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It looks like the mongrels snuck in another interest rate rise while the media were too busy listening to Mr Rudd speak Mandarin.
My Viridian Line of Credit increased from 9.37% to 9.49% yesterday.

That's an interest rate hike every month since December.

Still bastards 12 years later. CBA not passing on any of the 0.25% interest rate cut announced today.

Close your CBA accounts people. What a dog act in a time of crisis.
"Minutes after the Reserve Bank cut the cash rate to an all-time low of 0.25 per cent, CBA said via Twitter it would not cut standard variable rates on mortgages, but it would slash rates on small business loans by 1 percentage point.

The bank also said it would cut various fixed-rate loans by as much as 0.7 percentage points, and increase one of its term deposit rates.
Greggles, the banks are f--kd. Under captilised, over leverage into the mortgage sector, full of fat ugly men who think they are worth 100 of thousands a year.

Why would they, they never cared about you, they care only about the $$$$.

Hang the bankers, parasites on society

They are all going to hell but taking your IP

thats why doing deals with the devil he always wins, I mean banks


I'm watching very carefully at the moment and will continue to watch in the months to come to see which companies actually try and do something to assist ordinary people and which ones try and take advantage of and exploit us.

There will be real lessons to be learned as this crisis plays out during 2020. True colours will be shown.
There will be real lessons to be learned as this crisis plays out during 2020. True colours will be shown.
Agreed, but f---k the bankers, they have had plenty of experiences to learn from.

Hang the bankers from the talliest trees
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