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Why not just get a defamation lawyer to fix it? Of course you'll need to back up your claims...

Why should I waste all that money when I can speak for myself? What are you talking about "back up my claims"? The public attacks are pretty stark and here for everyone to see.
Did anyone else get the banner ad to "invest in Brazilian forestry"? I assumed those to be mutually exclusive... But if we can sort that little issue I'm all for throwing a few dollars at it!

...... Just my small contribution (oh dear) to the circus!

Firefox and AdBlock Plus, I haven't seen a banner ad in years.
....and wish them bashed, broke or in gaol just because they don't like the level of risk being taught by their competitors.

This thread is tall poppy cutting in it's ugliest form. Disgusting and shameful but sadly typical.

lol your logical inference skills are terrible

Mazza is sooo right.

Bill, my guesses as to your fate, doesn't mean I with them upon you. They were just guesses.

My only wish with regards to you is that I wish you'd stop cluttering up my inbox with abusive PMs.

There are plenty of people out there trading options that make heaps more than me.

This is the first thing you've said that I have no problem believing.
I noticed on your Twitter account you have a link to Youtube that promises to show people "BillzWay $2,000 a week for life - guaranteed"

Good luck substantiating that one.

What are you talking about "back up my claims"? The public attacks are pretty stark and here for everyone to see.

Bill, what McLovin is talking about is as plain as the nose on your face.

YOU said $2000 a week guaranteed. You wrote the words. WE all know that is pie in the sky and you think we are gratuitously attacking you for calling you out on this type of marketing.

**Methinks he doth protest too much.

Firefox and AdBlock Plus, I haven't seen a banner ad in years.

Off topic but please note that sites like ASF are kept free by providing advertising. If people dont support advertisers, free sites will slowly cease to exist.

Well, I better go back and re-read every thread that you guys posted if you're going to go back and edit your comments after I've replied. That (fairly important?) detail was not posted when I replied but seeing as though you just want to keep stabbing me I'll reply to it. That referred to a money back guarantee if $2,000 a week wasn't maintained. As it is that idea failed logistically (and is totally unrelated to the stock market or this "discussion") and everyone got every cent of their money back. I made nothing and no one lost anything. Class act "McHater". I'll have to keep a close eye on anything you post in future in case you go back and change your words after my reply.

Wayne, you might want to grab your little dic tionary and look up the difference between protesting and defending and replying and answering.

Let's not let the facts get in the way of a good witch hunt. I stopped producing DVDs a long time ago as that person well knows. I made all my movies down-loadable so they could get access the videos immediately instead of waiting and to avoid plastic waste (my little act for the planet). 2 years ago!? For christ's sake. Why didn't they wait another 57 years and make a complaint then? No complaint to me at the time that they were unable to download them or anything. I don't even know who this guy is but let's post it on a vicious attack site so they can get a good feeling for throwing rocks and to feed their "me too" addiction.

The videos are still hosted on my account (even though I've sold the websites and business to someone late last year who is rebuilding the websites as we speak) at amazon and anyone who has given me money for them is certainly still welcome to them. They can burn them onto their own DVDs. I changed my phone numbers because I moved house (and sold the business) but my personal email address is still the same. That person knows this and chose to ignore the facts in order to (I suspect) compensate for their own inadequacies and failures. Having a family illness is sad and I feel for them but to come back two years later without a complaint to that point and attack me on a hate site is poor form and I don't deserve it. I stand by every sale I have ever made and care about delivering what I promise. It's an unfair, unjustified and immoral attack. They need to check their emails for my new contact details.

Anyone else wanna have a stab?
Say there is an XYZ call option (at the money). Assume for one day only, the underlying (XYZ) does not move at all, what generally happens to the value of the call option and what are the factors to support your explanation?

Do you not see the stupidity in calling something guaranteed? Anyone who uses the word "guaranteed" in relation to anything to do with the stock market is up to no good. I think you misspelt logically, and spelt it logisticly for some reason.

prawn86 said:
Off topic but please note that sites like ASF are kept free by providing advertising. If people dont support advertisers, free sites will slowly cease to exist.

Fair call.
Say there is an XYZ call option (at the money). Assume for one day only, the underlying (XYZ) does not move at all, what generally happens to the value of the call option and what are the factors to support your explanation?

In all my years trading the top 20 I have never seen a stock that didn't move at all. Have you? If so, please point to it so I can have a look at the day when a top 20 stock flatlined all day. Sometimes they finish on their open but depending on what happened during the day the option will (obviously) lose value due to time decay. On rare occasions the option may increase slightly in value (if the volatility was high and the outlook is positive or due to over zealous buying).

Is this going to turn into an exercise in trying to trip me up for gloating rights? Let me save you the trouble. I don't know everything about everything in the whole world. The way I trade uses simple techniques and obvious patterns. I don't trade thin moves and I don't teach others to. I use wide MAs so the move is clear and obvious and I operate on (and teach) hair triggers for exit. Please don't try to trip me up to prove a point. I've never claimed to be the world's top expert on options or options valuation models.

I trade the obvious moves and that's what I teach others to do. I also don't teach analysis, only mechanics. I make this very clear that people will need to be on top of their TA skills and recommend several good resources. I also teach extensive paper trading which I must point out people generally fail to do due to their impatience. The very first question I ask when someone complains they had a losing trade (which I guarantee they will have) is "how much paper trading did you do before you started?". The answer will tell me if they prepared themselves well enough before risking money they could afford to lose.

The other obvious thing people usually ignore is to only trade with money they don't mind losing. I scream this to them several times and anyone who knows me (if they are being honest) will tell you that I am almost sickeningly insistent on making this very clear before they even buy my videos. In the end I explain exactly how I do what I do and advise them to take further learning from TA experts. I don't teach TA - others are better than me at teaching TA so I leave it up to them.
Do you not see the stupidity in calling something guaranteed? Anyone who uses the word "guaranteed" in relation to anything to do with the stock market is up to no good. I think you misspelled logically, and spelled it logisticly for some reason. .

Again, what you plucked out of obscurity was NOTHING to do with stock markets, please read my entire response because I make that very clear. Besides, it's easy to guarantee if the guarantee is that that thing (which is guaranteed by a money back guarantee) will occur or they will get their money back. The guarantee is that they will get their money back if that thing does not occur.

Again, let me reiterate, I was good to my word and refunded 100% of their money back and took a hit because I invested heavily in affiliate software, time and advertising. I had a "brilliant" (and new) idea which was not so brilliant (after all) due to unforseen or unimagined factors and again...had NOTHING to do with the stock market at all. It was an IM product so let's not get too carried away hunting for new axes with which to split my head open. Please contain your blood lust, it's staining your character and credibility.

No, I didn't spell it wrong (haha - you truly are hilarious little man). It failed due to logistics. Things that needed to happen by other people that were out of my control and did not happen. But again, let's be clear, this had nothing to do with the stock market. Nothing.
Besides, it's easy to guarantee if the guarantee is that that thing (which is guaranteed by a money back guarantee) will occur or they will get their money back. The guarantee is that they will get their money back if that thing does not occur.

Do you get money every time you use the word guarantee?
lol, paranoid much.

It's a basic hypothetical question (hence I used the word assume), options 101, and if you don't know it, you have no business imo educating other people.

You got time decay right. Anything else that would affect the call option value if hypothetically XYZ barely/does not move for the day? Assuming XYZ is an index, how/does the implied smile in vol affect the value as it moves away from atm reference vols?

This stuff, a first year finance undergrad student can answer.

Not paranoid at all. I'm not a finance undergraduate and have never made myself out to be and have found no need to waste my time delving into matters that do not concern me or the way I trade and besides I encourage further learning. I do not call my course a basic course or promise to teach people everything they might need to know one day.

You can come up with a heap of nonsensical hypothetical questions to try to trip me up and it won't mean squat. I day trade so therefore I have no need to know stuff that does not affect me. I also don't have any skills as a vet...because I don't need them.

Also, I'd like to point out that you have no business telling me what I can and can't do because you are clearly not aware of all the facts. I have little regard for your opinion on that. I've told you many times, I day trade options which does not call for an intimate knowledge of all the factors that might affect a long term options trade. Do you need a truck or pilot's license to drive a car? You drive a car so you learn the skills required to drive a car. You don't race, you don't drive trucks or fly planes so therefore you do not need to know about those things even though you might consider them "Transportation 101". More to the point, you do not need a degree in meteorology to know to slow down when it's raining. I drive to the conditions. I trade to the conditions and I trade what I see.

When you enter a department store and you see an escalator going up and you want to go up do you need to fully understand the mechanics and engineering principles behind why the escalator is going up in order to ride it? No, you get on, it goes up. I show people how "I" determine if an escalator (or stock in this case) is going up and I let them make their own decisions. I don't hold hands, or make recommendations. I sell procedures and information and my experience and it's helped hundreds make money doing the same thing and I'm not the first or the last person to do it.

I'm amused by your inability to accept the fact that I sell a procedural videos showing people how I trade and exactly how I set up my screens and charts. People want that (detailed step by step) information so they can ADD to their knowledge of trading and consider trading my "style" themselves. I have dozens of warnings about the risk and encourage further learning before they trade. I make no apologies for that nor do I need to. You have no basis on which to continuously attack me apart from your own voyeuristic pleasure. You may need to see a therapist for that because I can't make sense of that to be honest.
This stuff, a first year finance undergrad student can answer.

Could you point an to an index that hasnt moved in 24 hrs??

Mate I dont know the guy---dont want to know the guy---and from what I see your getting bugger all for your investment.The public are like Labradors---theyll eat anything that faintly resembles food---even sh**.

But I will say this.
If he persists in being involved in an on site vilification he will be the biggest loser.
Best thing to do in threads like this is SHUT THE **** UP.
Regardless of what benifit he thinks he will gain.---Wont happen.
I removed market movement to make the question as simplistic as possible since derivatives have many moving parts. The answer is simple, no tricks.

If we were to start asking what happens when XYZ trends, then other data like how much did it move, time to expiry, relation to spot etc. are required which I cbf thinking up right now.

Bill its called the basics. By your logic a boxer wouldn't need speedball drills, because they would never punch like that in a match. I'm certain though, no matter what boxing gym you walk in to, competence in its usage is required.

Anyway, I'm finished here
Hi tech, I am not sure why those ads are showing on ASF. They have certainly not been approved by me. I will talk to the advertising agency that deals with ASF and get them removed.
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