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Risk usually also runs between 2.5% and 20% which means you can potentially lose between $500 - $3,000 per trade if you get it wrong.

This is the type of quote that exposes the huge risk of trading this method. Potentially 20% may not be the worst. Poor management of risk but not your risk ... right.

It's easy to massacre someone with lies and innuendo.

Anyone can make 10-25% a week. Nothing really special about that.

I'm not giving my course to anyone for free. Especially (after today!) not you guys - crickeys.

Abuse, defame, insult, tear strips off and then ask for thousands of dollars of products for free? lol...that's so rich I can't even begin to describe how ludicrous that sounds.
This is the type of quote that exposes the huge risk of trading this method. Potentially 20% may not be the worst. Poor management of risk but not your risk ... right.

I never claimed there was no risk and it's not huge. But the real risk of trading options is a 100% loss. Obviously.

If you want to let it sit there and just degrade to more than a 15% loss that's your problem and not the fault of any strategy. If you are losing, exit your trade. It's not hard.

Your third sentance makes no sense.

What's your name?

Well again, double that 20k bank, verify it, then hand the Mod. a bank cheque for 20k made out to the Royal Childrens Hospital!

people may hold you in a higher regard then, & if they dont, so what, you've publically donated to worthy cause.

Go'n 2 bed
Excellent. All done without any lending. Just the way I like it.

LOL priceless!

So trading $1,000,000 of currency on margin isn't borrowing but trading $1,000,000 of CFD on margin is?

Bill, you're a laugh a minute.

Now this is incontrovertible evidence that you are deluding yourself.

So far we have established:

You promote the least efficient instrument for daytrading.
You do not fully understand the instrument you trade.
Have zero understanding of alternative instruments.
Are not prepared to offer real time proof of success.
Have great difficulty understanding simple concepts.
Use logical fallacy to attempt to defend yourself.
Do not understand money/cash management.
That you believe this is doing your reputation any good.

And that's just off the top of my head, I'm sure I could find more going back trough this thread.

Your choice dude, but I'm reminded of the old adage - When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

This contradicts an earlier posts where you advised that you don't answer the phone when you are trading.

Hundreds paying $5k each plus six paying $40k each generates $740k a year.

Not bad for a person that learnt all about trading options in one year of trading them started teaching others the secrets of his success.
The reality would be that you (and anyone else reading this thread) would have learnt more about how to trade and manage your trading from reading the posts to this thread over the last 24 hours.


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This is the most amazing example of "Self Assassination" I have ever seen.

I guarantee you that if you Google Bill Stacy this thread will keep rearing its ugly head for years to come.

From a business point of view ---sheer Lunacy.
Look back on others who have screamed innocence.

Shappell Corby
Lindy Chamberlain
Bill Clinton

I congratulate you--Job Done.


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I don't agree that you are profiting from a decent sized move. You're overcoming slippage and brokerage by investing the entire "bank".

If analyzed on a per contract basis, the spot moved ~10-15c, with the option +5.5c
That is only $55 gain per contract. The brokerage fee by itself is $155.75 [assuming bulk charge]. You'd need to trade at least 3 contracts just to cover brokerage. Risk $2.7k to make $0 [90c/contract] before incremental gains.

If the option were to go only 5c against you [and assuming one can offset at that level] thats a total loss of:
([$50 x 22] + 155.75) = ~$1,255

That's ~6.3% loss on a 20k "bank".
No thanks.

If I can be assured that I will be treated with respect I might be open to something like that. Who'll put up the cash though?
This is the most amazing example of "Self Assassination" I have ever seen.

I guarantee you that if you Google Bill Stacy this thread will keep rearing its ugly head for years to come.

From a business point of view ---sheer Lunacy.

I wonder if Bill will wake up this morning and realise what he's done?

<edit> Nope

I'm not in a hole. If anything they will come and see how I defended myself against nameless stone throwers. You are worng on your points above by the way. I stand tall.

This contradicts an earlier posts where you advised that you don't answer the phone when you are trading.

No it doesn't. If I'm coaching someone I'm not trading myself.

You're so smart. That's over a 3 year period and what's your problem with that? Don't like people selling products? Don't like people making money? There are countries that you can go and live in that will cater to your politics.

I think it's an excellent thread and I hope it stays up high! It shows how I was attacked by mjorons and I stood and defended myself. It will also show how you are all nameless gutless babies with nothing better to do than tear down people who dare to go out and do something different. Typically Australian. Good onya.

You don't understand.

Why don't you all sign your names? Too scared?
wow, Bill musn't have got much sleep last night.

Amusing start to a monday morning for me however
This is the most amazing example of "Self Assassination" I have ever seen.

I guarantee you that if you Google Bill Stacy this thread will keep rearing its ugly head for years to come.

From a business point of view ---sheer Lunacy.
Could be aiming for the sympathetic types as (hopefully) all the gullible types are now enlightened.
Hi Bill,

Think of the wonderful business opportunity that lays in front of you on this forum. All you have to do is provide some live trades, something that will keep the wolves at bay and prove that you system/trading plan works and is profitable. If you were able to do this then I'm sure you would have hundreds of ASF members lining up at your door to get into your courses.

By trying to defend yourself and then get caught up in spit for spat communication has not done your professional identity well. So get on with it and show everyone the money, some live trades.

It really is that simple or just continue playing with the wolves (some of them have well and truly proved their credentials) as they will eventually eat you no matter how good you are.


Have a great day trading
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