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I do admire that you are on the front foot here.

However, my opinion is that you are trying to sell a service, as much as defend your reputation.

I dont trade options, but you must surely be aware that some participants on this forum are experienced option traders.

I never said they were "upstanding" :, merely that I dont believe you have responded to their specific criticisms as *****ougly as you have to more personal attacks.

Did you not state in an earlier post that you previously had posts deleted from this thread?..does that not imply that you had "bumped heads" with moderators before??...and did those mods have a knowledge of options?

Of course, I could be wrong..

Finally, I agree that many posters on this forum are cynical, and can be ruthless hiding behind a keyboard.
A "Z" day is a day that simply starts on it's high and ends on it's low or vica versa. They are usually quite large and easy to trade. Usually follow a narrow range day too.
Fact: This works
Fact: I've been trading like this for years
Fact: I have trained hudreds of others to do the same
Fact: I have nothing to prove that has not already been proven hundreds of times.

Looks like we back to the "blind faith" subject again bud.

You say the above and people expected to believe it without any proof.

I personally am still trying to work out if your course is just another scam or if you are a genuine expert succesful trader with worthy knowledge to sell on to benefit people at a very high cost.

"all that glitters isnt gold" springs to mind when reading these tales of easy wealth and riches but hey i could be wrong.

anyhoo , it does not look like any proof of trading/proof of success/or even that you trade will be coming forthwith, so i wish you well and have a good day.
A "Z" day is a day that simply starts on it's high and ends on it's low or vica versa. They are usually quite large and easy to trade. Usually follow a narrow range day too.

ok then, so there is some kind of end of day analysis performed then. Thanks for that.
I could take a thousand camtasia live recordings and I'll still be attacked by the reds on here. Success intimidates hateful weak people and no matter I say or do they will never be happy.

Actually while I'm here I might as well wade into the debate a little further!

Just on this point:

If you think that people here are intimidated by success then you are sorely mistaken

There are quite a few decent traders on this forum, and some that swing a fairly decent line when they trade. There have been quite a few vendors who have shown up here to try and promote their businesses(either directly like yourself, or indirectly by trying to deceive posters by posing as satisfied customers).

When a vendor shows up to post on the forum and brushes over what most experienced traders consider to be fairly basic ideas like proper position sizing, then you have to expect some kind of questioning and a bit of grief.

Looking at the videos on your site, and all people can see is you hypothetically trading intraday breakouts which almost never fails, using time and sales of illiquid option series to estimate entries and exits, and then spending a lot of time talking about how many thousands of dollars "could have" been made.

Is it really surprising that you are copping a bit of grief when that's all that people have to run with? Especially so, considering that there are quite a few people on the forum here who have been making a living from trading for longer than you've actually been trading.

If you had independently audited results from a reputable, well known source then you'd find that people would stop giving you grief.

Pretty simple really.

I've offered lots of proof and it's all been on display on my forum for years. I appreciate that you are leaving a little window open in case I'm not all the things people have accused me off in this thread. To be honest I'm a bit surprised to hear you say that but I'm glad you did.

Pick your leader and have him call me and we'll discuss how I can get you guys to believe that I am everything I say I am and that your skills CAN be put to use as an options day trader. It's just not as easy as it in the US so you have to know a few techniques tips and tricks to finding the right layout and knowing where to look and what to expect.

I know what you are saying about people who are not genuine and offer no real skill but I'm not like that. You'd have to know me to know that. I used to be a **** kicker welder. Hated my life as a worker and was always looking for another way to make money. I eventually went to one of these wealth course and the options trading peaked my interest. I investigated, gave it a go and found it quite simple. I got "pretty good" at it and was invited to share what I know. That lead to a partnership and eventually to my own course.

I'm just a dude that discovered options, saw them move during the day enough to make a profit. Did some further investigating, a few day trading courses from the US (Harvey Walsh is excellent) and started to work out how to day trade options which no one teaches for the Australian market.

I never had any intention of being an educator until one day I made 7k in front of my friend while he watched and he was so excited about what he saw that he insisted that I teach him which I did then he insisted that I record it and that lead to the home study course that we're talking about here.

There is nothing strange going on here. I day trade options. It might seem crazy and weird to a lot of you who never considered options as tradeable during the day but they are. Trust me. Take one look for yourselves and you will see for yourself. It may not be the MOST efficient way to make money but it works for me and it works for people I show how to do it and it sure beats the crap out of going to a stinking job - even if I only make a few grand a week it's still worthwhile so as not to feel trapped in a dead end job. Not everyone loves their job.

I can not (and am advised not to) offer any real time trades so if that's the ONLY way you will be happy as proof then I guess you're out of luck but to attack me so vociously just because something is not understood was un called for and did a lot of damage to me for no reason.

"Just because we don't understand something doesn't mean we have to reject it."

I day trade options, I teach others how to do it and that's all there really is to it. No malice, no wish to sell a course and run (I'm still here on the same phone number and address I've been at since I started. I don't hide and I answer all my critics as evidenced in this thread.

I don't need to though. I live the life of a day trader and it's very real to me and it would like me proving that air exists. It exists and it's real no matter what Martians believe.

Look at the trades I have posted on my website and you'll see there is a mix of hypotheticals (a great way to learn is back testing...are you guys against back testing? - surely not) but there is ALSO lots of real trades that I actually did then reported on. The fact that you guys don't believe it does not make it any less real. They are real.

And for the record and did not start this thread and I have never tried to sell anything directly on here. I am here defending lies and false accusations as any normal person would.

ok then, so there is some kind of end of day analysis performed then. Thanks for that.

A little and of course every bit helps. I've found however that predicting a move during the day is not going to make it happen so you still have to trade what is right in front of you.
Some long responses here for someone that is supposedly 100% focused on trading...

I have also watched the videos and came to the same conclusion, Professor. It appears that Bill checks to see what the traded prices from the WebIress options "course of sales" screen for the day to choose an entry price.

I thought he might have recorded these trades live showing the development of the trade together with live bid/ask quotes and with execution of the trade - all being recorded. But it seems that these recordings are made after the event.

Bill, I look forward to your response to these observations and happy to be shown if my assumptions are wrong. But, please be honest and don't try to talk your way out of anything. I have been trading Australian trading options longer than you and know WebIress like the back of my hand.

Wasn't this a live trading video he put up yesterday?

No probs Bill.

Not really fussed about seeing proof personally, I have no interest in signing up for a service I'd not heard of until yesterday, or one where I couldn't properly evaluate what's on offer first. I'll leave you to it.

Enjoy your day
Some long responses here for someone that is supposedly 100% focused on trading...

True, I wouldn't post if I was trading. There was an early run on MQG but I missed it.

Wasn't this a live trading video he put up yesterday?


Thanks, will do.

Did anyone watch that? I clicked on it, but chose not to go through opening it up when I saw it was a zip file.

It's safe to download. It's just a camtasia clip I use in my course to illustrate how I do a real live trade.
Made any trades today Bill ?

I almost got in on MQG (and it would have been a cracker!) but I didn't get my favourite little "squiggle" so I left it. There might be some afternoon action but I generally only like trading new highs and new lows because they're easy to spot. I'm not a very sophisticated analyst. I use big bold signals.

Not much OI in those, the front month ATM put and call hasn't traded yet, would you feel like a sitting duck day swinging MQG oppies ?
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