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You are suggesting we have a fight?
Wow, that was more entertaining than watching a story about rogue Gypsies doing shonky asphalting jobs and stealing pensioners' money on ACA or TT.

You are suggesting we have a fight?

I'm guessing it's a desire of yours to see me bashed. I found that an extremely offensive comment so if you want - bring it, you're all so quick to spit in my face from behind the safety of your keyboards without any thought to the consequence of your posts. I'm just wondering if you'd have the guts to behave like disgusting grubs to my face.

I did nothing but try to help people learn a skill and share one with those who asked and for that you suggest people would want to smash my face in and put me in hopital? It must be something that you would think of doing. It's your retarded fantasy. I respond like any self respecting person would when someone spits in their face. Deal with it or stop making retarded comments.

He's doing another gurus option course!?!?!

Oh what a clever and useful comment. You must be very proud of your contribution.
I think a lot of posters in this thread need to take a step back and think before they post. PLease note we will not remove a post just because later down the track you decide you shouldn't of said it.

From where I sit you offered an extremely inefficient modem (in terms of massive unnecessary contest risk) of day trading and tried to charge big bucks for it. It seems to me there is only one person you were trying to help.

Nothing wrong with that, we all have to scrounge a buck from somewhere; I just think there are more noble ways of doing it within this field. Like perhaps a complete options education, or examining more efficient means of day trading etc.

But that's just how I'd do it.

Why not just say what you're up to? Google is going to lead people here and instead of appearing stable, you've shown people that you don't seem to be stable at all.

Nice work champ.

You have no intimate knowledge of what I was and wasn't teaching and are clearly guessing. I have repeatedly said what I was up to and believe me, people have paid MUCH more than I was charging for courses that did far less with no support. Unlike almost every other options trading course i did (and I think I did them all) I was there to help at all times and often spent hours and hours on the phone supporting my customers and making SURE they were aware of all the risks. l'm damn proud of what I did and will be no matter what you or anyone says. That's why I'm here defending myself and my actions when almost every other course seller would shy away. I've sold courses because of this thread to people who gained confidence by knowing the person who was teaching them had the courage to stand up for his convictions.

There are people who teach stunt driving and race car driving courses, there's a fair bit of risk in that too but they all take great pains to point out where the risks are and how to avoid them. I took my responsibility very seriously and I get furious when people take it upon themselves to destroy one person's good work for selfish reasons like wanting to push the blame for their losses onto someone else or making themselves and their own agendas look good. Bashing someone else to make yourself look good is lame/ There are all levels of trading style, some higher risk than others. That doesn't give anyone the right to PUBLICLY spit in someone else's face and wish them bashed, broke or in gaol just because they don't like the level of risk being taught by their competitors.

This thread is tall poppy cutting in it's ugliest form. Disgusting and shameful but sadly typical.
Ah see, my guess wasn't too bad considering the history....:

I was educating myself and will continue for my whole life. It's telling that you think that educating myself was classic. Have you decided that there is nothing else for you to learn? Do you think making silly comments about people furthering their education is smart? Do you know everything there is to know already? I know I don't.

lol your logical inference skills are terrible

The original Q was what is Bill up to these days...
I suggested you're educating yourself with another course, don't recall saying it was wrong to do so.
lol your logical inference skills are terrible

The original Q was what is Bill up to these days...
I suggested you're educating yourself with another course, don't recall saying it was wrong to do so.

Too late to back away from your inference now. Was your comment suppose to be complimentary? I don't think so.
Question: If you were making oodles of money day in day out, would you be wasting your time arguing with people on an IBB? I imagine you wouldn't care what people thought.
Question: If you were making oodles of money day in day out, would you be wasting your time arguing with people on an IBB? I imagine you wouldn't care what people thought.

I would have thought that was fairly obvious. Defending myself! Who said anything about making oodles? Do you know how much money I made or have? There are plenty of people out there trading options that make heaps more than me. I made what I needed and kept what fell in my lap - you wouldn't? Just because I had a hundred bucks in my pocket doesn't mean I don't care when people go out of their way to publicly spit in my face, spread malicious lies and attempt to destroy my reputation in a vain attempt to shift the blame away from themselves. You've never heard of anyone wanting to defend themselves against these types of gutless online attacks?
I would have thought that was fairly obvious. Defending myself!

Why not just get a defamation lawyer to fix it? Of course you'll need to back up your claims...

I noticed on your Twitter account you have a link to Youtube that promises to show people "BillzWay $2,000 a week for life - guaranteed"

Good luck substantiating that one.
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