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Klogg, your questions to Mr Burns are entirely valid, of course.
But perhaps they don't take into account Mr Burns' obvious fear of e.g. buying shares, presumably because his financial interests up to now have been focused elsewhere and he doesn't have the confidence to invest in shares?

In such a circumstance, particularly if Mr Burns is in a comfortable financial situation, and further, if he has other sources of income, the peace of mind offered by sitting on his money might be worth 'paying for'.

I don't think I've expressed very well what I'm trying to suggest. Hope it's comprehensible.
Several properties here on the market for around $550K - $600K because that's what they paid, having borrowed 100% of the entry. That is more than $100K overpriced on the current market. Most have been sitting there for about three years.

Which I think goes to the point I made on either this or another thread and which craft alluded to a few posts up about people being happy (or less unhappy) to sit on paper losses as long as they remain employed.

I really do feel sorry for those who have bought, thinking they were doing the right thing and are now seeing the family home as the albatross around the family's neck.
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