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maybe I should off just sent you a private message first with how I felt about what you were saying personally as it seems we were in similar financial positions a few years ago, there was a lot of money lost, however do you seriously not blame yourselves 100% first, seems like we possibly even lost our money on the same trades that were been placed then, but in the end it was our decision to go ahead with it and even stay in the trades while they were tanking.

For a while there it was going to plan and who would off predicted the GFC, unless you were privy to that information.

Cheers Rob.
I think Rob is Bill................................................

I thought so to!
Even uses some similar words & phrases [cool & gun to your head etc.] lol.

Anyway, when the real 'Bill' is back in the room, can you confirm a time to show T/H your system?

For a while there it was going to plan and who would off predicted the GFC, unless you were privy to that information.
Many futures and Options traders made a killing in the GFC.
Short IS a position.

This's very interesting, does this mean he effectively borrows someone elses licence on a limited basis?
Then lets it look as if he's got some big credentials next to his name?

Back to this incredible business assassination.

Number one key business building rule is to develop relationships.
There have been 12000 views of this thread and we have witnesses degradation of ANY form of relationship this guy could have with any member of this board.

With the enthusiasm of a pitbull he has ripped the throat of a client out in full view of his intended audience.

Not only that he has taken great pride in being a pitbull----- infact the most intelligent pitbull ever to grace the human race---who are either Idiots or Just Dont get it.

Youll find most people judge businesses by how they treat you after the purchase---its called after sales service---the very best opportunity to absolutely turn a client into an advocate.

With some of the rhetoric he has posted up here he has opened himself up to
(1) Class action possibilities
(2) ASIC investigation of claims.
(3) If he has made Millions then I hope he has a good accountant as the TAX department would be interested in all aspects of his business.

For someone who "Gets it" he certainly presents to me like an idiot.
Particularly if that is a genuine shot of him on that boat.

Successful companies and business men treat their clients with respect even if their clients are blatantly wrong because they---------------- DO ACTUALLY GET IT!!!!

And it shows.
This's very interesting, does this mean he effectively borrows someone elses licence on a limited basis?
Then lets it look as if he's got some big credentials next to his name?


It means he doesn't have a licence to practice as a financial advisor in his own right.
Further he cannot give advice on what to buy when and what to sell when---thats why everything is in hind site and why you wont get him to trade live.
His licence would be instantly pulled by his dealer principal and the dealer would be in big trouble.
It’s obvious tech/a, that you or I did not make a killing throughout it, if we did would, you be here tonight.

I don’t understand your comments Vicki, totally by chance I have come across this whole topic, you asked for someone earlier on who might have had dealings through planet wealth, well I certainly did and it’s not a happy memory either.

Cheers Rob.
It’s obvious tech/a, that you or I did not make a killing throughout it, if we did would, you be here tonight.

Nothing is obvious thats already been proven in this thread many times.
Depends on what you call a killing 25% + nett worth thats a killing
But my return in that period maybe seen by many as 25% of "THEIR" nett worth or more!!----2% of mine----smoke and mirrors we are all capable exponents.

Would I be here tonight---yep!

You maybe very surprised who hides behind the Anonymity of an Avatar.
I think someone is about to get one should he take up an offer---the pitbull just cant refuse!

Dont let Vicki,s , tech/a,s comments towards you bother ya .

Tech/a,s posts are valid and intresting but maybe unwarranted at you personally.

Vicki,s posts, i see them for what they are actuallly for

I actually think she has a hidden agenda here also as all her posts since starting are in THIS thread...and theres a lot of standing there egging ppl on .rallying the troops.. instigating others to do the dirty work.......... rings bells to me

I have been reading Vicki,s posts and noticed she likes to stir the pot withhout providing any actual quality input.

had its desired effect,

which maybe a good thing in my view but vicki,s poking and stirring brought out the worst in bill and he annaialated his business with his smoke and mirrors and abusive google gunna be his pain from here.

Personally i couldnt care less how much vicki, wants to donate to the market as personally happy to take it , but i am of the thinking that there is enough sharks ffeeding already without a MAYBE dodgy pr!ck feeding on the uninformed via the trust and riches approach while picking there pockets.

welcome to asf Rob....
you asked for someone earlier on who might have had dealings through planet wealth, well I certainly did and it’s not a happy memory either.

Cheers Rob.

Maybe you could start a thread titled "planet wealth" or similar, and start sharing your experiences.

Also, If you know of anybody else like you, could you ask them to share as well?

Meanwhile, we're still waiting on this thread, for Bill to get back to us, on when he's going to meet T/H.

Thanks dude,

I agree with what you are saying,

I have only popped by head back In this forum after about a two year absence and it is still out of control,

I only wanted to respond to what Vicki was going on about, as I lost money around the same time as her.

And as much as it sucked and I went on a rampage then, I tool 100% responsibility off what went down.

Welcome back to asf your not wrong there are a few ferrules out there.

What will a new thread do,

its old money mate,

we lost a heap,

haven’t you made fresh money since then, seriously what’s the point in wasting energy talking about old money that we lost.

We were in the same boat back then, can we not make new money and learn from our experiences.

Vicki, I will talk all day with you about what we went through back then, but this is now, there is new money to be made with our bad experience.

Cheers Rob.
Mate I am new to this site,

I have been trying to read everything on this whole forum for the last few days, I was actually a member back in 2008,

"Mate I am new to this site...I was actually a member back in 2008". I find that slightly contradictory. 2008 was only 2 years ago but here you are with a new moniker, popping up on page 24 after more than 400 posts and singling out Vicki.
First you attack her, then when that doesn't impress any one you move to "Lets put the past in the past, let bygones be bygones and move on".

There is a lot of great stuff on here,

Don’t tell me that you measure the number of your posts by your man hood.

What has manhood got to do with the number of a persons post? Its' not a p!ssing competition confronting someone that is promoting a product/service that they are selling which they have demonstrated they know little or nothing about.

The forum isn't out of control. If you really had read back through the posts you would see that the moderators have not only monitored the input to the thread, they have been actively involved in giving Bill Stacy every opportunity to put up credible proof. Every opportunity which he has evaded.
I think you mean "took" where you say "tool" but then perhaps tool is more appropriate anyway.
Vicki, I will talk all day with you about what we went through back then, but this is now, there is new money to be made with our bad experience.

Cheers Rob.

That's the reason to start the new thread & get to work sharing your experiences, & you can talk all day long about your experiences with planet wealth...e.g. your dealings with Bill & Andrew around that time?
Get your copy of the original e-book & share it with us etc.

Eventually, former members can chime in [me included] and add to the content.

but this is now, there is new money to be made with our bad experience.

Yep, I hear you there Rob/Bill [sorry , still not convinced] don't be offended.
Just start sharing your experiences on the planet wealth "thread"

Meanwhile, about the new money to be made?
We're all still focussing on it, with regard to bill's impressive strategy, & getting it varified.

Aren't you interested with a new way of trading?

Anyway, unless you're also interested with an amazing new strategy, that is the current subject matter, I won't reply to you any further here.
Why? because I'm not sure if you're genuine [ Bill's phantom] again no offence.

p.s. back in a few hours.
That’s the reason why I didn’t bother with your last post, Nulla Nulla

OH, have you just got home from work and hate the world, lol lol, its so predictable,

go Nulla Nulla, it must be some artifact ,or some lost city or surf spot somewhere, you go Nulla Nulla is that what you are called.

Nulla Nulla, I will give you the respect of having capital letters on your name, lol lol,

seriously Nulla stop miss quoting what I say,

How much do you trade off your own money, Nulla lol lol

Cheers Rob


hidden agendas flyin thick and fast.

so many similarities and fun and games.......

im intrigued at this new turn to the thread and i think any psychology students out there will benefit a great deal on this study into human behaviour and smoke and mirrors parlez.
How interesting, comments off great benefit get removed quicker than you can read it, mmm something to think about there.

and there is no blank in the numbers, lol lol

So you can give it but can’t take it, is that right, sorry tech/ a , what you are properly tucked into bed by now.

I am not Bill,

To me, what are you going to get out off going back to the pain that we experienced, you seriously can’t say you’re looking out for newbie’s, they are armed with more info then we started off with after the GFC, or you think everyone is stupid like you and I and didn’t shut down the trades when we should off on our own.

Vicki, its almost 2011,

a long time since we were involved in that strategy, free your mind off it , there is new money to be had every single day.

The system or product was never the problem, it was us believing that any trade we had on a stock would purely just come back.

Aim happy to catch up with for a coffee, or a beer to talk about what we went through.

Cheers Rob.
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