Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Budget 2019

@PZ99 "Yeah - I remember the days when for every 2 hours I worked I gave 1 hour and a bit to the Govt. Skilled workers with high incomes tended to flee this country because of its punitive tax rates."

It is still the case for me if i earn my standard rate, i am above 180k a year so have to pay 48.5 plus medicare and then pay gst as everyone else.
When you can not get half of what you earn i define this as slavery
In middle age europe, serfs were subjected to a tax rate of below 30 pc..just for our labour friends to compare
As a result i stop less tax in percentage and far far less in actual dollars..well done ato.
I also did not open an Australian office for our international venture, and planned to stop being an Australian resident.
The greens are delighted, one male white not young not disable not on ndis working male less, how good this country will become when replaced by 3 or 4 illegals on welfare
Taxation rates are not abstract, and people do react.should be happy will get the bonus free cash this year
Someone has to pay for the welfare, $165b is a lot of money and those who earn it will have to pay it. You can't have it both ways, you can't increase newstart and give more to low income workers, without taxing higher incomes.
Less than $50k pay no effective tax, to increase that to $60k, the tax on those above that will have to go up proportionately.
Your the accountant.

So your solution is to give more and more money to everyone on welfare, more money to low income earners, presumably more money to retirees (as you complain about killing of franking credit refunds in the other thread), and pay for all of this by imposing further tax increases on the small percentage of Aussies who already give up half of their salary to the Government?

Where does all of this end? 5% of Australians paying net tax, so the remaining 95% can be net recipients? How about empowering a larger percentage of the population to be self sufficient? There has to be some balance, you can't keep hitting workers for a bigger and bigger percentage of their income every year, the system will eventually collapse and we'll end up like Greece.

I'm not proposing that middle/high income earners pay a lot less tax, I'm just saying; address bracket creep every now and then to ease the burden, and this is what has been put forward in this budget.
just posting cos logged in ......... you 2 do realise that you are wearing the same footy jumper? (you are on the same team)
In the midst of all that, do I recall, the govt introduced you could only claim the tax free threshold from ONE job. The rest was taxed at the max rate despite your total weekly earnings.
Very true. If you claim the threshold from more than one job then you're probably going to be owing the tax dept a bit of coin at the end of the year. They wouldn't like that very much :)
So your solution is to give more and more money to everyone on welfare, more money to low income earners, presumably more money to retirees (as you complain about killing of franking credit refunds in the other thread), and pay for all of this by imposing further tax increases on the small percentage of Aussies who already give up half of their salary to the Government?

Where does all of this end? 5% of Australians paying net tax, so the remaining 95% can be net recipients? How about empowering a larger percentage of the population to be self sufficient? There has to be some balance, you can't keep hitting workers for a bigger and bigger percentage of their income every year, the system will eventually collapse and we'll end up like Greece.

I'm not proposing that middle/high income earners pay a lot less tax, I'm just saying; address bracket creep every now and then to ease the burden, and this is what has been put forward in this budget.
I'm with you, it is just we are out of step with the social agenda at the moment, everyone wants to believe how hard it is for those on welfare.
Well the way Labor want to go, everyone will end up on welfare.
You mentioned in an earlier post newstart is low, well there are plenty of jobs away from the Cities, that we can't fill relocate them rather than bring in 457's.
You can't be self sufficient, because as is being proven by silly Billy, if you do you become a target.
Also there is every chance we will end up like Greece, I posted up examples of the minimal difference in disposable income, between self funded retirees and age pensioners.
If there is no benefit in saving for retirement, people wont.
So your solution is to give more and more money to everyone on welfare, more money to low income earners, presumably more money to retirees (as you complain about killing of franking credit refunds in the other thread), and pay for all of this by imposing further tax increases on the small percentage of Aussies who already give up half of their salary to the Government?
My view is that instead of taxing someone $50 and then handing back $30, it would be far better to simply tax them $15 with the $5 gap being due to the saving in costs through not taking then handing back.

It's silly to have a situation where someone is paying income tax and also receiving welfare. One or the other but it's silly to have both applying to the same individual.
My view is that instead of taxing someone $50 and then handing back $30, it would be far better to simply tax them $15 with the $5 gap being due to the saving in costs through not taking then handing back.

It's silly to have a situation where someone is paying income tax and also receiving welfare. One or the other but it's silly to have both applying to the same individual.
The problem is, that a lot of the tax and welfare overlap, is about smoke and mirrors to get things through Parliament. IMO
Everyone wants to make political mileage, by saying we forced these changes, when in actual fact they just increased complexity.
My view is that instead of taxing someone $50 and then handing back $30, it would be far better to simply tax them $15 with the $5 gap being due to the saving in costs through not taking then handing back.

It's silly to have a situation where someone is paying income tax and also receiving welfare. One or the other but it's silly to have both applying to the same individual.

My idea is to eliminate income tax altogether and generate all tax revenue from a consumption tax. Make all fresh fruit and vegetables, bread and milk tax free. Same with rent, power, utilities etc. Basically the essentials.

Everything else is taxed at 20%. Luxury goods are taxed at 30% or 40%. Let people decide how they pay tax according to how they choose to consume products and services.
My idea is to eliminate income tax altogether and generate all tax revenue from a consumption tax. Make all fresh fruit and vegetables, bread and milk tax free. Same with rent, power, utilities etc. Basically the essentials.

Everything else is taxed at 20%. Luxury goods are taxed at 30% or 40%. Let people decide how they pay tax according to how they choose to consume products and services.
would there be a tax on tampons in that world?
I noticed you did not list meat as tax free, the greens may vote for you
Just kidding, you do not favor the poor and idle
One thing never mentionme is that i i belive welfare should NOT be mean tested
2 young people, no job stability for either
Young A looks for jobs, work 5 or 6 years at minimum wages, save a bit then get unemployed/sick and has to burn all his assets and savings before getting any money, with a delay .when sxit happens
Young B goes straight on welfare enjoy life for 5 or 6 years with a bit of cash in hand,and in the same circumstances ends up better off or the same, without having had a job in his life
Hope i got the idea thru
In Australia there is no incentive to be a working poor vs poor
So imho, unless you hope to join the middle class or above, do not be a sucker, do not bother..a message our refugees free from cultural anglosaxon pressure understand well based on employment stats..:(
No. I'd make all essential items tax free.
can be tricky when some is in and some is out
like ...... if you wear prescription glasses, then the lenses are considered essential medical items and are GST free ...... but the actual frames that the lenses are put into are not considered to be essential medical items and so have GST on them.
Why bot just put GST on everything? It would be much simpler and compensation could be factored in.
That is the way it was initially designed, before it was butchered as everything is, then it becomes a pigs ear.
The best surplus analysis I’ve read

It’s not a surplus. It’s the projection of a prediction of a mirage set to occur in the future, on the proviso that, for the first time in this government’s period in power, the underlying predictions on which it is based (wages growth, etc) turn out to be accurate rather than absurdly optimistic.

It won’t happen. It’s simply election propaganda.
Someone has to pay for the welfare, $165b is a lot of money and those who earn it will have to pay it. You can't have it both ways, you can't increase newstart and give more to low income workers, without taxing higher incomes.
Less than $50k pay no effective tax, to increase that to $60k, the tax on those above that will have to go up proportionately.
Your the accountant.

noun: welfare
  1. 1.
    the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
    "they don't give a damn about the welfare of their families"
    synonyms: well-being, health, good health, happiness, comfort, security, safety, protection, prosperity, profit, good, success, fortune, good fortune, advantage, interest, prosperousness, successfulness
    "local authorities have a duty to promote the welfare of children"
    antonyms: hardship
  2. 2.
    statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need.
    "the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare"
      financial support given to those who are unemployed or otherwise in need.
      "critics feared an increase in inequalities in the provision of welfare"
      synonyms: social security, benefit, state benefit, benefit payment, public assistance; More
      allowance, pension, credit, support;
      sick pay, sickness benefit, unemployment benefit/pay
      "youngsters cannot claim welfare"
Tax returns for people who pay no tax could fit in there
can be tricky when some is in and some is out
like ...... if you wear prescription glasses, then the lenses are considered essential medical items and are GST free ...... but the actual frames that the lenses are put into are not considered to be essential medical items and so have GST on them.
Hmmmm .......
so if tampons are GST free, what about the applicators?

If you have a system of ins and outs then someone has to make these decisions. - and periodically review them.