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Bicycle riders

25 June 2007
Hi all,
Just thought I'd ask and see if anyone was into riding? I see Gav is pretty buffed but was interested to hear from anyone who rides, eg how often, how far, average speed, worst stacks, etc?
Re: Bike riders

There are already two threads on motorbikes

The motorbike thread ( 1 2) Pat and Sam76 are great on there

Motorbikes - buying them last updated end 20007
Re: Bike riders

There are already two threads on motorbikes

The motorbike thread ( 1 2) Pat and Sam76 are great on there

Motorbikes - buying them last updated end 20007

Is this thread about motorbikes or bicycles?

Im just starting my cycling training now. Tour Down Under is only a few months away!

My worst stake is flipping over the handle bars and loosing my front teeth! I have an artificial one now.
Re: Bike riders

Hi all,
Just thought I'd ask and see if anyone was into riding? I see Gav is pretty buffed but was interested to hear from anyone who rides, eg how often, how far, average speed, worst stacks, etc?

Hi Jono, if this is about bicycles then maybe ask one of the Mods to change the Thread Title so it is a little clearer on the vehcile.

Thanks - Green
Re: Bike riders

Yep, bikes as in the pedal powered ones! Looking for someone to pit my skills against really, I really enjoy riding past the guys in lycra with my baggy shorts and tshirt on and seeing the looks on their faces Apologies to any lycra wearing bikers out there
Re: Bike riders

Any guy who wears lycra should be the one apologising to dudes in baggy shorts and t-shirts!!

Around the bay in the day is on this weekend. Melbourne, via queenscliff, over to sorrento on the ferry, then the hell ride up the Nepean/Beach road back to the start. There are variations too. I think the main ride is about 270 km.

And before anyone asks, if i have done it or am interested in doing it, HELL NO!!
I ride to the gym and back, and maybe on a sunday arvie with the missus and kids... (in shorts and t-shirt thankyou very much)

Im just one of the poor sucker motorists who has to give way to these lycra wearing flogs on my weekend drive...


Im currently a baggy t-shirt and shorts wearer... and after a big ride your clothes are drenched in sweet! I'm considering going the pro look and getting into the lycra. Couldn't give a rats **** on what people think. The guys that pay out people in lycra are usually just jealous they dont look as good!
Flaunt it!

Enough about lycra, lets stick to riding

Where abouts do you ride Jono? what distance?

I ride 30kms in the barossa most mornings. I dont really have the time to do more.

the longest ride on sunday is the legends ride, 250 km.. this is the group i am riding with, there are no tickets for this ride left so you have to wait till next year to get on it.. kinda think the temperatures forcast means its going to be mental.

last years round the bay we had a motorcyclist try and swipe us , he was stopping at all packs revving the crap out of his bike and then swinging into the packs on the bike,, i nearly caught him at a red light on beach road, i was going to grab his ignition keys and just keep on riding.. missed it by about 10 seconds.. 35 degrees, full leathers on the road with no keys, would have been nice rough justice..

seen a group of guys in WRX tried drifting into packs a few months ago near afrangastan.. most of the way south to frankston i saw these these guys were terrorising riders, .. on the return leg from the war zone they tore by me, and drifted into a group infront, they lost complete control spun across the road, missed a pack heading south by meters, and struck a telegraph pole backwards.. then rode off with fenders burning the tyres and engine bellowing smoke, black smoke, in a fitting retreat back to afrangastan.. if we could have got to them then i think we could have levelled the playing field some what, the only thing saving anyone from being harmed or killed was incredible good fortune..

i have seen too many accidents now to be sympathetic to motorists..

i recommend all support this
Looking for someone to pit my skills against really, I really enjoy riding past the guys in lycra with my baggy shorts and tshirt on and seeing the looks on their faces Apologies to any lycra wearing bikers out there

Hey Johnno! Hope you live in Melbourne. Meet 6am corner of Nepean Hwy & North Rd Brighton Tuesday or Thursday morning and us Lycra Clad enthusiasts will laugh as you get blown away in the first kilometre or so.

We ride down to Mordialloc roundabout and then back up beach rode into St Kilda for coffee or in your case medical attention

Average speed somewhere between 40-45kph for 38 kilometre jouney. Last 1-2 kilometres not unusual to be over 50-55kph before sprint to BP Servo.

There are Lycra clad cyclists and Lycra clad cyclists, you'll learn on this ride it is not for the faint hearted but you are more than welcome so long as you can handle your bike okay and sit in a bunch of 90 cyclists at speed.

regards CB
We had a group at Cronulla about 25years ago ,we would ride 3-4 times during the week at about 4am due to traffic and a loooooong ride on the weekend.There were 3 courses Cronulla -Opera House and back,Cronulla -Waterfall and back Cronulla -Helensburg via National Park.Those were the days especially in winter with the thermal booties, gloves and balaclava .Now days I ride into work at about 1-2am with my flashing red light and Hi-Vis top for a grand total of 26klms ,long gone the high performance road bike ,now I have a Trek cross 1/2 road 1/2 mountain
last years round the bay we had a motorcyclist try and swipe us , he was stopping at all packs revving the crap out of his bike and then swinging into the packs on the bike,, i nearly caught him at a red light on beach road, i was going to grab his ignition keys and just keep on riding.. missed it by about 10 seconds.. 35 degrees, full leathers on the road with no keys, would have been nice rough justice..

seen a group of guys in WRX tried drifting into packs a few months ago near afrangastan.. most of the way south to frankston i saw these these guys were terrorising riders, .. on the return leg from the war zone they tore by me, and drifted into a group infront, they lost complete control spun across the road, missed a pack heading south by meters, and struck a telegraph pole backwards.. then rode off with fenders burning the tyres and engine bellowing smoke, black smoke, in a fitting retreat back to afrangastan.. if we could have got to them then i think we could have levelled the playing field some what, the only thing saving anyone from being harmed or killed was incredible good fortune..

i have seen too many accidents now to be sympathetic to motorists..

i recommend all support this[/QUOTE]

used to ride to work, but gave up after too many motorists nearly knocked me due to complete stupidity.

A guy i know used to always harass cyclists.
One day he turned up to work with a badly bruised face.
what had happened is the cyclist had some heavy duty bolts with him and had managed to hurl one thru his open DS window
Re: Bike riders

Is this thread about motorbikes or bicycles?

Im just starting my cycling training now. Tour Down Under is only a few months away!

My worst stake is flipping over the handle bars and loosing my front teeth! I have an artificial one now.

Hey Ash,
Ouch! Yeah, my latest was my worst - had my head down going for home on a Friday arvo and looked up to see the back of a parked Telstra van about 2m in front of me Just had time to get my arms up and smash the back windscreen out, busted my wrist (not too badly) and a gash in the other arm. Mostly recovered now - keeping my head up

I ride to work and back every day on the Eastern shore in Hobart - not far though. I enjoy riding fast though, so don't do many longer rides, just 10-20k hit outs mostly. I am planning on building this up though as I'd love to do a couple of full triathlons this summer. Love running too, but hate swimming which is my weak link

Sorry Col, can't join you although I would love to!! I haven't taken the plunge yet to join in a big group but am keen to see what difference it makes. I manage about 30-35kph on my own on the flat with no wind, so effectively with a 30-35kph head wind! With a tailwind to negate this I can kick it up to about what you guys are doing. With a tailwind like we sometimes/often get here in Hobart, I can break the local speed limit. Haven't been pulled over yet though

Any Taswegian riders out there?
Used to ride a lot in the late 70s and early 80s when I lived in Christchurch, NZ (still have the same bike!). Also did a bit here in the late 80s, riding with friends in the Southern Highlands and south of Sydney. Only ride occasionally now though.

My longest rides were one Christmas when I rode home (to my parents' place) from Christchurch and back, a distance of about 330 miles each way. It took three days home and 2.5 days back again (thanks to a tail wind), including three hours each way on the inter-island ferry. They were long days, and initially very tiring thanks to a steady head wind - in fact I was totally knackered by about 10am on the first day (6am start) and ready to throw in the towel . Main problem was lack of energy from not eating regularly, something I changed from that point onwards.

No major stacks, but used to come off occasionally on black ice in winter. I did get hit by a turning motorcyclist one evening, ending up lying on the road with him and his bike lying on top of me. Initially I seemed relatively unscathed, a few scrapes and a couple of cuts on my feet (I was barefoot, as it was raining a little), but later that night everything started to seize up and ache . A woman appeared from a nearby house and offered me use of her phone, which I accepted since my bike was unrideable and I needed to ring my flatmate who had a car. To get to the phone I had to cross the room, which had light-coloured carpet, so I took care not to let blood I could see on the top of one toe get on the carpet (I'd rinsed my feet in the gutter before going to the house). When I got to the phone and looked back, there were big red blobs all the way to the door . Turned out I also had quite a big cut under the ball of the other foot, one I hadn't noticed till then. Later, in the accident & emergency section of the hospital, they needed to put some stitches into that cut. However, I went bare foot so often in those days that the balls of my feet were very calloused, and the nurse couldn't push the needle in. She actually bent one trying to get it in. I also needed a couple of stitches on one finger, but they couldn't give me a local anaesthetic due to the location. The nurse was too squeamish to do it without anaesthetic, so the doctor had to do it. As for the bike, it had a bent wheel and the front forks pushed back a bit. I got the forks straightened and a new wheel, and she was as good as gold again (as I said, I still have it).

I've encountered a few crazy motorists here, much more than in Christchurch where lots of people cycle because it's dead flat. One time when cycling with friends at Appin (south of Sydney), an oncoming car veered across the road straight towards us, at the last second pulling away with the driver laughing hysterically. On another occasion, when cycling with friends down a steep hill with sharp bends (can't remember exactly where now - somewhere south of Sydney), a car driver decided they couldn't pull into the oncoming lane to overtake a couple of riders, due to lack of visibility, so overtook on the shoulder instead, flinging gravel up into their faces and forcing them across into the oncoming lane. And another time when cycling by myself between Galston and Berowra Waters on Sydney's northern outskirts, I was pelted with fruit from a passing van (oranges I think they were).

On another occasion in the Pitt Town area (around Windsor in Sydney's northwest), I ran foul of a nesting magpie which kept dive bombing me (no helmet back then). Just about came off the bike at one point.

Once in the late 80s I went with a group of about 15 or so others on a ride from Moss Vale (Southern Highlands) through Kangaroo Valley and out to Nowra, where we got the train from Bomaderry back to Sydney. It was a two day ride, spending the night camped at the Woolaway Woolshed in Kangaroo Valley where we had dinner and a bush dance (there was a mixture of guys and girls in the group). For the first day's ride, we split into two groups, the majority following the main road to Kangaroo Valley but about half a dozen of us taking the adventurous shortcut through what was called the Meryla Pass, along a fire trail. That trail was one huge decent into the valley along a dirt track covered with branches and other rubbish, across Kangaroo Creek, and then an almighty climb up a gravel road to the dam. My bike is a road touring bike with alloy rims, not a mountain bike, and I got a bent rim right near the bottom of the valley. Fortunately it popped back to almost straight, and I had a spoke adjusting tool to straighten it enough to keep riding. Most of us had to walk up the climb out. In the end though, we arrived back at the main road at about the same time as the others.

Another time around then a group did a ride from Campbelltown to the coast (I think that might have been the Appin ride mentioned above). Most people caught the train back to Sydney from Stanwell Park, but me and another guy decided to ride up the hill and through the Royal National Park to Otford railway station. When we got to Otford, we found the next train wasn't for 40 minutes or so (from memory), so decided we could probably ride on to Waterfall instead. We then decided the quickest way to get back up to Lady Wakehurst Drive would be to bush-bash up the hill behind the station, which we did, lugging our bikes with us. Just made it to Waterfall in time for the train (the same train we could have got from Otford, but why waste 40 minutes, or whatever it was? ).

Hey guys,

I do a lot of running; but have been keen lately on riding, and was wondering if you had any tips for starting out? I haven't ridden a bicycle in over 6 years, and was wondering if there are certain brands of bicycles I should be looking out for, or what gear I would need? Money isn't really an issue; but not too keen on spending 2-3k here!

My only advice, stay away from full carbon and stick to brand name bikes. I had a full carbon Kuota that cost $5k dropped a chain and took a chunk out of the chain stay and now the bike is stuffed. Once carbon is damaged it is very fragile and too dangerous to ride. I have now gone to a Giant TCR composite frame (blend of alloy and carbon). Cost me $1600 and I put all my good wheels and groupset on it.

I would suggest spending most of your money on a good set of wheels more than anything. Can't go past Mavic. And use clip in pedals, they are a lot easier to use than many novice / beginner riders think.


To answer your original question, I ride upto 300km a week usually consisting of 2 - 3 40km rides mid week, 65km Saturday and 70 - 140kms on Sunday (depending if we do the flats or hills). Average speed is 32 - 35kph.

Lycra - you gotta wear lycra. Cycling is all about the lycra and the coffee and muffin at the end.
OK, here's a question.

I ride a cheapie Kmart bike (Schwinn) that cost $300. I wasn't prepared to pay a grand or two for the cheapest from a bike shop.

Would it make a significant (>10-20%) difference to my performance in terms of average speed if I was to ride a more expensive bike? A lighter frame surely could not make any difference since my weight is the vast majority of the load carried anyway. So do the gears, wheels make that much difference?
On another occasion in the Pitt Town area (around Windsor in Sydney's northwest), I ran foul of a nesting magpie which kept dive bombing me (no helmet back then). Just about came off the bike at one point.


Damn maggies! When i was really little, i was riding my bmx and a maggie swooped me and hit my helmet. It jarred my neck and it has never been the same.
And 2 days ago i got swooped 3 times on my driveway as i was testing a bike out. But they wouldnt swoop me when im grabbing the newpapers in the morning!

no matter what bike you have, you are still gonna have to pedal it.

Though i road my mates new bike (a $800 Scott hybrid road bike) and i thought it was terrible. The gears wouldn't click in properly, and just the feel was all wrong.... probably needed to be set up professional. I have an old Giant CFR Cadex which is carbon fibre and has top shimano components and it rides like a dream - very smooth, but puts you in a comfy position to use your muscles.
stack #1 Borrowed older brother's racer, was racing friend to his house, swerved between two parked cars expecting driveway, no driveway, hit gutter at full speed, no brake cable either, brother had been intending to repair that, endo, pile-driven into conrete footpath, unconscious, concussion. Friend lived at bottom of hill. Woke up in friends bathroom with him putting some purple liquid on my freshly mangled face. spent 3 hours lying on his back patio feeling sick. Brother angry at me for not asking if I could take his bike.

stack #2 Riding to work, on downhill slope, traffic backed up, didn't see gap in traffic, car going up the hill does right hand turn into side-street where gap in traffic is, car suddenly appears in my direct path, too late for brakes, ride directly into the passenger side of car, shoulder hits roof, I flip onto car roof and roll down back window off boot onto road. Car driver gets out, he's old, and looks like he's expecting to see a corpse. Some b*tch with a whinny voice sticks her head out the car window and says "wheres your helmet?" I would've told her to "go get f*cked" but I was too busy throwing up, sick from pain and shock. Again, I twisted the forks and buckled the front wheel. But this time I was on a mountain bike.

Have also ridden into a couple of car doors as they have been flung open at the last second.
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