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By the way, what's your full name?

That doesnt matter. As a mod we obviously dont give these details out.

By trying to defend yourself and then get caught up in spit for spat communication has not done your professional identity well. So get on with it and show everyone the money, some live trades.

People have been saying this for 18 pages now yet he still doesnt get it.

I'll keep laughing as i check in throughout the day
Morning Monday another day and another 17 pages on this thread? I liked the video you put up Bill, I wouldn't trade options like you do but if it works for you, good stuff.

At least you get to stay at home and do what ever you want because as you say you haven't worked since 2004. The other 99% of us on this forum are going to their normal jobs, except me because I got laid off just before xmas hooray! The governments BER program really pulled the Australian economy out of the GFC - only to make hundreds unemployed at this holiday time.

With the way Vicki posts, I get the feeling that she isn't satisfied with how Jamie McIntyre taught her to rent her shares (had to put that word in for you Wayne) and she wants something a little more - hoping to maybe pick it up for free or pestering one of the mods to let her get her hands on it if Bill passes it on to them.

Thank you Satan. But as I explained before, I can not provide live trades as I'm trading and besides, these types of people are never happy. I can only tell people what I have just done and I've been doing that for years. The proof is already out there. I've been doing this for many years and like I said before many times I don't actually want any more business. I'm just on here defending myself against nameless thugs who I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want as members anyway to be honest.

The way I've been treated on this forum is disgusting, unfair and totally unwarranted. What we have here is sad people who will pick on and destroy everything that comes within their sites. No one here wants the real truth - which has been offered many times - they just want to destroy me because I represent something different. A different point of view and a more profitable way of trading.

I am providing a real solution for those who want a better life but the nameless thugs and babies on here just want to keep attacking and the funny part is they (as you can see from the comments) think they are winning. They are of course not winning anything but just shining the light on themselves, their own inadequacies and insecurities.

I'm doing nothing wrong, I've been helping people for years and I plan to continue doing so for as long as people want a better life and are looking for an alternative trading style that is powerful to actually make a few decent bucks. I'm proud of what I do, I'm proud of what I am and I'm proud to be here fighting thugs who are so scared of being identified for the ignorant pigs that they are that they don't even sign their names.
Hi Bill Stacy

I think it is good and proper that you be allowed to defend yourself against all
allegations. That way people can make up their own minds

However, by questioning the bonafides of WayneL and Mazza, amongst others,
you really are making a fool of yourself, as it is very obvious to long-term viewers, they DO know what they are talking about,

but you dont address their specifics ?

Also, challenging them to put their real names on a public forum is absurd.

What phones nos, street addy and punch on mate ?

I have answered every single one of their specifics!

I don't know one anonymous attacker from another AWG. I'm not a regular here so to me they are all hiding behind boxes throwing acid at me then running and hiding. Gutless and disgusting behaviour from people that you all say are "upstanding". All I can do is answer each claim, insult and slanderous statement as they are printed.

I have addressed every single criticism but they are not happy and I suspect because they are so embarrassed at getting so many things wrong never will be. I've offered proof - they rejected it as fraudulent. I was accused of not even trading myself - I do, often and profitably - an insult. I ask their names not so much so I can punch on but just as a common courtesy. I have always used my full real name on all forums. I never hide behind a false name. I think that if they are going to set about to try to destroy a man's business and reputation they would at least have the guts to use their real names.

That says it all for me. If they are warrior enough to destroy a man then they should be warrior enough to stand up and take it but no...they strike and hide like the terrorists that they are.
There might be a buck or two to be made on the motivational speaking circuit!

Smooth with the words, pump up the crowd to "connect" with their inner strength, open their eyes to the massive amounts of money just waiting to be made by anyone willing to "learn" the way. Throw in a hot coals walk to really get the crowd amped up and while the crowd is in such a euphoric state, break out the contracts for an educational program (name your price here).

There you go. A starter pack for free.
Its amazing how some people can actually beleive their own marketing talk if they continue to repeat it over and over
cool , how about posting up some entrys and exits in real time today then bill?

We've been over the real time factor and I've said quite a few times now that when I'm trading I'm focusing on the trade. Besides, if I post real time trades there is a danger that some traders might follow me. My licensee has warned me never to do that to avoid influencing others so really I can not offer a real time trades.

Depending on how much faceless abuse I get today I may post my trades but some of the thugs will always find something to gripe or whinge about because they really want to destroy anyone more successful than they are or with new ideas so I'm really not sure what the point would be. If you want proof that options move enough to make money just look at the market. It's not hard.
Why is this rubbish on the front page of ASF.

It should be in the discusion area with some of my rubbish.

From a legal perspective a live call from a vendor selling his wares could be a can of worms for both you and the site.

Surely you could mention which company you are looking at today though

Anyone that's looked at your vids will have a fair idea of you trade anyway, calling out the underlying your going to trade in advance would remove a lot of the skepticism about any potential cherrypicking of trades at the end of the day.

There is no denying options move and there is money to be made.

we just want real time proof that you actually trade and that you are as succesful as you claim to be.

not hard really.

Thank you Professor. I don't know what I'm going to trade until I trade it. I do no pre-judging as there is very little fundamental analysis used. I use mostly the top ten stocks on the ASX and I trade what I see.
There is no denying options move and there is money to be made.

we just want real time proof that you actually trade and that you are as succesful as you claim to be.

not hard really.

I have never provided real time trades and as stated maybe a dozen times already in this thread I don't do anything while I trade but trade. After the true fact is about as much as you're likely to get. But you know what's going to happen. Theye will always be someone to attack some aspect of it because that's the nature of the beast within many of you (from what I have seen displayed on this forum).

I could take a thousand camtasia live recordings and I'll still be attacked by the reds on here. Success intimidates hateful weak people and no matter I say or do they will never be happy.

Fact: This works
Fact: I've been trading like this for years
Fact: I have trained hudreds of others to do the same
Fact: I have nothing to prove that has not already been proven hundreds of times.
Thank you Professor. I don't know what I'm going to trade until I trade it. I do no pre-judging as there is very little fundamental analysis used. I use mostly the top ten stocks on the ASX and I trade what I see.

Sweet as Bill. That indirectly answers a couple of questions I had, so thanks for that.

Will be keeping an eye on the range breakouts with some interest if we get any today
Sweet as Bill. That indirectly answers a couple of questions I had, so thanks for that.

Will be keeping an eye on the range breakouts with some interest if we get any today

It has to be long enough for the option to move so at least 1% move on the underlying. If you have done Steven Jennings course on Day Trading you will now about "Z" days. Z days make great and very profitable trading days but they need to be at least an average size. If you get on a real zinger it's possible to make 50% or more.

Here's a breakdown of what to expect...

100% trades - about 1 or 2 a year
50%+ trades - about 3 or 4 a year
25%+ trades - 1 or 2 a month
15%+ trades - 1 or 2 a month
5-10% trades - 2 or 3 per week

Many great trades appear almost every day but catching them is a different matter. Just because a trade is there and happening doesn't mean you will be on it. Those figures above are what I expect a decent disciplined and practiced trader to actually get.
Never heard Of Steve Jennings, or the concept of a z day.

Google doesn't really help either, care to expand a little?
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