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BHP - BHP Group

HAHAHAHA BSD...... You are right on the money with regards to the analysts...... And I completely agree that almost every industrial in Australia at present is ridiculously overvalued, but that is the market as they say!

As for BHP - I wouldn't be counting my chickens yet - I still await a move above 26.50 on high vol to enter which IMO will remove the bearish hang on the stock. Todays action was great, but I am still on the sidelines here until I see the takeoff. But to those who entered at the lows in 24, you would be setting pretty now!

spitrader1 said:

today was options expiry

the market is closed friday

Thanks spit1,

Might be closing out tomorrow to stop the bleeding. A bit to think about in the morning.

Got to take a look at why I stayed with a dumb trade for so long! It has taken 2 good trades to cover this.

Cheers, hector
BSD said:
Hills up another 2.4% in London at the moment.

When do the chartists cover the shorts?



and when do they go long?

What on earth makes you think all chartists are short? This is just the sort of presumption which blows away your credibility.

I guarantee you at least half will be long.
wayneL said:
What on earth makes you think all chartists are short? This is just the sort of presumption which blows away your credibility.

I guarantee you at least half will be long.
I guarantee that you can't guarantee that.
And, I can warrant that.
That's the long and the short of it.
Unless you call it different, or put it another way - some options?
wayneL said:
What on earth makes you think all chartists are short? This is just the sort of presumption which blows away your credibility.

I guarantee you at least half will be long.


Furthermore, what makes you think there are not at least some fundies who are short.

Sometimes you do great posts, at other times non sequiturs abound. Your antagonism towards charting seems a bit illogical. Why?
Plenty of non-chartists short Wayne.

Heck - I dont mind getting short from time to time.

I have just seen the greatest "no brainer short" based on all sorts of charts get nailed and was wondering when the chartists cover or go long.

Someone said $26.50 - fair enough.

The fundamentalists that are short (Ducati) wont be switching to longs so it is not an issue. If you are talikng about fund managers, yes, heaps of smarty hedge fund types were also short focussing on short term momentum as opposed to cashlow.

I even bagged the fundamental analysts in that post - if I was going to bang on about chartists, I would have at least mentioned a moon phase or geometrical pattern

We might go back to sub$25 again - this rally could be the noise of shorts covering .

Assuming nothing changes in Chindia, I will again be a buyer at those levels.

Chops. what do you mean saying BHP was 'articifially bolstered'?

Would love to meet the guys who can manipulate BHP - had they sold a monster bunch of puts or something?

Up 2.7% in London

My point is that there are 1001 ways to read... and trade a chart. Taking BHP for instance; there is quite a logical long trade at around 37.50 - 38.00 (NYSE) based on monthly pivot levels... with several ancillary crutch... errr, I mean indicators as backup.

Add to that a few amateur fundamentals (commods bouncing) and it's a pretty tidy looking swing trade long.


Disclaimer: I do not hold BHP.
Costs going up left, right and centre but output's up...

BSD said:
We might go back to sub$25 again - this rally could be the noise of shorts covering .

Assuming nothing changes in Chindia, I will again be a buyer at those levels.
I sold mine and be happy to reinvest around the 24 mark.

BSD said:
Chops. what do you mean saying BHP was 'articifially bolstered'?

Would love to meet the guys who can manipulate BHP - had they sold a monster bunch of puts or something?
I'd love to meet them also :lol:
I look at Telstra as defensive, and BHP and RIO as resources....

Today telstra down

BHP up....

Not everything can keep going up at once.

BHP still a long way off all time highs.

The choppyness of BHP was predicted.

Play the game the best way you know how.

Higher costs will impact BHP's margins, returning them closer to their historical average.

That means, if, COG's returns to 0.55, from the recent 0.50 and in addition falling prices decrease Revenues, we can expect to see a shrinkage in the margins from 31.5% to 22.6%

This is a huge drop.
Margins should be fairly stable over time, large deviations are always evidence for close analysis. An almost 10% shrinkage would be fatal to BHP's share-price

"We have managed to achieve record production at a time when the market is very overheated," she said. "While costs are increasing, we are driving volume growth to increase output into a tight market."

And what is the golden rule?
The best cure for high prices is....................high prices.
Increased supply, will reduce price, thus leading to surplus production, at a high cost, in a falling price market...............boom, bust.

Higher production, lower prices = higher costs, lower margin on Revenue's.
Ugly scenario.

Increased maintenance spending................
BHP seriously underspent on maintenance in the past 18mths.
This underspend added to, and inflated Net Profits, and now is coming back to haunt them.

The technical bounce from $24.00 as previously called [due to shorts covering] will run out of steam, you need some committed buyer's to push the price up higher.............based on the fundamentals, they [buyer's] will be in short supply.

With world markets getting a little nervous due to the extended run, nice big liquid shorts like BHP would be ideal candidates for some circa $27.00 - $26.70

jog on

You've confused capital cost with operating costs.

And why are capital costs increasing - well mainly due to the resources boom. Probably a good thing for a mining company wouldn't you think?

Iron Ore up 9.5%, Nickel at record highs, coking coal over $100/t and copper way above long term expectations. Volumes also on the up.

But you would hardly buy them at $25 given you passed over them at $8.
BSD said:
Chops. what do you mean saying BHP was 'articifially bolstered'?
Share buy back. Would have been better off paying a dividend that was not akin to a joke.
chops_a_must said:
Share buy back. Would have been better off paying a dividend that was not akin to a joke.
If a share buyback does bolster the share price then its delivered real value for share holders as intended.
I'm a buyer of BHP recently, and I believe that its earnings will surprise the market.

BHP share price had fallen due to fall in copper price, but BHP has a diversified portfolio. In addition, I believe copper price is reaching a bottom soon. So as copper price rises, it may lead BHP share price up again.

According to my model, BHP is currently 50% undervalued.
I hold BHP too and I am very disappointed that it is not moving higher faster compared to other pure mine players. A lot of people seems to be expecting BHP to reach the $30 mark soon but it is just not happening at the moment. I can't help to top up so when it gets to the $24 - $24.50 mark it is too much of a bargain to me then.
Shanghai Copper Rises on Supply Disruption Risk, Falling Stocks

Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Copper futures in Shanghai rose as labor disputes at mines in Chile, the world's largest copper producer, threatened to disrupt supplies, and global stocks of the industrial metal dropped.

A union at BHP Billiton Ltd., the world's biggest mining company, voted to strike at Chile's Cerro Colorado copper mine in protest over wages, union president Mario Yanez said Jan. 30. Supply disruptions helped prices gain 17 percent in the past year.

``Copper has fallen to a critical point where news of possible supply disruptions can help change the direction,'' said Li Ling, an analyst at Minmetals StarFutures co., today.

Could hurt BHP short term - although I'm bias with a Feb bearish call spread on BHP
Mofra said:
Could hurt BHP short term - although I'm bias with a Feb bearish call spread on BHP
Hope so.....

I want back in.
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