Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Costello for PM

Amazing how we tend to view past Treasurers with rose-coloured glasses. Costello was out by billions every year in his budget estimates. Then he put the embarassingly large surpluses back into the economy in the form of tax cuts and middle-class welfare. Shame he didn't invest it in infrastructure that we could now be benefiting from.
Amazing how we tend to view past Treasurers with rose-coloured glasses. Costello was out by billions every year in his budget estimates. Then he put the embarassingly large surpluses back into the economy in the form of tax cuts and middle-class welfare. Shame he didn't invest it in infrastructure that we could now be benefiting from.
I agree about the infrastructure and would level the same accusation at the current government in that, instead of the 'school kids payment' which is a euphemism for another stimulus payment, which will likely go on discretionary retail stuff, they could have put that into some useful infrastructure.

Instead they have opted for what they desperately hope will be a bribe to low/middle income straying voters. I'll be surprised if it works in that respect.
Agree, infrastructure is becoming a major issue due its neglect.
The School kids payment was already there in form of a deduction via your tax return - problem was huge amounts of people wernt accessing it.

I think there is large numbers of people who will waste this money , but even larger numbers who need it to help with the cost of raising childfren in the face of rising living costs.

I reckon instead of cash people should be given vouchers though - this would also lead to a better deal for tax payers as the Government could negotiate a discount with retailers ie/ Mr Harvey give us 100m in vouchers we will give you 75m etc -

And yes our Infrastructure needs a massive boost - funny isnt it Hundreds of Billions in the pipeline for Mining Infrastructure yet we have crumbling highways ....
I agree about the infrastructure and would level the same accusation at the current government in that, instead of the 'school kids payment' which is a euphemism for another stimulus payment, which will likely go on discretionary retail stuff, they could have put that into some useful infrastructure.

Instead they have opted for what they desperately hope will be a bribe to low/middle income straying voters. I'll be surprised if it works in that respect.

Julia it is the old,old story with both major parties and more so with Labor. They know by just talking about the hip pocket effect will buy them votes.
It has just happened in Townsville where the Labor Lord Mayor ( so called independant) Jenny Hill sweetened the public up with a freeze on rates and a rebate of $103 on thier water bill. She went to the local government elections with this campaign and voters have fallen for it. She now finds herself with two Labor councillors, one genuine independant and seven anti Labor members.
Labor also planted another Labor candiddate (so called independant) for Mayor who gained 17% of the vote annd all his preferences went to Jenny Hill and enough to get her over the line.
Although she now has a mandate for this freeze and rebate, I have asked her how the freeze will handle the extra cost incurred by council and how it will affect the infrastructure of this ever expanding city of Townsville.
Yes, the hip pocket effect comes into play and both parties know how to exploit it.
Amazing how we tend to view past Treasurers with rose-coloured glasses. Costello was out by billions every year in his budget estimates. Then he put the embarassingly large surpluses back into the economy in the form of tax cuts and middle-class welfare. Shame he didn't invest it in infrastructure that we could now be benefiting from.

There is no point in putting in infrastructure, when you have a tax system that punishes workers for aspiring to work harder, better themselves and earn more.
Lets just encourage everyone to sit on their ar$e or become a union delegate.LOL
Julia it is the old,old story with both major parties and more so with Labor. They know by just talking about the hip pocket effect will buy them votes.
It has just happened in Townsville where the Labor Lord Mayor ( so called independant) Jenny Hill sweetened the public up with a freeze on rates and a rebate of $103 on thier water bill. She went to the local government elections with this campaign and voters have fallen for it. She now finds herself with two Labor councillors, one genuine independant and seven anti Labor members.
Labor also planted another Labor candiddate (so called independant) for Mayor who gained 17% of the vote annd all his preferences went to Jenny Hill and enough to get her over the line.
Although she now has a mandate for this freeze and rebate, I have asked her how the freeze will handle the extra cost incurred by council and how it will affect the infrastructure of this ever expanding city of Townsville.
Yes, the hip pocket effect comes into play and both parties know how to exploit it.

Because of the state of economics and lies been told, I think a larger percentage of people are watching what is going on in politics.
The voters are becoming more educated in things that affect their lives.

All except one who is my brother -in-law. He has not heard of Craig Thompson and is still blaming Howard for the Ansett fiasco when the workers lost most of their super.:rolleyes:
Libs wince as Kroger and Costello collide

THE bitter fallout between former best friends and political allies Peter Costello and Michael Kroger erupted in spectacular public acrimony yesterday with Mr Kroger painting Mr Costello as an embittered man who spent his time running down his former colleagues and Mr Costello accusing Mr Kroger of completely fabricating a story about the former treasurer's desire to return to federal politics.

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Costello hasn't the balls to be PM.

Whatever you think about Abbott (and I don't think very much of him), he has at least done the hard grist in Opposition and taken the fight to Labor.

Costello has done bugger all and expects to walk into the top job as some sort of Messiah.

Pretty despicable really.
Shame he didn't invest it in infrastructure that we could now be benefiting from.

Precisely. That's why our power prices are going up, because of under investment in the power industry. Howard/Costello were too gutless to make investments in infrastructure, they just blamed the States. No national leadership there whatsoever.