Try this. It's the full Victorian Regs.
Victoria Government Gazette P 2 28 October 1999
263. Application of Part to persons in or on trams
This Part, except rule 269(1), does not apply to a person in or on a tram.
Note Rule 269(1) prohibits a person getting off, or out of, a moving vehicle.
264. Wearing of seatbelts by drivers
(1) The driver of a motor vehicle that is moving, or is stationary but not parked,
must comply with this rule if the driver’s seating position is fitted with a seatbelt.
Penalty: 5 penalty units.
Note Driver is defined in rule 16, motor vehicle is defined in the Road Safety Act 1986,
and park is defined in the dictionary.
(2) The driver must wear the seatbelt properly adjusted and fastened unless the
driver is””
(a) reversing the vehicle; or
(b) exempt from wearing a seatbelt under rule 267.
Note Rule 267 provides exemptions from wearing seatbelts.
265. Wearing of seatbelts by passengers 16 years old, or older
(1) A passenger in or on a motor vehicle that is moving, or is stationary but not parked, must comply with this rule if the passenger is 16 years old, or older.
Penalty: 5 penalty units.
Note Motor vehicle is defined in the Road Safety Act 1986, and park is defined in the
(2) The passenger must occupy a seating position fitted with a seatbelt if””
(a) there is a seating position fitted with a seatbelt that is not already occupied by someone else who is not exempt from wearing a seatbelt;
(b) the passenger is not exempt from wearing a seatbelt under rule 267.
(3) If the passenger occupies a seating position fitted with a seatbelt, the passenger must wear the seatbelt properly adjusted and fastened unless the passenger is exempt from wearing a seatbelt under rule 267.
(4) If the motor vehicle has 2 or more rows of seats, the passenger must not sit in the front row of seats unless””
(a) the passenger is occupying a seating position fitted with a seatbelt; or
(b) there is not a seating position available for the passenger in another
row of seats; or
(c) the passenger is permitted to sit in the front row of seats under
rule 267.
266. Wearing of seatbelts by passengers under 16 years old
(1) The driver of a motor vehicle (except a bus or motor bike) that is moving, or is stationary but not parked, must ensure that this rule is complied with for each passenger in or on the vehicle who is under 16 years old.
Penalty: 5 penalty units.
Note Bus and motor vehicle are defined in the Road Safety Act 1986, and motor bike
and park are defined in the dictionary.
(2) If the passenger is under 1 year old, and not exempt from wearing a seatbelt under rule 267, the passenger must be restrained in a suitable approved child restraint that is properly fastened and adjusted, unless the driver is exempt from this subrule under subrule (5).
Note Approved child restraint is defined in subrule (7).
(3) If the passenger is at least 1 year old but under 16 years old, and not exempt from wearing a seatbelt under rule 267, the passenger must be restrained in a suitable approved child restraint that is properly fastened and adjusted, or occupy a seating position fitted with a suitable seatbelt and wear the seatbelt properly adjusted and fastened, if a suitable approved child restraint, or a seating position fitted with a suitable seatbelt, is available in the motor vehicle for the passenger.
(4) If the motor vehicle has 2 or more rows of seats, the passenger must not be in the front row of seats unless the passenger is restrained in a suitable approved child restraint or occupying a seating position fitted with a seatbelt.
(5) The driver of a public minibus or taxi is exempt from subrule (2) in relation to
a passenger if””
(a) there is no suitable approved child restraint available in the minibus or taxi for the passenger; and
(b) if the minibus or taxi has 2 or more rows of seats””the passenger is not in the front row of seats.
Note Public minibus and taxi are defined in the dictionary.
Victoria Government Gazette P 2 28 October 1999 201
(6) For this rule””
(a) an approved child restraint is available in the motor vehicle for a passenger if an approved child restraint is fitted in the vehicle and is not occupied by someone else under 16 years old; and
(b) a seating position (whether or not fitted with a seatbelt) is available in the vehicle for a passenger if it is not occupied by someone else under 16 years old; and
(c) an approved child restraint or seatbelt is suitable for a passenger if it is suitable for restraining, or to be worn by the passenger.
(7) In this rule””
approved child restraint means a child restraint approved by the Corporation by notice published in the Government Gazette.
267. Exemptions from wearing seatbelts
(1) A person is exempt from wearing a seatbelt if the Corporation has certified that it would be impracticable, undesirable or inexpedient for the person to wear a seatbelt.
(2) A person in or on a motor vehicle is exempt from wearing a seatbelt if””
(a) the person is engaged in the door-to-door delivery or collection of goods, or in the collection of waste or garbage, and is required to get in or out of the vehicle, or on or off the vehicle, at frequent intervals; and
(b) the vehicle is not travelling over 25 kilometres per hour.
Note Motor vehicle is defined in the Road Safety Act 1986.
(3) A person is exempt from wearing a seatbelt if””
(a) the person (or, for a passenger, the driver of the vehicle in which the person is a passenger) is carrying a certificate signed by a registered medical practitioner certifying that because of””
(i) medical unfitness; or
(ii) physical disability - it is impracticable, undesirable or inexpedient that the person wear a
seatbelt; and
(b) the person is complying with the conditions (if any) stated in the
certificate; and
(c) the certificate shows the date on which the exemption expires.
(4) However, a person is not exempt under subrule (3) from wearing a seatbelt if the person (or, for a passenger, the driver of the vehicle in which the person is a passenger) does not immediately produce the certificate mentioned in the subrule for inspection when a police officer or authorised person asks the person (or the driver) whether the person is exempt from wearing a seatbelt.
Note Authorised person and police officer are defined in the dictionary.
(5) A passenger in a police or emergency vehicle is exempt from wearing a seatbelt.
Note Emergency vehicle and police vehicle are defined in the dictionary.
268. How persons must travel in or on a motor vehicle
(1) A person must not travel in or on a part of a motor vehicle that is not a part designed primarily for the carriage of passengers or goods.
Penalty: 5 penalty units.
Note Motor vehicle is defined in the Road Safety Act 1986.
(2) A person must not travel in or on a part of a motor vehicle that is a part designed primarily for the carriage of goods unless the person is -
(a) seated in a properly constructed and secure seat appropriate for the size and weight of the occupant; and
(b) restrained with a properly adjusted and fastened seatbelt.
Penalty: 5 penalty units.
(3) A person must not travel in or on a motor vehicle with any part of the person’s body outside a window or door of the vehicle, unless the person is the driver of the vehicle and is giving a hand signal -
(a) for changing direction to the right in accordance with rule 50; or
(b) for stopping or slowing in accordance with rule 55.
Penalty: 2 penalty units.
(4) The driver of a motor vehicle (except a bus) must not drive with a passenger if any part of the passenger’s body is outside a window or door of the vehicle.
Penalty: 2 penalty units.
Note Bus is defined in the Road Safety Act 1986.
Victoria Government Gazette P 2 28 October 1999 203
(5) This rule does not apply to a person who is -
(a) in or on a police or emergency vehicle; or
(b) on a motor bike; or
(c) engaged in the door-to-door delivery or collection of goods, or in the collection of waste or garbage, in or on a motor vehicle that is not travelling over 25 kilometres per hour.
Note Emergency vehicle, motor bike, and police vehicle are defined in the dictionary.
(6) This rule also does not apply to a person if -
(a) the Corporation has by notice in writing exempted the person from this rule and the person is complying with the conditions (if any) of the exemption; or
(b) the Corporation has by notice in writing exempted the vehicle the person is driving from this rule.
(7) The driver of a motor vehicle must not carry a child under the age of 16 years in or on a part of the vehicle which is primarily designed for the carriage of goods unless the child is -
(a) seated in a properly constructed and secure seat; and
(b) restrained by a seatbelt or child restraint suitable for the child’s mass and size.
Penalty: 5 penalty unit.
Cop that.
Lemme know what you determined. I haven't got the time or inclination to decipher it all right now! LOL