I think Labour will win but I don't think it will be a good thing. I'm tempted to vote labour but I just don't think Rudd is what he appears to be. I also think change for the sake of change is a foolish reason to vote labour. I grew up and studied in Victoria when the whole state was literally on strike. I remember it taking me 3 hours to get to Uni only to find no lectures due to a "snap strike".
I'm also quite concerned of the consequences of ALL power being in the hands of a single party. Like it or not the two parties need each other.
I'm also pretty pi$$ed of at both the major parties for their election spend fest which is only aimed at buying votes from the required demographics. I watched Rudds speech on SBS ( correct me if I'm wrong) and for all the talk about change and new thinking there wasn't a new idea to be seen. I think we've missed a massive opportunity to invest in capital works and infrastructure (a national water, irrigation and pipe system springs to mind) during this election and I think history will show what a waist it was as these sorts of surpluses don't come along often. Long after those cheap laptops are gone Australians, and the rest of the world will still need to eat.
Personally I think the current inflation and interest rates, coupled with the high amount of personal debt means we are sitting on a razors edge with a recession on both sides. Take away our luck with the current resource boom and luck with our high dollar and we'd be stuffed. (No income, expensive fuel and drought makes for a tough economic climate in country as big as ours)
For the record, I've voted democrats twice (early days), greens & liberals three times (I don't care if people know and I think it makes for a better discussion to know I'm not a liberal stooge.)
I'd be interested to know what other members think the chance of recession is, if the labour party wins.
I'm also quite concerned of the consequences of ALL power being in the hands of a single party. Like it or not the two parties need each other.
I'm also pretty pi$$ed of at both the major parties for their election spend fest which is only aimed at buying votes from the required demographics. I watched Rudds speech on SBS ( correct me if I'm wrong) and for all the talk about change and new thinking there wasn't a new idea to be seen. I think we've missed a massive opportunity to invest in capital works and infrastructure (a national water, irrigation and pipe system springs to mind) during this election and I think history will show what a waist it was as these sorts of surpluses don't come along often. Long after those cheap laptops are gone Australians, and the rest of the world will still need to eat.
Personally I think the current inflation and interest rates, coupled with the high amount of personal debt means we are sitting on a razors edge with a recession on both sides. Take away our luck with the current resource boom and luck with our high dollar and we'd be stuffed. (No income, expensive fuel and drought makes for a tough economic climate in country as big as ours)
For the record, I've voted democrats twice (early days), greens & liberals three times (I don't care if people know and I think it makes for a better discussion to know I'm not a liberal stooge.)
I'd be interested to know what other members think the chance of recession is, if the labour party wins.