BCN has just announced its rights issue. Shareholders holding on the record date of 27/2/07 will be entitled to subscribe for opies with a exercise price of 20c at an issue price of 1c for each option. Current share price of BCN 54c
Someone is accummulating big packets of BCN... maybe some big news coming up? Judging by the erratic buying behavour i'm hoping this is the case. Maybe someone knows something we dont'
Might be worth having a look at this one as a BESBS play or a hold through to results for the more adventurous.
Disclosure straight up...I have purchased at .007c for the following reasons:
* Drilling to commence on April 25 at the Barlee Gold project - a significant event in this company's history.
* SP has drifted southward for many months, only starting to recover a little as the next round of drilling approaches.
* Great leverage available at these entry prices.
* The SP has spiked between 2-3c in the past on drilling news/activity, so think that some SP appreciation might occur from this low SP platform (even in these economic times).
I too like BCN bought a parcel at .005, i guess for me it was more "of a feeling" (i know not something to really go on) but out of my page long list of stox around this MC this one just seemed to stand out the most to me - hopefully whatever it was that "shone" out to me pays off!
Good Luck
BCN's previous high grade gold intercepts at Barlee are impressive!
Initially, I was amazed punters were prepared to pay 0.007 for BCN considering their recent placement was done at 0.005 (great gains for the SI's). However after watching this one closely, IMO the large volumes going through sugguest traders or an existing shareholder has been happy to accumulate shares up to 0.008.
Lovely to see that the SP of BCN is travelling northward.
Now moved from .007c to .01c in 4 trading days.
Interesting to see that it has attempted to go higher at times during the trading days.
Suspect we are seeing a battle between traders selling for healthy profits and others trying to accumulate before we get closer to drilling results.
Happy to watch and wait for a little while on this one.
Decided to take profits today. Bought at .007c (see April 23) and sold at
.017c. For ten days, a 130%+ profit locked in is fine in this market.
I suspect that this will run again before results are released but at this stage, I'll play it as a BESBS/results play. There are always other opportunities out there to play the BESBS game Nothing against BCN - this sale reflects my usual speculator/trading pattern.
Well done, I too took some profits however bought some more BCNOA on Friday:
Too much of a coincidence wiith 10 million shares bought in the first half hour on Wedneday with samples sent off to the lab the same day. Furthermore, on friday there was plenty of accumulation going on at 1.7cps- not your typical P & D IMO?
Last time round BCN experienced spectacular gold results at the Barlee Gold Project. This combined with the current follow up drilling (results due within the next couple of weeks) and the above shenanigans IMO suggests the next lot of results will confirm bonanza grades!?!
The majority of the Top 20 holders participated in the recent placement and IMO this confirms that they are all very confident about the prospects at Barlee..?
PS: Previous results combined with last week's massive volumes IMO suggest that the recent drill cores had visible signs of gold in them!?!
BCN you beauty up 53% in like a week ^^. I bought some at 0.17, and now i sold half of it for 0.027c. Any1 interesting in their options? they are at 1.5c?.