MC - $36m
SP - 26c
Shares - 140m
Options - 7.5m
Cash - $3m
Kurnalpi – Ready for Mining
•Current Resource: 6.17Mt @ 1.2 g/t for 228,800oz Au
–JORC Reserve for Brilliant Orebody of 1.09Mt @ 1.7 g/t for 59,000oz Au
•New mineralised structure discovered at Brilliant, adjacent to first pit
•More drilling to define extent of new structure
Lindsay’s – Second Open Pit
•Current Resource: 5.14Mt @ 2.0 g/t for 323,600oz Au
–Initial Probable Reserve of 664,000t @ 2.2 g/t for 42,995oz Au
•To commence open pit production after Kurnalpi
•Further success along strike and at depth
Kalpini – Resource Upgrade
•Resource increased 29% to 3.41Mt @1.9 g/t for 208,960oz Au
•Resource will be optimised, followed by selective infill drilling
•Future work to deliver initial Mining Reserve
Mt Jewell-Substantial New Resource
•Current Resource of 3.8 Mt @ 1.53 g/t for 185,600 oz Au
•Drill program to expand Resource
•Hughes and Tregurtha deposits could be much larger than currently defined
•Resource upgrade expected in current quarter
•Mining Lease Application
•Mt Jewell and Kalpini 3rd and 4th mines
Reasons to Invest
•Managed for commercial success
•Early cashflow from oxide pits
•1 million ounce Resource base and growing (500,000oz pa*)
•Expect to triple Reserves by Dec 2012
•Large exploration area in known gold province, full infrastructure
•No debt