Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Coppers Grog Naked Bus

No, Tink, they were not within the confines of a bus. They were running around outside it. A witness noted the rego and called in a complaint to the police (oh the irony).

Can you explain why you think it's OK for police officers to indulge in this sort of behaviour, but not 'ordinary' people? Or are you happy for everyone to run naked through the streets 'as long as they are not actually hurting anyone'?

They were using a police service vehicle. Is this an appropriate use for a tax payer funded vehicle, do you think?

Julia, it was a bucks night, ordinary people do indulge in this

I know a few people that have been through this and have never been locked up for their bucks..

Police officers get married too..
Thin end of the set of rules for the police and one for the general public. The police have a responsibility to uphold the law as well as abide by it, if allowed to relax rules for police for certain unruly behaviors the whole issue would become very gray (what laws can they break? that the public can't).

My first reaction was storm-in-a-teacup - who cares - but I think this is a very good point that tyson makes above. Unfortunately in order for society to respect the authority of the police force, and to trust that they will impartially enforce the rule of law there really can't be any exceptions made - regardless of how wowserish it seems. The use of the police vehicle is another key factor though it sounds like it was unmarked.

The institution is as important as the individuals that make it work and by undermining the institution they are in fact also undermining their own authority which can lead to an impact on their own safety as well as the safety of the public. I don't necessarily think they should be sacked but it can't go unpunished.
My comments posted here previously are tounge in cheek

personally i couldnt care less what ppl get up to as long as it does not cross MY path

i am not an avid lover of the police or justice sytems so find this one law for them and one law for us rubbish ,a bit hard to swallow tho

if there allowed to break the law .. so should i be ........

do you think that would hold up in court ?