Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Council rates jump over 100% without a fuss

Councils are just doing what everyone else is doing and that is riding this glorious housing boom...good on them I say

Well I received my second rates payable notice today and am very disappointed. My land value has decreased by 10k which would usually mean less rates payable but the Council fixed that by increasing the rate in the dollar of Property Valuation. This means paying just over 3k council rates this year. :mad:

You can't beat the governing bodies in Australia. The harder you work to build a financially independent life the harder they hit you with tax, levies, fees, charges whatever they want to call it and however much they want to charge.

Double :mad:

Yes it is related: The fees collected are in direct relationship to the cost of a as house prices go up...(supply and demand), then the knock on affects are endless...

I get no better service and have not realised any gain in property value. That excuse is weak.
If it makes you feel any better, I pay around $4000 p.a. in a regional centre with damn all facilities.
A relative in an affluent part of Sydney pays much, much less, and has access to all of Sydney's transport, cultural and retail facilities, etc etc.
Well I received my second rates payable notice today and am very disappointed. My land value has decreased by 10k which would usually mean less rates payable but the Council fixed that by increasing the rate in the dollar of Property Valuation. This means paying just over 3k council rates this year. :mad:

You can't beat the governing bodies in Australia. The harder you work to build a financially independent life the harder they hit you with tax, levies, fees, charges whatever they want to call it and however much they want to charge.

Double :mad:

I get no better service and have not realised any gain in property value. That excuse is weak.

Get over it all those people in councill are requiring more money to support the investment property portfolio.
Life in Australia is a feeding frenzy at the moment, everyone needs more.:D

It has to end in
If it makes you feel any better, I pay around $4000 p.a. in a regional centre with damn all facilities.
That amount to me is daylight robbery for a regional town. They make their own rules.

Life in Australia is a feeding frenzy at the moment, everyone needs more.
Yeah the average wage will be 100k/year and a loaf of bread will be 10 dollars. :eek:
Yeah the average wage will be 100k/year and a loaf of bread will be 10 dollars.

Wow at last, we're all getting on the same song sheet.:xyxthumbs

Don't cut spending. don't increase taxes = increase in debt, drop in $ value = increase in inflation, increase in interest rates, increase in costs of goods.

It ain't rocket science, we've done it before.
But last time we were manufacturing cars, manufacturing solar panels, manufacturing fuel, manufacturing pig iron, manufacturing steel, manufacturing underpants.
This time when the $hit settles, the lowest comon denominator will be less.IMO

These morons Labor,Pup and the Greens, will cause a real crisis that won't be overcome easily.
To maintain our living standards, it is imposible to pay everyone 100k and supply those on welfare, the money to afford it.
Also to pay 100k to make stuff for sale overseas, when they can buy it from somewhere else for a quarter of the price.

Somethings got to give.:eek:
It ain't rocket science, we've done it before.
But last time we were manufacturing cars, manufacturing solar panels, manufacturing fuel, manufacturing pig iron, manufacturing steel, manufacturing underpants.
This time when the $hit settles, the lowest comon denominator will be less.IMO
Yes the common people will have no work so the Gov. has to continue with their capital projects but this time sourcing materials/expertise from O.S. We can't even build navy vessels on time and in budget 'cause somewhere the funds are getting siphoned off. The Gov. teat gets squeezed dry.

AN $8.5 billion taxpayer-funded “alliance’’ to build three hi-tech navy warships was a multi-tiered debacle, government auditors have found.
The Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance is running two years late, is $302 million over budget and is bleeding money at the rate of $1 million a week, according to well placed sources.
Yes the common people will have no work so the Gov. has to continue with their capital projects but this time sourcing materials/expertise from O.S. We can't even build navy vessels on time and in budget 'cause somewhere the funds are getting siphoned off. The Gov. teat gets squeezed dry.

I certainly hope, people realise the problem, time will tell.

Fortunatelly, I believe, 70% of the population understand what needs to be done.

Also polls always seem to pick the other 30%.:xyxthumbs
That amount to me is daylight robbery for a regional town. They make their own rules.
Obviously I agree. The justification from the Council is that the area they are required to cover is huge, despite the minimal population in each town, ergo lots of road and infrastructure maintenance. That's true enough, but there's also very considerable waste of money.

Wow at last, we're all getting on the same song sheet.:xyxthumbs

Don't cut spending. don't increase taxes = increase in debt, drop in $ value = increase in inflation, increase in interest rates, increase in costs of goods.

It ain't rocket science, we've done it before.
But last time we were manufacturing cars, manufacturing solar panels, manufacturing fuel, manufacturing pig iron, manufacturing steel, manufacturing underpants.
This time when the $hit settles, the lowest comon denominator will be less.IMO

These morons Labor,Pup and the Greens, will cause a real crisis that won't be overcome easily.
To maintain our living standards, it is imposible to pay everyone 100k and supply those on welfare, the money to afford it.
Also to pay 100k to make stuff for sale overseas, when they can buy it from somewhere else for a quarter of the price.

Somethings got to give.:eek:
Obviously nothing's going to give until people stop playing their political games. You have Labor at present refusing to even negotiate on the GP co-payment, along with continuing to refuse to pass measures they themselves suggested when in government. And enough has already been said about PUP. So much for the national interest.