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Phantom, that's just blown me away!

Bill, is this web-page doc. that Phantom just posted, is this for real!!!!

Stone the crows, you'd want to have happy clients if they're paying this rediculous price!
Otherwise they'd be chas'n ya 'round with pitch-forks!

I think you really should consider having one of our nominated traders, the Mod. maybe, test drive this!
'Cause it'll iether make or break you if you dont!

If I was one of those people who just dropped that sorta $$$$, I WOULD GLADLY RECOMMEND someone verify it's viability independantly!

So draw up a once off agreement with shaking hand etc. to launch this to a new level!
I'm shore your members wouldn't object, once off!

Take a vote from them, on here!

Otherwise they might begin to think "uh oh, is this just another scam like the early planet wealth?"


Every single one of my personal clients has been very happy with the coaching they received and they (almost without exception) went straight into trading and made it all back before long.

Bill, just give an estimate, how many members have gone through this training program mentioned?
10 20 50 100 200? at up to 30k a peice!

It sure is! And worth every penny according to the people who bought it. How much would you pay to know how to make thousands a week from anywhere in the world? Nothing? $100? $2.00? Try buying a business (that will usually fail) that can produce that amount of income and you'll be paying hundreds of thousands of dollars.

People can think what they like. Planet Wealth wasn't/isn't a scam and neither am I or any of my products of which I am very proud. Did you watch the video proof?

Why should I give this to anyone to "prove" what I already know? Pointless. There are heaps of examples everywhere of people who are mre than happy with their purchase. Many made it back in the first few weeks of trading.

Do you hold a ASFL?

if so can i have the number

just curious

Not AFSL but an AR of an AFSL, PS 146 and I get licensed when I speak. Not licensed at the moment because I don't speak.

No, I am not a communist. Believe in both our Labor and Liberal form of government, which is also based on protection to the individual to enjoy a free market, while 'protecting' our society, and also looking after the less fortunate.

Leased ,

"Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) Information
Blingco Investments Pty Ltd ACN 112 993 389 As Trustee For The OneDayWealth Trust ABN 70 748 653 062 is an Authorised Representative (AR number 325505 ) of
THE INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES AND DERIVATIVES GROUP PTY LTD (ASIC Australian Financial Services License AFSL # 227544). Click here to view my PS146 Certification in Financial Services #2096"

Easiest way to get one I believe.
40 grand! 40% a month! thats like 5500% compounded per annum. Does ASIC know you're charging $40,000 for these guaranteed returns day trading ASX options.

This is a joke right? No ones stupid enough to fall for that scam. Its not even remotely realistic. Who the hell would day trade ASX options with a directional strategy anyway? Its nonsense, stock index or fixed income futures are far superior for day trading. Higher leverage, way higher liquidity and lower commissions.

Mabey you should look into these products as the basis for your next scam.

That's my number. Not sure if I'll get the same number next time though.

I am amzed at the new levels of idiocy constantly being achieved on this forum. I never guarantee returns I guarantee satisfaction and to stay as personal hot line coach until they are satisfied. I also fly to their city and stay with them for a week (at a motel nearby) and then on the phone all day until they are ready to let me go. Usually months and every single one of them is very happy. Have you tried hiring a personal trading coach? 50k minimum! Try it.

ASIC doesn't approve

You don't know as much as you think you do. Just because you are not capable of calculating value doesn't mean that everyone else is that thick.

High leverage, no thanks! I'm not that silly.

Who would day trade options? Anyone who wants to. I do, hundreds of my members do. What's it to you anyway? Offensive jerk.

I'm also noticing that the most offensive posters are not using any names. How gutless is that? What are you guys all so afraid of? Being associated with your offensive slanderous comments? I'd be ashamed as well. Next time someone wants to take their insecurities out on me at least sign your name.
LOL you don't seem to understand that Options ARE leveraged instruments, just like Futures and CFD's.

LMAO @ $20,000 for guaranteed "satisfaction".

Mate you've been discredited on every page by the posters on this 17 page thread so far. You seem to get dumber with each post and you sound like a 15 year old with an IQ of 65. Face it, You know **** all about trading and you know **** all about options. No one here sees through your charade.

What's your name rude guy? Your ignorant opinion and point of view mean nothing to me.
If you can't take the 'public' heat then perhaps get out of the kitchen.

Only your reputation is being question ...

What's your name. This is not This is a bunch of stupid baseless allegations from people who are too scared to sign their names. Weak as.

I'm the only one using my full name so from where I sit mine is the only reputation in tact and shining. My record stands as proof of my integrity. Where's yours? What's your name?
Why should you have someone try it out, to tell you what YOU already know !

Oh Golly Goodness, to prove it to others you might also want or like as clients!

Who would day trade options? Anyone who wants to. I do, hundreds of my members do. What's it to you anyway? Offensive jerk.

So you're already a multi millionaire then?

Offensive jerk?
Think you might want to be careful with those insults Bill.
[It sounds unproffessional]
And there's a lot more of us than you.
Australia wide, & you might just bump into somebody that remembers you & your mouth, especially if they've lost money at hands of wealth 'spruikers'

I' m sure the law will step in if anyone gets stung or any laws are broken. Preferably before anyone gets stung.

I don't care and would LOVE to meet any of you who abused and spread lies and inuendo. LOVE love love it! Can't wait!!

Don't be silly yourself Vicki. My course costs $5,000 (check). The extra personal coaching is a product that I was asked to make so someone could buy it with a proper invoice. Not sure how it made it onto the "featured" items on my shopping cart. It's been removed now.

Most of my courses were sold for $1,800, about 1/4 at $5k and I've sold about half a dozen personal coaching gigs.

"I" need to be careful of the insults? I'm being massacred here by fools and babies and *I* have to be careful? I don't think so. If anything it's you guys who need to be careful. Destroying a person's reputation and causing real business harm is illegal and a low act which many of you seem to be reveling in so that really does say more about you guys than it does about me.

I'm an honest guy with honest and real results selling a real product to real people who really appreciate it. My conscience is crystal clear.

For the record I don't actually want any more clients. Is that what you guys think? I want more clients? I wouldn't even have most of you as members...I'm just here to defend myself not to get more clients.

That's the last thing I want. Too many other things going on to "need" to do anything. I don't and have never "needed" to sell any courses to anyone. I was forced (by constant suggestion) to get what I do on tape and made into a product that people have loved incidentally. But I'm guessing that you guys would never believe a real testimonial without wanting to see proof of their trading as
I' m sure the law will step in if anyone gets stung or any laws are broken. Preferably before anyone gets stung.

No laws are being broken unless it's illegal to make money trading options and show others how I do it. Last time I checked that was not only legal but encouraged.

What's your name?

Bill, if you don't follow through with a 'test drive' for such an expensive course,
Well you're rightfully going to be labeled as above!

What will the investment community, your clients & prospective clients think of you now?


I'm going nighty nights, like Bills career! lol

Oh you are the most hilarious person in the world. What career? I stopped working at a job in 2004.

Extortion? That'll stylish. So let me see if I get this right. Unless I give my course (for free! no less) to a stranger who has abused and defamed me publicly while attempting to destroy my reputation I'm going to be "rightfully" labelled a crook and have my reputation destroyed? Rightfully?!!! WTF?!!

My lawyer will love that last one.

What will people think? Intelligent people will read this and see how I was attacked from all sides by nameless gutless people and I stood here for 12 hours never flinching and defended and answered every single charge and my reputation will be bolstered.

No one here has said anything of any substance to discredit me and the reason for that I've done nothing wrong and in fact I have provided a fair and valuable service to hundreds of appreciative clients. I even offered many forms of proof that I am a real trader with real results that have been published for a very long time but you guys still attacked and destroyed.

I have been treated like a common thief by nameless people with nothing better to do than tear down anyone more successful than themselves. None of you have signed your name ( That's how much you think of yourselves you are too scared to reveal your real name in case it appears in a legal action. I dare any of you to sign your names to your comments and stand by them in a court of law. I will stand in any court and defend every claim and result if necessary - will you?

How could fools & babies massacre you, you're a grown man aren't you?

Destroying a persons reputation?
I think you've done a good job of that yourself!

Anyways, what does it matter what us insignificant fools think anyhow?
You're the one mak'n the big bucks 10-25% per/wk?

Oh come on, just show one us your course, it can't be that bad can it?

Yawn. Vicki
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