the ASX www page for this CSS event.
I really am getting the feeling ASX/ASIC should perhaps upgrade their rules and use Breaker Morants’ “Rule 303”.
Anyway, I hope to have comms with any/all of you re this investing bit.
All opinions are mine. DYOR