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Hi Vicki,

I can understand your frustration as I have also been caught into a couple of expensive seminars myself due to slick and persuasive marketing. Thankfully, I decided not to go any further as I found internet forums and discovered these seminars are generally more hype than substance.

If you have a look at the storm financial thread here at ASF, you will see how people were sucked into some very risky deals while being led to believe everything was OK and, from reading their stories, made to feel somewhat stupid if they didn't go along with it. It might help you feel you are not so alone.

It is difficult when you are down with losses and you are told that, if you continue, you make your losses back and some. I can understand how it is possible for persuasive sales people to make it look completely reasonable to continue with them even though it is not the most prudent way to do things. I know NLP type marketing can be quite controlling and there are probably versions of it that are used to make people feel "safe" when the alarm bells would normally be ringing loud and clear.

I feel it has made me more aware of the marketing methods used out there and, as soon as I suspect any sort of manipulation, I am out of there fast. In fact, these massively long web pages (also found on Bill's site) put me right off. Whenever I find one, I'm outta there

And agree that it's good to move on as best you can and look for ways to recover your money more safely. You have the benefit of experience where it is unlikely you will make the same mistakes again.

I am sure your posts here as ASF will help others see a different side of the picture to weigh up if this sort of thing is really for them. It is also quite possible that others who have been (or still to be) burned may make contact with you in the future where you can then work together as a group.

All the best...
Also, being RG146 certified in itself means nothing. It's the most basic educational requirement, and only one of several requirements, to be allowed to operate as an authorised representative of an AFSL.

Care to list the other requirements champ?

There are no other requirements.
Care to list the other requirements champ?

There are no other requirements.

Builder2818, why would you make such a bold statement without doing your homework? Check out the regulatory guides and licensing kit on the ASIC website.

There are many university subjects that satisfy ASIC's educational requirements. RG146 short courses are usually only completed by thoses that don't have a relevant tertiary degree.

AFSL holders have significant obligations in ensuring that AR's they appoint are of good character. Background checks will include insolvency, police, and credit.

Once appointed AR's must complete minimum ongong training requirements (Continued Professional Development), ususally around 20 - 30 hours per year.

AR's must also either hold their own RG126 compliant PI Policy, or be listed as an insured under the AFSL's own policy.

As you can see, there are many requirements for an AR to be appointed and remain as a representative of an AFSL.

That is all ongoing if you wish to maintain your AR. I could go and do a 3 day course and get my RG146 compliance. If an AFSL holder is willing to take me on, I am good to go. With so many conmen out there, it's not that hard to get authorised representation.

Remember we are talking about authorised representatives here, as your previous post mentioned. Not a license holder.
I could go and do a 3 day course and get my RG146 compliance. If an AFSL holder is willing to take me on, I am good to go.

If you walk into an AFS Licensee's office waving your RG146 certificate and they appoint you without doing the necessary checks to ensure you meet all the other requirements, they have breached their license conditions.

Ensuring you aren't a bankrupt is an up front requirement. Ensuring you have a clean police record is an upfront requirment. Ensuring you have RG126 Insurance in place is an upfront requirement.

It has nothing to do with whether the AR hold's their own license or not. If Bill had his own license (be it personal or company), as an Individual he would have to meet the exact same criteria to act as an AR as if he was acting on behalf of another licensee.

I agree there are bad reps out there, and yes it is probably too easy to get an AR status with a licensee. Which is why I suggest always transacting directly with the Licensee, and ensuring all invoices / receipts are from the licensee. A rep can dissapear very quickly, but a licensee has a far greater vested interest.
Hi guys,

just touching base.

Another quick question for Bill Stacey & Andrew Dimitri.

How are things traveling these days..are you guys still trading/teaching?

If so, could you give us a run down on what stategies you're now using in todays economic climate.


Have you got a vendetta against all " educators ".
Your on Louise Bedfords case as well I notice.
Just a little non-sequitur to follow on from your's tech/a.
Both ( questions ) then are totally logical.
Hi Guys,

No I certainly don't have a 'vendetta' against all educators.

Louise Bedford & her associate Chris Tate appear very experienced in this field.

I was just musing over a friends personal experience, after paying 7k for a course that drills into you a trading program/strategy & how to do it.

But, ask for an example of how such a stategy might work..and they just couldn't give viable examples, of how any of it works efficiently.

Like if a Kung-fu master couldn't show you a few moves...hmmm. [Chris]

I like their books though..And the course had lots of good info in general.

Just think people should stop short of saying hey, this's how it's done..and can't deliver.

But they're main saving grace...Is when I heard that they at least warned people over & over, to be careful...risk management..which's probably the best part of their teachings.

Kudos to them..

As I said...Morally, they're way above Bill Stacey & Andrew Dimitri.

As I said...Morally, they're way above Bill Stacey & Andrew Dimitri.


I think I should suggest to pest control firms, the service of removing financial termites lol.

Eroding away at peoples finances.

They could be doing it for a month of Sundays!...Never be out of work! Always Checking for these pests.haha.

Allcheck pest control..For all your financial pest control needs...sounds good?

By proxy, asf is already performing these services...thank goodness.

So Bill, on a more serious note, how are you going these days??
An update would be good.As there's still a chance of redeeming yourself..up to you?

Well I must say that this was certainly one entertaining hell of a read!

ASF just scored themselves another member lol.
Bill Stacy's website doesn't seem to exist anymore. Even the old youtube videos are not available anymore.
Anyone know what he is upto nowadays.

Dole Queue?

Digging ditches?

Bankruptcy court?

In hospital with a broken face?

Or perhaps in the Bahamas with all of your moneys?

Just guessing folks. :
Maybe one of Bills members from the first page can come forward and give us an update?


We'd love to hear how you're going and where Bill's disappeared to?
Sad little maggots. Wayne, you want to have a go? Shut your mouth xxxhole!

Vicki, you disobeyed ALL the rules, lost your money and you're STILL crying about it? Get a life! You're only embarrassing yourself and proving how much of a fool you were and obviously still are.

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