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BHP - BHP Group

What excess labour?
all that excess labor coming from collapsing companies ( likely caused by credit-tightening and rising costs )

i know it is counter-intuitive , but in times of company stress , the workers face redundancy first

of course we could always talk about the python in the ceiling .. UNDER-employment ( folks not employed to their full potential )

I am seeing desperation from employers to find staff; they've gone down the track of poaching with offers of higher wages and other incentives.

If the government goes down the track of creating more work which requires more labour (just in case there is high unemployment in the future), all they are doing is creating higher inflation. that higher inflation could be the domino that tips industry over the edge.

At the moment the biggest stress that companies are feeling is labour & skill shortages.

quality , SKILLED staff absolutely , and that is an additional problem , such folk don't just fall out of trees ( universities/technical colleges ) at the end of every year

but that quality skilled staff need minions in support ( and even those minions need some skills and half a brain )

the problem is likely to be plenty of jobs for specific skills ( say HEAVY transport ) and few able to fill the spot ( with a clean license )

and not every one copes with menial labor well ( even something like office cleaner )

now when i was young , the employers would hire likely lads ( and lasses ) watch them for 3 to 6 months and often the adept ones an apprenticeship ( or trainee-ship ) , how is that new system working ( compounded by an aging/shrinking population )

so when the job cuts come you have a large pool of workers that are unskilled for the available vacancies , do you send them home to the game console , or try to deploy them productively
of course i could also talk about the 'python in the corner ( company loyalty/job security ) where companies are always trying the 'refresh staff ' to reinvigorate enthusiasm ( 10 years on the same job and you become a fixture [ wallflower ] no matter how pivotal the task )

bring in new people and hope they can't be bribed by a better offer ( super prevalent in the transport industry )

maybe it is a good thing i am here on a disability pension ( waiting for the aged pension ) some management can't handle even hints of the truth
BHP looking at penetrating into the $41 today. Nice.
Numbers looking very good at the minute.

onward and upward:
- Chinese easing Covid restrictions
- US elections settled and not alarming
- Fed and other Central banks "may" pivot
- Commodity prices turning back up ... Iron ore +4.7% to $US92.25 a tonne

The June selldown is becoming just a memory

Yeah, it's a good couple of days. Will it hit 55...A big ask but never say NEVER.
"No sane mining manager would consider trucking significant volumes of raw ore over that kind of distance and expect to keep costs down. You can talk about messing around with mine sequencing all you want, but handling ore multiple times drives up costs."

South Australia has 4 mines with copper, gold, silver & nickel, Whyalla is close by with a sea port and connect by rail to Iron Knob. Build more rail.

you are making it hard ( for me ) to see a good case for throwing more cash at BHP ( either on market or via a SPP )

i see the logic , but don't feel it is compelling even if they poach the better staff for other projects
Do anyone have a wild guess..what will happen to BHP sp if OZL accepted the offer?
no me !!

if the take-over completes , i will be more tempted to buy extra S32 than BHP or WDS with the pay-out cash

now one way to calculate is add the market cap. of OZL to the market cap. of BHP and calculate the market weight of the combined company because many index funds will be obliged to weight the fund accordingly in their portfolios .. so you should see some upward pressure on the share price , but IMO not much
Thks for the reply. I am thinking of exiting before the 'slow' holiday trading period. Hold cash n buy in again at low. Shares portfolio is my pocket play money not Investment. Done pretty well with properties investment. Retired n trying to tidy up loose ends.
divs4ever, you r thinking of S32 cos of Steel n the sp price lower compare to BHP?
I am thinking of BHP materials diversification.
This seems to be ongoing:

Workers at Chile’s Escondida mine, the largest copper deposit in the world, turned down an offer by BHP and could stop work on 28 and 30 November if the company does not meet their demands, a union source told Reuters on Thursday.

BHP announced earlier this week that it reached a deal with the union to avert a work stoppage, but the agreement had to be ratified by its members.
Good morning
What's impressing analysts?
BHP cut to Neutral: GS

Have a very nice day, today.

Kind regards
divs4ever, you r thinking of S32 cos of Steel n the sp price lower compare to BHP?
I am thinking of BHP materials diversification.
S32 because of it's greater diversity and the willingness to take on Tier 2 and brownfield projects ,

it should also be under less pressure to follow the 'Green agenda '

i would expect S32 to scoop up some smaller stressed neighbours whereas the BHP-OZL deal is seen as a step down from the usual BHP acquisitions ( of world class assets ) , and therefore see S32 as more nimble and able to expand into new areas of production ( say a small move into vanadium or tin , or rare-earth elements )

now i don't watch it regularly , but am very surprised nobody has run the tape-measure over SVL ( i don't hold SVL , it looks to be too far away from div. paying for me )
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