I'm new to trading, however I have 29 years experience and a masters in Information Technology along with a degree and certificate in related fields i.e. I am as expert as they come in IT (and as novice as can be in trading!)
I'd also like to say at the outset that I am not looking for a debate unless you have similar experience and qualifications. I'm not being arrogant here, but let me ask you if you debate your doctor, dentist or lawyer?
It has very much been my experience that security vulnerabilities and subsequent exploits in Microsoft windows have increased exponentially with each new version of the operating system since windows Version 1.0 in 1984, whilst there is clearly every reason to believe that this situation will continue. There are reasons for this, however in a nutshell people generally accept these problems and continue to buy windows and so Microsoft has little motivation to fully address this issue, instead they skirt around the issue with firewalls etc. Also, windows really only dates back to 1995 or even 2000 (earlier version were not operating systems but file management utilities) and so has not really had time to fully mature (allow another 10 - 15 years!).
Subsequently I own a MAC and for my trading I am running VMware Fusion (
http://www.vmware.com/products/fusion/ ) which allows me to run windows in a window (where it belongs) on my MACbook PRO, or more specifically CMC Markets platform Market Maker in a window on the MAC OSX desktop (or any other windows application). I do not use Windows for anything else and have it set to automatically update itself. I am also about to find out exactly what TCP/IP ports Market Maker uses and will then close all other ports in the windows firewall. The windows XP installation is a minimal installation, whilst no other windows applications are installed, this in turn reduces windows inherent instability and vulnerabilities. I have no windows antivirus software installed as these programs cause their own issues, instead it is very easy to erase and restore Windows and Market Maker in Fusion (takes no more than literally 1-2 minutes). (I also have no antivirus software installed in MAC OSX as OSX is literally immune to 99.99% of malicious software i.e. viruses and spyware etc.
As for the MAC, the operating system is a version of UNIX (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix ) and whilst you may love windows, your world is run by UNIX i.e. cars, dvd players, photocopiers, foxtel, the Net [Google, Ebay, Yahoo and 99% of web sites including
www.aussiestockforums.com!], operating theatres, medical equipment, ATM's, telephone exchanges, cockpits, ADSL modems and routers, your ISP, power stations, traffic lights, navy submarines and warships, missiles, satellites etc etc. you are in fact a bigger UNIX user than you are a windows user! Windows is really a consumer grade operating system whilst UNIX and its various derivatives are industrial strength (UNIX's pedigree extends back to the 60's).
So I can 100% recommend MACS (Or Linux machines, however they do not run Fusion). In fact, I have for years told friends and relations to "Get a MAC" when they ask me about windows issues and none of them have ever looked back!
PS I do not, nor have I, ever worked for Apple or for Microsoft for that matter whilst I do not own Apple shares or have any other vested interest. This post is simply my considered expert opinion.