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Cost of living: USA vs. Australia

1$ for 3 hours?

His cousin offers 1$ for 3 hours work and he gets plenty of offers, He picks one and the guy will do the hard work.

I find that very hard to believe. I know they are going through some hard times there...but surely not $1 an hour or 3 hours. You're talking 33cents an hour. Surely your facts are wrong or someone is bull sh*tting you.
This is only loosely related to the subject of the thread, but is related to the title! Cost of housing, food and clothing in the Midwest of the US.

From a blog on my list of reads:
Food, Clothing, Housing Costs at All-Time Lows?

I would easily say that with that sort of cash, an existance in the USA would be alot easier than in Australia for the predominant reason of housing prices.

If you visit which is the US equivalent to real you can easily buy a really nice 3 bedroom house in the suburbs of any of thje major cities for between 150-350K USD. That its WAY cheaper than in Australia where you would be paying between 450-1mill AUD.

So with the cheap housing you can also buy a cheap car with cheap on road costs like rego and fuel (dont know what insurance is like). I would assume that general items are a little bit cheaper than in australia due to scales of economy, but that wouldnt have a large factor.

With the remaining funds you could invest it and nearly live full time on the returns on those funds. Thats if you wanted to live a meagre life.
Definitely get a lot more for your money in the the US than you get in Oz. Plus they have really lax gun laws which I like, as I enjoy my shooting. I find most Americans to be very friendly people, and offer you the shirt off their backs to help you out. Could also be that most of the ones I have met come from either Texas or Montana. I could definitely live in Texas,, great state with great people.
I find that very hard to believe. I know they are going through some hard times there...but surely not $1 an hour or 3 hours. You're talking 33cents an hour. Surely your facts are wrong or someone is bull sh*tting you.

Hard to believe, but true. Did anyone see the recent story on 4Corners about the growing Hispanic community in the US? That showed exactly what was described. A large group of unemployed men standing around an abandonded petrol station waiting to be offered work for virtually nothing. People just drive up, offer some cash and they get to it. Very grim.

I believe you're talking about the illegal immigrants who do this. Many have done it for years, but I've never seen it that low.
No, i'm pretty sure they weren't illegals. Just an increasing volume of immigrants (presumably joining already established relatives?) and swelling the blue collar ranks.
But of course I could be wrong.... Still, it was pretty sad to see.
It's quite difficult to compare food store prices as hardly any items are the same, comparing USA and Aus. The same applies when comparing the UK with Australia.
Prices of food generally is about 130% more expensive in Australia than America, when comparing Woolworths with Walmart. The cheapest UK supermarket is Asda, though added points and fuel discounts confuse the issue. Woolworth would go bust in America and the UK within a year, imho - let's get it straight; the high value of the Aussie$ has made Australia one of the worlds most expensive countries.
Actually, that was last night on Foreign Correspondent. You can watch it here:
It sounds like the mighty USA will soon be just another Latin-American country.

Are there any lessons we can learn from this?
That would make inflation a lot higher that the 2-3 % that the government have told us
Interesting the different prices due to socio/economic situations in that article. I noted that a favourite pack of pencils I buy at $4. Mornington $2.90 at Rosebud and $2.10 more recently at Bendigo. All at the same lovely Woolworths too.

I do know from watching in the last 12 months that fuel on average is up about 15%, particular foods I watch by brand and weight are up nearly 20%. Pleased to see lamb down just a bit of late.

Not calculated but I think most will agree that phone charges, electricity, water and gas, the essentials are all rising well above the Guvminters 2 to 3% inflation rate, which young Swannie loves to quote all the time. Notice how his neck puffs out into his tie which becomes too tight (inflation). He is gunna choke before our eyes wunna these nights. In a past job always knew they were on the wrong foot when their neck puffed out and the tie was strangling them. Swannie gets red in the face with it too.

So why dont' the opposition (Da Abbott mob) get onto such figures???

Huh, suppose they will want to continue telling the same bl..dy lies too.

If you propogate your own seed, use skippy manure and save free water you can greatly reduce the effects of inflation. Could never come at making my own beer so there are still a lot of porblems.

Good thread to get going again now that the currency wars are really hotting up.
"Sports shoes" is just a load of BS.

I used to purchase ASIC's from the USA at half the cost of Australian retailers. Not anymore.

ASIC's has clamped down on that one...

You can still get sports shoes cheaper in the US. Picked up a couple of pairs when I was in Hawaii a few months back. However with sales here and the cost of shipping (US Postal service has recently seriously jacked up their prices) it is no longer the case that you can get them at half price and may not be worth the hassle.

This has nothing to do with ASIC! The companies have realized they have to price things more realistically or loose market share to competitors, gray market imports or just overseas online shopping.
"Sports shoes" is just a load of BS.

I used to purchase ASIC's from the USA at half the cost of Australian retailers. Not anymore.

ASIC's has clamped down on that one...

There is an Asics factory here in this small town....

Sorry DB008, I thought you meant ACCC has clamped down on that. A bit of a mix up, apologies.
Providing all goes well with my visa application i will soon be moving to the USA so will be able to give first hand a cost of living breakdown
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