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CHIP Wars: Semiconductor mayhem

they will soon regret that , but Russia can make smarter missiles now , it will all sort itself out ( expect Chinese made devices to get exponentially better )
and what makes Apple think life in India will be any rosier ,
Apple ( and Foxconn ) , in my opinion , creates it's own problems , and India has plenty of experiences with predatory internationals

it will be interesting to see in Qualcomm now gets red-carpet treatment in China , as China will start to create it's own info-tech empire and tech
What's the best thing about a desktop?
It's a desktop.
What's the worst thing about a desktop?
It's a desktop.

Meanwhile, this should sell a few chips.

"Android to get satellite connectivity via Qualcomm-Iridium partnership"

It seems that there might be a few newish players in this sector in India.
From Circuit Digest.
Making your own chips in country is an important step towards establishing a hi tech electronics economy.
its the equivalent of batteries in EV's.
Some commentators:


But ..
Bank of America points out:
We remind investors that success in AI requires full-stack computing and scale/experience across silicon, software, application libraries, developers plus enterprise and public cloud incumbency.

In other words, it’s a 10+ year well-honed turnkey model versus piecemeal silicon-only solutions from many competitors."
And ...

The Chinese government earlier this year banned US chipmaker Micron Technology’s products from some of its critical sectors after saying it found “relatively serious” risks in a cybersecurity review.

The Dutch government on Friday announced measures that will prevent ASML Holding – a company with a near-monopoly on the machines needed to make the most advanced semiconductors – from selling some of its machines to China.
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