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Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

Kevin Rudd has doen it with ease. He and his wife would make Malcolm Turbull look like a pauper!
Jeez, you can't half tell who the noble, virtuous and intelligent Liberal supporters are; and who the silly, deluded and sinful Labor supporters are.

Fair point, Trainspotter. The difference is that Rudd is the PM and Turnbull the former merchant wanker will never be.

The more he tries to become a politician the further away he gets. He is a businessman, through and through. Rudd was a career public servant, who now holds the top job as P.M. Groomed from the get go. You join the Labor Party you are joining the Union. Groomed and polished until shiny enough to be let loose on the unsuspecting public. How can Kevin Rudd relate to the "average man in the street" when he never has been one. Never been out of work, never had to run a company that was HIS, never had to get his hands dirty blah blah blah. You know my opinion on the man.

Last time I looked it was the small business's that employ people who pay the tax to keep the good ship "Credit Card" afloat. Now we will be paying for this ballot box folly for a very loooooooooooong time to come as he repeatedly swipes the magnetic strip off the bit of plastic affectionately known as The Republic of Banana Land. Apparently in China they call him "Ching Ching" ... the sound of a cash register.
More so than a career public servant turned politician type on the gravy train.
Agree. However, the punters don't care as long as they get their handouts.

That's quite true. Mr Turnbull may have some lessons to learn in the political smarts department, but he has made his money from nothing.

Jeez, you can't half tell who the noble, virtuous and intelligent Liberal supporters are; and who the silly, deluded and sinful Labor supporters are.

Rich entrepreneurs rise to the top of both sides of Australian politics
The rise of Malcolm Turnbull to the position of Liberal leader means the top echelon of Australian politics is now dominated by two men who understand entrepreneurship – and whose families have become wealthy because of it.

Turnbull has an extensive business background. He started out as a lawyer, quickly rising to prominence in Australia when he became Kerry Packer’s legal adviser in 1983 at the age of 28. In 1986 he hit the international headlines when he travelled to London and successfully defended former spy Peter Wright, whose memoirs the British intelligence service was trying to ban. A year later, Turnbull entered the world of investment banking in partnership with former NSW premier Neville Wran and Nick Whitlam (son of the former prime minister).

In 1994, Turnbull was the joint founder of OzEmail, along with Sean Howard, Trevor Kennedy, his wife, former Sydney mayor Lucy Turnbull. The business, which was Australia’s 33rd internet service provider and one of the pioneers in the fledgling Australian internet sector, eventually became the country’s second biggest ISP. In 1999 – at the height of the tech boom – the founders sold OzEmail to MCI WorldCom for $520 million, netting the Turnbulls $60 million.

Turnbull then went on to become managing director of Goldman Sachs and a leading figure in the republican movement.

The Turnbull family’s wealth is now tied up in a series of investment vehicles, with extensive holdings in private companies and stakes in listed companies Melbourne IT, Cheviot Bridge, Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank, ANZ and Rubicor Group. The family also owns a large property portfolio centered around blue-chip Sydney suburbs.

In 2005, BRW magazine estimated Turnbull’s fortune at $133 million and while the recent fall in equity markets and asset values is likely to have affected his family wealth, Turnbull would still be worth well over $100 million.

Kevin Rudd’s family fortune and his understanding of entrepreneurship stem from his wife Therese Rein, who sold the Australian division of her successful recruitment business Igneus Limited last year in order to avoid potential conflicts of interest with Rudd. Rein retains a stake in Igneus (which continues to operate overseas) but her investments are now managed by a blind trust. Earlier this year, BRW put her fortune at around $60 million.

So what is the impact of having a wealthy entrepreneur in the Lodge?

Logically, small and medium businesses would expect to get a sympathetic ear from government, although the Rudd Government’s decision to slash $1 billion worth of SME programs in the federal budget in May shows this isn’t necessarily the case.

Turnbull is extremely well connected in business circles (indeed, Labor has used this against him at times) and in his first public comments as Opposition leader he has consistently stressed how thankful he is that Australia allowed his family (including his father and his wife) to grow businesses and make money.

“We know our job is to empower and enable the enterprise, the dreams, the ambitions of Australians,” he told reporters.

A whopping 83.7% of respondents to SmartCompany’s survey on Malcolm Turnbull said he would be better for small and medium business than Kevin Rudd.

OMFG ... actual information that is useful for a change.
That's quite true. Mr Turnbull may have some lessons to learn in the political smarts department, but he has made his money from nothing.

As far as I'm aware, that is not really the case. He recieved top-notch education, married some money, and become a lawyer for Packer. Along the way he got into business and then became an exec at Goldman Sachs. While he's certainly done well for himself, it's not really proper to say he made it from nothing. He started further up the ladder than most hope to finish.
From my humble observations you either have it or you don't.

Malcolm will never be PM.
Well, if all he had to start with was his education I reckon that's starting from nothing. He was already pretty successful when he married Lucy.
No word on Peter Costello nominationg at the last minute for the seat of Higgins!
Malcolm will rise from the ashes, dust himself off and be a better leader for the experience. Doubtful anyone will make the challenge. Kick the ETS out the door Malcolm and show some strength. That'll stir up the little weasel and his little mate Penny Wrong.
Well, if all he had to start with was his education I reckon that's starting from nothing. He was already pretty successful when he married Lucy.

That education opens up many doors. He also met and worked for the right people, doors opening doors etc. He may have worked hard, but to suggest he started with nothing is just silly. He had a very healthy advantage over most.
How about Wilson Tuckey?????????

Sure why not? Lets see if we can clone Adolf, Mussolini, Genghis, and how about Bush (W). Hey why not have: PM (Adolf), Treasurer (Bush), Foreign Affairs (Mussolini), and Defence (Genghis).

What could possibly go wrong?
Sure why not? Lets see if we can clone Adolf, Mussolini, Genghis, and how about Bush (W). Hey why not have: PM (Adolf), Treasurer (Bush), Foreign Affairs (Mussolini), and Defence (Genghis).

What could possibly go wrong?

I dont' quite see your point stocks. Surely you are not suggesting the Wilson Tuckey is in the same league as those people. You may not agree with his views but that's a preposterous suggestion.

I don't know if Turnbull will survive but I wonder is Peter Costello smells blood. Here is a report that Costello backs Tuckey on ETS debate.,25197,25855506-11949,00.html
And the latest polls indicate that maybe, just maybe, the great unwashed are starting to see through rudds ploy in all this (which is simply a political game to split the liberals, and strengthen his power base).

Peter Costello still has time to do a Colin Barnett. If he's got the ticker, that is. The timing is in his favour and could be perfect.
Usual protocol would be for Tony Abbott to step up with Julie Bishop as Deputy. Mirror image of Kruddy and Gizzard but with a Liberal bent. Neither has the political nouse of current power players but would claw back some credibility until the "next" Liberal Leader with gonads, spit and polish comes along. This is the normal infighting that ALL oppositions go through whilst they jockey themselves into a position of factional support. Labor did it with Bomber Beazley/Crean/Latham/Bomber again then finally out of NOWHERE comes this snivelling little PIE FACE we call a P.M. Only a matter of time and keeping the gunpowder dry until the unrepresented swill will rise up from self flagellating and overpower this excretement of a human being that single handedly has plunged Australia to the bottom of the debt pile. IMO

I believe today was the last chance for Peter Costello to nominate for the seat of Higgins or is tomorrow? I doubt he will change his mind unfortunately.

trainspotter, I still think Turnbull is the best bet that is if Costello does not make a late bid to renominate for the seat of Higgins.
Turnbull has had a father of a hidding in the past couple of weeks and that could just be the makings of him. I learnt my lessons many years ago, if you can't fight best you be a good runner. I think Turnbull can come out in the next round a better fighter after taking some pretty heavy blows to the body.
Squash the ETS outright with the Nationals and people will respect him a lot more.
Noco, Malcolm Turnbull is appealing to the blue blood Liberals like me and you. To the general population he comes across as a spoon in the mouth dullard. The camera does not do him any favours and he has little political skill. GREAT businessman and DEEP THINKER but sh!thouse with the swinging voters and the average man in the street. What he says no one wants to hear at the moment and the press is mocking of him at best. Mr Rudd's PIE FACE is everywhere and even the cartoonists draw him as Tin Tin. They purvey Turnbull to be a square jawed undertaker. He cannot survive and the polls evidence his terrible misunderstanding of what the people of Banana Republic Land want.
hell - as if they'd change leaders now - ... I'm betting Malcolm wished he'd challenged Brendan Nelson much closer to the election (the way Hawke challenged Hayden)

no choice but to go through with it now -

As for Tuckey, lol - what a joke he would make. - already caught out on corruption ...

Loved his statement a year back ... that "as far as this baby bonus goes ... ya know ... it shouldn't be means tested - and my reasoning is this ... in the racing industry, only the thoroughbreds are allowed to breed."

Like , it's very expressive and all that, - (and I also worry about some elements of the baby bonus) ... but likewise, I don't see him running a race more than 200 metres lol - especially if there was a pub along the way Maybe he wouldn't be allowed to breed either in this "Brave New World" lol.

Tuckey's comments have a lot in common with Keating ...
e.g. Keating to McClelland (a fellow laborite) .. "just because you swallowed a dictionary when you were 15 doesn't give you the right to pour **** over the rest of us" etc etc etc .

Summary - interesting to have a beer at his pub ... but a bludy hopeless Lib leader
Meanwhile, the man Tuckey is so fond of crticising has many honourable points ...

For instance, Malcolm won a a Rhodes Scholarship in his own right (studied at Oxford) etc - he also personally finances a scholarship at his old school Sydney Grammar.

And I can't see Wilson either
a) winning a Rhodes scholarship or
b) sponsoring someone to go to any bloody school , let alone Sydney Grammar

But the thing that amuses me in that respect (given that Malcolm has to symbolically pour scorn on means testing etc) is that his scholarship is means tested
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