Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Courts are failing women

One woman is killed every 9 days by a male.
According to and family violence in Australia statistics&text=1 in 6 women have,it is 1 in 16.&text=75% of victims of domestic,reported the perpetrator as female.">

The actual statistic is one woman every 9 days is killed by a current or former partner and one man every month is killed by a current or former partner. Based on that statistic, 77% of the victims killed are women, 23% are men.

Of all domestic violence, 75% reported the perpetrator as male and 25% reported the perpetrator as female.

So why only fix it for some?


Referring to LGBTQIA+ people, of the respondents to the 2019 Private Lives 3 survey:

49% had experienced sexual assault.

61% had experienced violence from an intimate partner.

And yet this group is being effectively excluded from the discussion despite the statistics being considerably worse than for the general population.

So my point is, why not seek to end violence period? Why this notion that it's just fine as long as it's any situation other than a male perpetrator and female victim? Why exclude ~25% of the problem?

The only reason I can come up with is someone's playing politics rather than genuinely seeking to fix the problem once and for all. There's no reason to exclude some victims and some perpetrators - just deal with the lot. This isn't an issue that ought be used as a political tool. :2twocents
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There is no magic bullet, but surely tougher sentences and bail laws would keep them off the streets for a while longer.

Plus a register of violent offenders so people can know what they've done.
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One woman is killed every 9 days by a male.
What's the male to female suicide rate, I'm not being funny and I don't know the answer but I do know a few blokes that have loped themselev's and I know where a huge amount of stress was coming from.
It usually starts with money ptoblems and builds from there and guess what the biggest issue in Australia is at the moment and it isn't the budget deficit.
This is what people who haven't lived through hard times and the resultant domestic violence can't appreciate, yet they are the ones trying to decide how to deal with it.
What's the male to female suicide rate, I'm not being funny and I don't know the answer but I do know a few blokes that have loped themselev's and I know where a huge amount of stress was coming from.
It usually starts with money ptoblems and builds from there and guess what the biggest issue in Australia is at the moment and it isn't the budget deficit.
This is what people who haven't lived through hard times and the resultant domestic violence can't appreciate, yet they are the ones trying to decide how to deal with it.

Males are 3 times more likely to die by suicide than females.

Males are 3 times more likely to die by suicide than females.

And guess what, from a few I've known, if they didn't do it. I have no doubt they would have hurt their spouse and their children, because kids jump in to try and stop it.

The issue isn't about violent males, it IMO is more about the stress people are under and how they deal with it, the Govt should be doing two things IMO.

First the Govt needs to advertise that when things are turning to $hit and the wife is screaming because she can't feed the kids and he gets angry because he doesn't have an answer.
Walk out, take a breath, take time to think.
It gives them time to realise bashing the crap out of the missus, doesn't change the situation, most blokes calm down when they are away from the confruntation and hysteria.

Secondly the Govt needs to grow a pair and realise what makes a happy family, is a happy home, a happy home is when the wife has a nest that is warm and safe, not an impossible dream that is never going to happen.

This isn't rocket science, except to the elites who have never seen a hard time never seen their mum bashed, because bills couldn't be paid, never seen disenfranchised fathers who feel they are worthless, striking out at those nearest and dearest, because they are the only ones they can strike out at.

As a kid I grew up with that and trust me it ain't pleasant, but it does give you the ability to see that the answer wont be found in Canberra. The only problem is they will come up with another comittee of university political hacks that will analyse it and give another raft of useless reasons and solutions.
Rather than just fixing the stupid house ponzi scheme, why wreck something when your making a killing. Lol
Well things will get worse, cranking up the personal stress, to alleviate the budget problem, will bite them right on the ar$e
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And guess what, from a few I've known, if they didn't do it. I have no doubt they would have hurt their spouse and their children, because kids jump in to try and stop it.

The issue isn't about violent males, it IMO is more about the stress people are under and how they deal with it, the Govt should be doing two things IMO.

First the Govt needs to advertise that when things are turning to $hit and the wife is screaming because she can't feed the kids and he gets angry because he doesn't have an answer.
Walk out, take a breath, take time to think.
It gives them time to realise bashing the crap out of the missus, doesn't change the situation, most blokes calm down when they are away from the confruntation and hysteria.

Secondly the Govt needs to grow a pair and realise what makes a happy family, is a happy home, a happy home is when the wife has a nest that is warm and safe, not an impossible dream that is never going to happen.

This isn't rocket science, except to the elites who have never seen a hard time never seen their mum bashed, because bills couldn't be paid, never seen disenfranchised fathers who feel they are worthless, striking out at those nearest and dearest, because they are the only ones they can strike out at.

As a kid I grew up with that and trust me it ain't pleasant, but it does give you the ability to see that the answer wont be found in Canberra. The only problem is they will come up with another comittee of university political hacks that will analyse it and give another raft of useless reasons and solutions.
Rather than just fixing the stupid house ponzi scheme, why wreck something when your making a killing. Lol
Well things will get worse, cranking up the personal stress, to alleviate the budget problem, will bite them right on the ar$e

Yes, I just wonder if those in power know the real causes. Some DV is caused by jealously, possession and power and others by financial stress. Two different problems, two differrent solutions.

It's like cancer really, it's not one disease it's lots of different ones, you have to have the right treatment for each.
Yes, I just wonder if those in power know the real causes. Some DV is caused by jealously, possession and power and others by financial stress. Two different problems, two differrent solutions.

It's like cancer really, it's not one disease it's lots of different ones, you have to have the right treatment for each.
Absolutely, I saw a snippet on the ships news which is reaaly limited.
They were saying in Queensland the Commonwealth army based covid facility has been handed over thecthe fedral police but some wanted to use it to house the homelese.
Why didn't they mention the State built covid facility at Towoomba?
Yes, I just wonder if those in power know the real causes. Some DV is caused by jealously, possession and power and others by financial stress. Two different problems, two differrent solutions.

It's like cancer really, it's not one disease it's lots of different ones, you have to have the right treatment for each.
I would love to see an actual analysis of that.
It would be s worthwhile study.

I think some are high profile, whereas others are everyday occurrences.
I would love to see an actual analysis of that.
It would be s worthwhile study.

I think some are high profile, whereas others are everyday occurrences.

If you look at the cases of Michael Slater and Andrew O'Keefe for example, neither of those appear to be in financial distress, so there must be another reason, and you wonder how many others like it that aren't reported.
What's the male to female suicide rate, I'm not being funny and I don't know the answer but I do know a few blokes that have loped themselev's and I know where a huge amount of stress was coming from.
Personally I've seen more than I'd like to have seen at a young age, and whilst society doesn't like to talk about this stuff I expect there's quite a few in that situation.

Only one I've known who took their own life did it after 7 years of relentless bullying. That was a workplace situation not domestic but still, it's a similar scenario. I'll avoid naming the employer for obvious reasons but for the avoidance of doubt I'll state that it was not in the energy industry.

Domestic situations I'm aware of which resulted in physical violence the trigger was money yes. Either a shortage of it, one taking from the other or what was seen as reckless spending. Stepping back, that comes down to the basic problems of a power imbalance combined with lack of respect. Money might've triggered it but it was those two things that ultimately lead down that track.

But then I know others who've been to hell and back as a couple in other ways and suffice to say never saw either with so much as a scratch. Plenty of relationships can and do withstand serious external stress without falling apart. :2twocents
Some interesting stats here.

  • In short: The Australian Institute of Criminology's Homicide in Australia report shows 49 per cent of female victims of homicide were killed by a former or current intimate partner in the 2022-23 financial year.
  • The rate of homicides committed by an acquaintance of the victim — rather than a stranger or someone intimately known to them — was the lowest it has been in the 34 years the report has been produced.
  • What's next? Australian Institute of Criminology research manager Dr Samantha Bricknell says overall homicide rates in Australia have decreased by 52 per cent over the last 34 years.
Another male v female case?

No, but disturbing to say the least and shows we should be fighting violence in general, not broken into sub-classes.

All of a sudden, we have a rash of scum wielding knives and stabbing/killing people. Seems to be a copycat scenario going on here.
Next will we be seeing the reintroduction of cutthroat razors, that were the rage back in the 1920's when the two Madams ruled on the East Coast?

I want to say I've had three people ordered to be chemically castrated but, to my knowledge, this is the first physical castration to be ordered," Cascio told WBRZ-TV.

Nice to see some judges and prosecutors and citizens do what needs to be done.

Put wife beaters and murderers and rapists to death or cut off their dicks and we will see a drop off in domestic violence. Certainly will see a drop off and repeat offenders. But I'm sure the government throwing another few million at womens shelters and studies will really fix the problem :rolleyes:

I want to say I've had three people ordered to be chemically castrated but, to my knowledge, this is the first physical castration to be ordered," Cascio told WBRZ-TV.

Nice to see some judges and prosecutors and citizens do what needs to be done.

Put wife beaters and murderers and rapists to death or cut off their dicks and we will see a drop off in domestic violence. Certainly will see a drop off and repeat offenders. But I'm sure the government throwing another few million at womens shelters and studies will really fix the problem :rolleyes:
Exactly. This thread really ties in with the recent imbroglio involving our Dear Leader and the women's demo E other day.

Certainly if police/courts were able to do their job, perhaps far fewer women would be killed.

Also something I heard yesterday, there is a very high statistic of dv/murder in same sex relationships in the US (and most likely here too).

Haven't got the numbers but will have to chase that up at some stage.
It seems that a big hoohah erupts when there is a "blip" in a long term statistical trend of a particular phenomenon like DV, or the road toll or airline crashes.

Not to say more shouldn't be done, but apparently what has already been done is working, and maybe we should see if the current increase is a long term trend or just a blip in a general downturn.

  1. Increase in Intimate Partner Homicides:
    • In the year 2022-23, the rate of women killed by an intimate partner increased by nearly 30% compared to the previous year.
    • Specifically, 34 women were killed by a current or previous intimate partner, which is eight more than the previous year.
    • The rate of these deaths increased by 28%, from 0.25 to 0.32 per 100,000 women1.
    • Despite this increase, it’s important to note that the rate of female intimate partner homicide was still the third-lowest rate in over 30 years since records began in 1989-90.
    • Overall, the rate of women killed by their partners has decreased by 66% since that time.
  2. Context and Considerations:
  3. Overall Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) Statistics: