nothing to do with Brendan Nelson, but I reckon we should have a poll on who believes that man-made global warming is a furphy - and also what we should agree to in Bali in a week or so ......
a) there is no reliable trend that indicates global warming
b) there is global warming but the manmade contribution is a figment of someone's imagination
c) there is global warming, the manmade contribution is unproven, and we should ignore it
d) there is global warming, the manmade contribution is unproven, but we should act to reduce greenhouse gas effects anyway
e) there is global warming, the manmade contribution is proven beyond reasonable doubt, the matter is not urgent
f) ditto but corrective global action is a matter of urgency
Note this is only a draft - and I'm sure it could be improved ...
g) we should sign up to Kyoto Protocol
h) we should sign up to forthcoming Bali Agreement but only if developing nations like China and India also sign up
i) we should sign up to forthcoming Bali Agreement even if developing nations aren't ready to sign up yet
(Bit difficult to comment on Bali when we don't know the detail yet I know - but we should shoulder our "approximate share of the load" is what is implied...)
PS On second thoughts
I think b and c could be combined to advantage