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Brexit OUT of EU: What happens now?

How the British exit from the EU fulfills long term strategic objectives.
Actually I was doing some maths revision for my students.
Found some creative new ways to explain division, multiplication and addition.

I suppose the virus and lockdowns, have given a real life indication of the with drawl effects in the U.K, it certainly looks to have cemented the resolve.
From the article:
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson talked tough on Sunday (Monday AEST) ahead of a crucial round of post-Brexit trade talks with the European Union, saying Britain could walk away from the talks within weeks and insisting that a no-deal exit would be a “good outcome for the UK.”
With talks deadlocked, Johnson said an agreement would only be possible if EU negotiators are prepared to “rethink their current positions.”
The EU, in turn, accuses Britain of failing to negotiate seriously.

The key sticking points are European boats’ access to UK fishing waters and state aid to industries. The EU is determined to ensure a “level playing field” for competition so British firms can’t undercut the bloc’s environmental or workplace standards or pump public money into UK industries.
Frost told the Mail on Sunday newspaper that Britain was “not going to compromise on the fundamentals of having control over our own laws.”
“We are not going to accept level playing field provisions that lock us in to the way the EU do things,” he said.

The EU says a deal has to be struck before November to allow time for parliamentary approval and legal vetting before the transition period expires.
Johnson gave an even shorter deadline, saying an agreement needed to be sealed by an EU summit scheduled for October 15.
“If we can’t agree by then, then I do not see that there will be a free trade agreement between us, and we should both accept that and move on,” he said.
French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Sunday that talks were “not going well” and dismissed British attempts to drive a wedge between EU nations on issues such as fishing. Le Drian said the 27 nations remained united.

“We would prefer a deal, but a deal on the basis of our mandate,” he told France Inter radio. “There is room for action, but the whole package, including the fishing package, needs to be taken up in order to avoid a ‘no deal.’”
Yes, Go Boris.
The EU still seem to think they are in a position of strength.

Boris is right to reject their demands for fishing rights, immigration and state aid.
A hard Brexit may hurt the UK a little but with the Eurocrats acting as they are it is the right thing to do.

In the long term they won't regret it.
As long as no one mentions the War.

Yes the only problem now is the media's resentment, that they got it wrong at the last election, so now I suppose they have to start and warm up for the next one.
From the article:
Boris Johnson has lost his mojo. The great showman of British politics doesn't quite look or sound like his usual self. He comes across as unsure, hostage to events and devoid of an overarching strategy. His critics argue that a political animal who spent two decades carving a path to Downing Street now governs like the dog that caught the car.

Ah the press don't you love them? I can see the mob starting to get the pitchforks out of the cupboard and calling their friends.
Here is another example of the media trying as hard as possible to influence readers, BIG BROTHER is here, "you will do as we say, you will be told what to think, what to say, how to act".

Jeez what a sermon, for all the Brits who voted for Boris, obviously the Guardian is upset.
It is a shame the media doesn't accept the word of the people, funny world we heading into, if the media don't like who you voted for, they just keep finding different ways to tell you, you are wrong.
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Its just an opinion peace, on a left wing paper, not particularly insightful, just panning to their readers I don't think it is particularly nasty to him but trying to suggest he will lose votes.

I don't know why you take it so seriously SP.

If you want I am sure I could get a similar piece from the Murdoch press suggesting the direct opposite
I just find it annoying, that the press on all sides, now seem to want to agitate on every level.
I think it causes a lot of social upheaval, unrest and anxiety, the media IMO has become a source of depression for most people.
Unfortunately a lot of people seem to be drawn to doom and gloom, so the media constantly serves it up, it would be interesting to see the media carry out an experiment of putting a positive spin on news and reporting.
I think it would do a lot, to improve the mental health of people in general.
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