EOW and EOM:
Yesterday's Bond sell-off:
The stock market will (seemingly) recover. BTD will once again work. However, under cover, the market is if not broken, near to being broken. The recovery will embolden risk on and leverage. The 10yr is now headed to 1.6%. There may well be a cooling off period, but unless the Fed. steps in with curve control, the 10yr marches higher. I now suspect that 2% rather than 3% is a breaking point.
Junk turns downward. A blip? We'll see. An early warning? We'll see.
VIX remains elevated in both Corporates and Stocks. Again, might go higher, might go lower moment.
Unless 'something else' happens, this is a short-term BTD. Monday may open with a minor sell-off, but we are likely to trade higher.
So a number of articles re. the return of day trading a la the 1999 era:
I caught up with investors from 22 years ago to learn how navigating a stock bubble affected them for the rest of their lives.
Day trading in volume, certainly adds to market vol. With added vol. there is an increase in algo. trading as they love vol. Bigger and faster swings could be the norm for a while.
Mr flippe-floppe-flye:
Has obviously been hammered due to rising rates. With rates now targeting 1.6%, it is unlikely that gold will be rallying any time soon. Of course, if the Fed. fix the curve, gold will explode higher.
I would expect a bounce and DXY to trade higher. Currencies are a tricky business as there are just so many variables. A reversion trade looks possible in the short term.
jog on