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there seems to be alot of these companies around he told me when they signed up they only bet 30 to 40 times a month he told me now he looks at his account they have more than 40 bets in a single day, which is different to what he was told when he bought into sure track technologies
Well I should have looked at all these posts before handing over my money.
Originall Commercial Securities wanted $8800 but i said no and they were happy to take $5000..
WELL GUESS WHAT there website is unavailable the boss's mobile is disconected BUT after screaming at there answereing service they rang me.
GUESS what they have nothing to do with the old company it is still called commercial securities but NEW owners have taken over.
I told her about everything i new, ABN registrations even that workers from there firm had posed as satisfied customers on THIS forum and had been banned from using it.
OH very sorry we have nothing do do with old company, even the employees are all NEW NONE of the old staff came over during the change over.
AFTER questioning this woman i said you do no what is going on dont you, then i said WHY would someone take over a company with such a bad reputation???????????I cant believe we were soooooo stupid ,lost our money, if there is a will there is a way, PLEASE if you have been caught by this company reply to my post as i am taking action. I dont care if it costs me another $5000, I NEED people who have also been caught.
One of the posts on here gives the dates this business was registered and said well i bet there gone by the same time this year (Unquoted) GUESS what mate you were spot on, only thing is the bastards have my money.

I AM GOING TO A CURRENT AFFAIR as they seem to have the power to investigate these things so please post back and i will get the ball rolling....THEY MUST BE STOPPED....
I know a guy that worked for these bunch a crooks. They started as Gateway Technology Solutions then Commercial Securities and now the name has changed to Sure Track Technologies or Red Underline. The company is Red Underline but the trading name seems to be Sure Track Tecnologies.

They have different websites so they can try and dodge forums like this. and suretracktechnologiescom

They have some how got the major banks in their heading some how I don't think the banks would be to happy about this.

They are saying they have changed owners or what ever all they have done is started up a new company with a different director. They are still located at Level 6, 50 Cavill Ave, in Surfers Paradise. The guy who owns it is a guy called John Muir. He just keeps on paying people to sign as director and share holder so he can't be traced.

Apparently as of the 1st of July Fair Trading will handle class actions against these type of companies, so everyone who has bought programs go hard against the director and you may have some luck. Proving John Muir has any ownership of these companies is hard because he protects himself by using other people to take the fall.

On the Red Underline website they say they will get you invest in property options and Stock market trading this is just bull**** to get your hopes up to have a long standing relationship with the company. Don't be sucked in by this statement.

Look on the Asic website and you will see that they did 484 Change to Company Details. So when they tell you this question them.

They are probably already working on a new company when this one goes down, so be quick to act when you want money back.

If anyone whats more info email me at klm1981 at
All these companies... Commercial, red underline, and Sure Track are scams- all of them a run by fraudsters.

Surely, you would have to be blind not to see that.

I too fell for this! Managed to get my money out of the trading account when it had halved. This was no easy task in itself. We have tried talking to the ACCC but it seems these guys are out of their control. Would be more than happy to be involved in any futher action.

I too fell for this. I have $3.33 in the trading account, I also have copies of the website when it was showing the latest results which did not match my over the odds reports. Legal fees may prevent me from taking further action, I think this is what they play on. Happy to get involved.
Its pretty simple take the director Zoe Keong to the small claims court in your local area and get a Magistrate to decide. I am fairly sure they will see it in your favour. Her address is posted on this forum. Ring Fair trading as they will now help with class actions as well.
Wow, I wish I had this info back in November when they did one on me. Yes, I am one of the fools that signed up... $5800 and $1000 in the trading account.
I have lost Over the past 8 months they have not had one profitable month and I have all the proof of that. I have record of my trading account every month and it is now at $1.27. They do not respond to any emails and now for the latest. I have copied the last email I received for Paul Elis, the new Director, if you can believe that???

Here goes (worth a read)

9th Aug 2010

New Trading platform is now ready to accept memberships for trading and we are excited about the opportunities it provides to existing Commercial Securities clients.

So what does all this mean to you and your investment?

I have re-enlisted the knowledge and ability of my Head Trader and his team of analysts and traders as they are the best in the world with proven results. They have set up their new Racing and Sports Punters Club and I know that they can make you some money back on your investment. I have seen their results first hand and I am sure you will see that if they weren’t pushed to turn over so much money and be as aggressive as they were when I first acquired Commercial Securities, that 10% a month profit would have been easily achievable, as they bet WIN, PLACE and even LAY horses (back to lose "be the bookie") and on not only Australian Racing but also UK racing and on all Global sports not just win like we did, but when targeting massive returns that were promised, you can only bet WIN. Take a look at their strike rate; they had well over 50% Placed runners and normally at good odds.

Moving forward we have made the serious decision to go ahead with the commitment of my head trader and his team who has set up their own service after seeing the need for a product that delivered results and not promises. They will be charging $5,000 to join plus GST AND WILL ALLOW NEW MEMBERS TO PAY THE $5,000 3 MONTHS AFTER JOINING WHEN THEY ARE HAPPY WITH THE SERVICE. THAT'S RIGHT NOTHING DOWN, JUST THE WAY IT SHOULD BE! But as a special offer he has said he will waive the FULL membership fee for any previous Commercial Securities members THIS MEANS YOU NEVER HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP and each person can have up to 2 memberships each. They target 10% return monthly and charge fees of $99.95 only if they achieve a 5% net result for the month. This is the best I can do, I have personally put everything I own on the line and need this to work just as much as all of you do and this was a personal favour to me for the head trader to accept these terms.

One of the big differences on the new trading platform is the traders bet smaller amounts and bet WIN, PLACE and even LAY horses (back horses to lose "be the bookie" they also bet daily in the UK and on Global sport and mainly only bet some Wed Sat and Public holidays in Oz) so they bet much more but they have opened up the door to us to be able to offer this. They have a lot of people already waiting listed on their own database so for existing clients it is on a first come basis to secure your position. Applications need to be in by next Friday 13th August and the accounts must then be funded by the 1st Sept for Septembers trading. They do not allow anyone to come in mid month. You can join but you will only start trading on the next calendar month. This way all accounts should be equal with no fluctuations to the live trading displayed with no excuses. There are some heavy hitters requesting large chunks of this trading so if you are interested THERE ARE ONLY 2,000 ME
MBERSHIPS AVAILABLE BUT IT IS FREE TO ALL MY MEMBERS AND THEY GET FIRST SHOT, BUT ONLY FOR AUGUST. There are no set up costs 100% free to join ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS FUND YOUR TRADING ACCOUNT. I want to see you recoup your investment. Remember that I have not received $1 from previous sales of license fees. This change has been employed as I needed a much safer and securer trading platform that is also a fairer way of trading for you, to minimise losses and make this an equitable investment for all involved.

This is the only way forward and the best option available. Please email me to inform me of your interest and I will send out the necessary documentation including the new contract and the terms and conditions of the Racing and Sports Punters Club for your perusal and acceptance. For those that do want to transfer we will honour the existing time frames of your current license as the RASPC memberships for the life of their company NO RENEWAL FEES EVER. Unfortunately if you do not wish to transfer to the new platform we will no longer be actively trading on your behalf and will be still trading as the old owners and placing a few trades only at 0.5% and don't believe you will make money. As this is a new legally binding contract to replace and supersede all existing contracts of Commercial Securities Pty Ltd. There is no legal clause for refund or on sale of your current trading license. As per your signed contract, Commercial Securities will in no circumstances be liable
for any damages, injuries or liabilities caused directly or indirectly from the use of the membership. This includes, without limitation incidental, consequential or special damages or damages for loss of business, lost profits, business interruption or other indirect or consequential loss arising out of the membership. In no event will Commercial Securities be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including loss of profits, loss of revenues, any other economic advantage or cost of cover incurred by customer arising out of this agreement, under any theory of liability, whether in an action in contract, strict liability, tort (including negligence) or other legal or equitable theory. All trading is professionally undertaken, and our long term strategy is based upon results over the term of your license. Unfortunately, as you can appreciate all investment strategies have a level of risk associated with such, and no investment offers trades
, that are 100% successful, on each and every occasion. From time to time we reassess our trading strategy.

If you would like to be part of this new opportunity you will need to fill out a new application form as soon as possible and then have funds transferred ready for trading to begin the first week of September. I feel that this is in your best interest for you to have any possibility of a return from your license fees that were paid to establish your trading accounts with the previous owners of Commercial Securities Pty Ltd.

Kind regards
Mr. Paul Ellis
Commercial Securities Pty. Ltd.

So my take on this is that unless you have a trading account > $2000 then the $99 monthly fee if they make 5% is a break even result provided the 5% is of your total trading account but what if they only trade $1000 and make 5% then you go backward $50 that month.
Sounds like same s--t in different clothes.

I would be interested in comparing the results they are quoting to con people in against the actual results which I can produce for my over the odds account
They are preying on the gambling instinct of those allready roped in.

Following their results from this point forward is a waste of time. You know the result from bitter experience.

Me too, i was also convince in this... i now have very little amount in my trading account. They have ask me to add more money, but i decline.
I have not been able to sleep too well lately. Can't believe people are so dishonest!!!! Hopefully these people can be stop, and we can get some money back.
I have also been a sucker to the tune of 20k, would love to get it back or at least something back, I have all the paperwork and emails that they have sent from when i first signed up in November 09 (wish this forum was there then) could bonfire0448 contact me as I cannot send personal message until i have 5 posts
just a thought, how do I know or how does any of us know we aren't dealing with the people from commercial securities on this forum?? they could be using it to see what people are doing about being ripped off. any one can email me if they are taking further action I would like to be in on it. Scammed once but not again. ( I hope)
I just flicked through this thread and am amazed at how many 1post wonders have appeared throughout it. And seriously, putting money into a group of people "that bet" your money. You've got to be kidding me, people actually believe this and follow though and deposit money to these guys.

Weren't they on ACA or TT a few years ago as a scam and something to avoid?

thanks DB008 you just made me fell soooooo much smarter with your post, the best lesson's to learn are from others mistakes.(wish I could have) has anyone had any luck in getting anything back from them????? has anyone continued to deal with them and there new racing and sports punters club?????

I agree with 308cc, do you think we need to hear it. I also cant reply yet. 308cc can you contact me when bonfire0448 contacts you or can bonfire 0448 contact me as well.
Wise man once said

when something is too good to be true it probably is
there is no secret formula to become rich or to make a lot of money
when someone offer you a return greater than 8% consider it risky.

Everyone can become rich and have the life style they want
by spending less than you earn, save the left over, never touch it and invest slowly, compounding will take care of the rest..

The sooner you start that journey the richer you become...
My eyes glazed over after the second paragraph when they mentioned these words ..... "Moving forward we have made the serious decision to go ahead" OH OH ..... I have heard that before somewhere?

20k down and nothing to show for it huh? Where do I find people like this?
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