Wow at last, we're all getting on the same song sheet.
Don't cut spending. don't increase taxes = increase in debt, drop in $ value = increase in inflation, increase in interest rates, increase in costs of goods.
It ain't rocket science, we've done it before.
But last time we were manufacturing cars, manufacturing solar panels, manufacturing fuel, manufacturing pig iron, manufacturing steel, manufacturing underpants.
This time when the $hit settles, the lowest comon denominator will be less.IMO
These morons Labor,Pup and the Greens, will cause a real crisis that won't be overcome easily.
To maintain our living standards, it is imposible to pay everyone 100k and supply those on welfare, the money to afford it.
Also to pay 100k to make stuff for sale overseas, when they can buy it from somewhere else for a quarter of the price.
Somethings got to give.