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its not theory, its just mathwmatics. you cant fight the raw truth of numbers.
cfds have nothing to do with borrowing. they are margined like futures.
How contracts for difference work
Under a CFD, you are borrowing money to bet on the short-term movement of share prices. If you’re right, you make money. If you’re wrong, you lose.
Imagine that there is a buyer and a seller of a CFD. If the share price increases, the buyer wins. If the share price decreases, the seller wins.
You are not buying the underlying asset, just betting on the price movement.
The risks
CFDs are generally highly geared products. This means the money you invest will generally only be a fraction of the market value of the shares (or other market asset) you’re ‘contracting’ for.
For example, you may only have to put up $5000 for a $100,000 contract. You are effectively borrowing the other 95%. In that case, a 1% change in the share price can turn into a $20,000 loss.
The contract is a legally binding agreement, no matter what the market value of the asset is. If the market turns against you, the issuer of the contract:
- Will require you to pay extra money
- May close out your contract, for whatever it’s worth at the time, to recover some money. If there’s not enough money, you will still be legally obliged to make up the difference
CFDs have nothing to do with borrowing? Wow!! Ok, at least now we know your limits of understanding...
CFDs have nothing to do with borrowing? Wow!! Ok, at least now we know your limits of understanding...
Ok, that's two down, is there anyone left?
CFDs are traded on margin, and the trader must maintain the minimum margin level at all times. A typical feature of CFD trading is that profit and loss and margin requirement is calculated constantly in real time and shown to the trader on screen. If the amount of money deposited with CFD broker drops below minimum margin level, margin calls can be made. Traders may need to cover these margins quickly otherwise the CFD provider may liquidate their positions.
Bill I would really like to see how you position size your trades?
Nice you picked out the idiots guide to finance out of all the sources on the web.
Here's a bit about margin.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_for_difference#Trading
It depends on how much money I have to go shopping with on the day. Usually 5-20k of my "high risk" funds account.
I'll quote the government you can quote Wiki. It's still the same story. By the way, liquidating your position is fine if the market has a price at that point but when your CFD position open in the morning and the stock is way below (if you're long) and the sell price means there's a shortfall. You better find some cash real fast or you're in BIG strife. That's why I don't like CFDs or Eminis or any other type of trading where you have to borrow massive amounts of money from someone. I prefer to trade with the cash I have at my disposal. Far safer and if you lose you only lose your own money.
I did consider CFD when I first heard about them but after grilling the broker on how they actually work (it took me a while to get him to admit the massive risk I face in a 911 or GFC type event) and was horrified - no thanks.
Thats just dumb avoidance. What do you teach your paying students about position size and risk of ruin?
Fear of overnight gaps - understandable.
1. But were we not discussing intraday trades?
2. Find me a large cap that has gapped more than 5% in the last year. Then see if you can find some 7% plus. Chances are at worst you'll lose your 5% margin.
3. Guarantee stop loss orders if you're trading countrend and worried about gaps.
LOL so you have no idea about the subject at all.
If you could of answered the question the discussion could of moved forward but you cannot and as such will still be treated as a cowboy.
I answered every one of your stupid inane boring and predictable questions in great and fantastic detail trying (in vain) to help you understand.
haha this thread is absolute gold.
Bill in one sentence per question can you answer the following please:
1. What is your R:R on an 'average' trade that you take?
2. What % of your account do you risk per trade?
3. What% do you tell your students they should risk per trade?
4. Can you provide some broker statements to a mod such as myself in order to verify some of your claims?
No you have not. Not at all. Position size is a simple 1 or 2 line question and you haven't more probably cannot answer it. See Prawns questions.
Well, I expect you're an expert in being a dangerous cowboy. I feel so bad to see you walk away so sad and defeated when you could have learned something new. I answered every one of your stupid inane boring and predictable questions in great and fantastic detail trying (in vain) to help you understand. I feel soooo bad that you could not understand my answers or that they were not to your (oh so important) satisfaction. Maybe once you read up some more we will be able to enjoy the luxury of your excellent company once again. I will miss you oh so very much. Goodbye and thank you for your excellent (though pointless) I-hate-all-things-new "hate posts". I hope one day you will get over your hatred of new things so that you can move on. I wish you all the best.
Good riddance.
No you have not. Not at all. Position size is a simple 1 or 2 line question and you haven't more probably cannot answer it. See Prawns questions.
If you look at the first page of the thread our friend Bill claims $2,000-5,000 profit per week from a $20,000 starting balance.
Assuming one trade per day, we are talking $400-1,000 profit per trade if you don't count losers. If you count losers then we would be expecting at least $800-2000 profit per trade.
If we also assume Bill Stacy is a gun trader, earning on average $3 for every $1 he risks (a metric exceeding my own performance last year) then you could assume he is on average risking $130-330 per trade at a 100% track record, or more like $260-660 accounting for some losses.
To me, at this point reality must intervene however, since Bill reckons he trades the ASX options, which really limits him to XJO and ASX20 equities at a size that far exceeds any sane risk management (since we also assume Bill is always long/never short options due to his distaste for posting collateral). Especially in consideration of the fact that Bill has been trading options while they were quoted as *1000 size. A $1 priced *1000 option (which all ASX options were until recently) already exceeds all of the above risk assumptions.
Sigh...we've been through all this a million times already. Back in round 1 I posted 4 weeks worth of real live trades and it was not posted for all to see - rejected for obvious reasons - it proved I was real and would have embarrassed regular posters. You had your chance and thew it back in my face because it proved I was not a fraud - just a normal guy with winners and losers just like other traders. It had winners, losers, the works. I've been down this road and I will be accused of photoshoping, if I don't post I'll be accused of lying and making this all up (though why I would want to is beyond me). Neither will be true but I will always lose in here so I wonder how many others would take a 100% losing bet and then we'll go several rounds with that conversation again and again and again. Now you come here, mock me and expect me to go through it all over again?
I'll be accused of posting old stats (no matter how real they are) or you'll find something else to hound me about and I really couldn't be bothered. I've already wasted far too much time here already, offered tonnes of proof and answered every stupid inane question designed to trip me up and they have all failed. Why? because I'm real, what I do is real and what I teach is based on real experience to real people...and I've been trading this method for years, at first with Macquarie, then with eTrade then and more recently with Trader dealer.
I've posted heaps and heaps of trades over the years to my members and traded with them for months and months on end - live (after the fact of course so as not to lead the market). I don't have to enter arm wrestle comps or provide more statements than I already have. Look up my deleted-by-mods post history and you'll see that I've already offered up real proof to your mods. Heaps of it in fact. Ask them why they refused to post it forcing me to go round after round answering the same old questions time and time again. I made links available to real statements and everything for everyone to see and my post was deleted. I think they said something about "the details were too personal" or something. I can't really remember to be honest, it was back in 09 I think. But I offered proof and it was rejected and deleted. I wonder why. Actually, I know why.
...(since we also assume Bill is always long/never short options due to his distaste for posting collateral)...
Exactly where I was going. His position size is far far away from reality.
I haven't bothered reading all that as i dont see any one line answers to any of the questions i asked. Simple questions should be able to have succinct answers imo. I'll keep waiting.
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